As you said, it depends on what the opposing view is. If it's something that's seriously against my values, I can be nice to them but I can't be friends with them. I won't be rude to them, just keep a distance between us.
But I do think its not the best way to make people think lgbt are normal people.
Bedroom stuff is best kept in the bedroom and anything else just goes to show we are normal people.
Even if we aren't normal because we're a man and love makeup. So many women do and will get it.
There is so much about us that isn't sex that people can get and understand
I feel sex at pride devalues us as a whole
for example; my best friend practices Native American beliefs (her father was apart of the Illinois tribe), whereas I am agnostic. We get along extremely well, and are very respectful of each other's beliefs
and on the same hand, her husband practices some Celtic beliefs, and they have no issues with each other