How do you feel about your island after putting some time into it?

I'm not huge on landscaping so I love my island! I'm so attached to it already and I can't wait to see it keep growing. I definitely feel a strong sense of ownership since I'm building it up from scratch. The museum opened today and I was like "yeah, way to go team (team being me, Teddy, Hazel and my sister lol)! It's less deserted already"
I kinda regret allowing Nook to move in randos. I got impatient with bad island tours and just wanted to progress.
All the things that bug me about my island I can eventually change, so I'm still feeling pretty good about it. :blush:
The more I live in it, the more I love it! I just got the ladder today and finally was able to see the highlight of my map...a heart shaped lake that leads into the secret beach at the back. <3
i love my island! i'm trying to stay positive about it and not compare it to other people's layouts too much haha. it's perfect for what it is!
I'm a little stressed about putting things in the correct spaces because it's hard to know what it will look like until it all comes together.... trying to take it easy knowing I can eventually change it! Super happy that I got peaches and a yellow airport :)
I was ready to accept yesterday but I've got serious reset itch just for the airport color. I'm not in love with the private beach or residence service location either. I hate this lol
A little bummed about native flowers. All that resetting for apples, thinking perfect fruit existed, and now I'm stuck with cosmos and struggling to find actual pretty flowers. But mostly I like it!
Mine is OK. I started with a bad layout and didn't realize I could refresh it by starting over.

I'm too far in now to worry about changing it so I'll have to make do.
The only thing I don't like about mine is the location and shape of the cliffs which I can obviously change other than that I'm absolutely in love with my Island.
I reset for five hours tho, so really it would've been a shame if I didn't like it.
I'm irritated with where I put the museum & Nook's Cranny. I know it can be changed later but I wish I would have been able to move things wherever on the map vs just where I had access to
it's not v cute right now, but i love my town and i see so much potential for how i can decorate soon uwu
i'm still so excited for what's to come :)