How do you feel when you get a villager you had before?


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Oct 28, 2013
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Every single time, I've felt disconnected with them. I thought I'd be elated to see someone I really liked in NL, like Beau. Like running into an old friend, right? Nope. No chemistry. Absolutely no love. Ugh, what's wrong with me?
I've had varying experiences with this, as have many other people I believe. two of my fave villagers in NL were Apple and Rodney so, naturally, I moved them both in as soon as I got an opportunity to! I felt totally the same about Rodney as I did in NL, possibly even liked him more, and so he's still on my island. but I just couldn't get along with Apple at all - I think with the new peppy focus on being a superstar (which I know was a thing previous but it seems more prominent now?) she just no longer fitted in with the image I had of her in my head. I let her go a while ago with the intention of bringing her back if I missed her but I've really felt no desire to.
I am looking for 10 permanent villagers on my island and so far I have 7. I've been inviting back villagers I really liked in NL and try to make a connection as I aim to get their photos. If I don't feel any attachment to them, I replace them with a different one.

Sadly, I've had to move out a lot of my favorites because I didn't feel any connection, such as Apollo, Bam, Marina, Lily, Dottie, Jacques, Ken and Tybalt to name a few.
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Back in NL Shep moved in and out of my town like 3 times and he always moved into the exact same sport right by my house. I found it very charming and loved him as a character, he felt like a couch surfing hippie. lol

I really don't care for him in HN however, he;s just not the same....
Shocked and pleasantly surprised. That happened to me with Gruff on a mystery island and I had to take him.
Like seeing an old friend. I've always used my imagination to headcanon villagers more than game gives, so the ok dialogue doesn't hurt old villagers for me as much as it does for others. ^^;
I kinda feel the opposite, in March I shared an island with my siblings and Samson was the starting jock we ended up with. I always joked about how bad he is and he has to move out, but now that I have my own switch I secretly really want to run into him on an island and invite him🥺 I miss Samson
I had Anchovy as one of my starters. I invited him via mystery tour, just like the other two plot villagers. I let him go in mid-May.
Fast forward to December 30th. Tired of my City Folk town layout, I decided to rebuild and create another one. I am pleasantly surprised to find out Anchovy is one of my starters! He was awesome, so it’s great to see him again. 🙂
I feel this, there were several animals I had in my NL/WW/GC towns that I was excited to get on NH, but I didn't love them. I couldn't figure out what it was. The personalities are definitely different in this game, but it isn't even completely that. I can't put my finger on it, but I just don't feel the same way about them that I did in previous games.
It kind of helps not being too attached to any of the villagers though, I like the variety, and even though there are a few I say no when they want to leave, most I am fine cycling them out. I would love to have them all at least once eventually.
Back in NL Shep moved in and out of my town like 3 times and he always moved into the exact same sport right by my house. I found it very charming and loved him as a character, he felt like a couch surfing hippie. lol

I really don't care for him in HN however, he;s just not the same....
aww man. i love shep and have been hoping to get him on my island. i hope i dont feel that way too.
I've had both Tiffany and Jacques before in NL. Tiffany I didn't have a problem with in NH because her snooty personality felt more or less the same. But the smugs in this game feel different this time around and I currently also have Raymond (who's been on my island longer), so I feel like Jacques is too much like Raymond.
It’s a hit an miss.
I just got Roscoe, who I had from new leaf and I love him.
I also got nan right from the start because I had her in new leaf and I love her too.

I keep bringing in Kiki, and though I liked her a lot in new leaf....I’m starting to hate her here. I feel so disconnected from her and I really liked her in new leaf.

Muffy and Lucky too. They severely downgraded Muffy from new leaf as well as Lucky.
Lucky is too white ( it’s blinding). His bandages were more defined and darker in new leaf. Muffy is not fluffy anymore. Looks weird.
I have Whitney (NL), Skye (NL and NH), Ruby (NL and NH), and Tammy (both NH islands) as repeat villagers. For NL repeat villagers I did not want to reset plots so I decided to keep Whitney in both towns. I really like Skye's and Ruby's exteriors in NH so I kept them as neighbors. Their houses gave off a tropical vibe which I themed their shared yard around. As for Tammy, I plan to move her out of my second NH island. As much as possible I want to have different villagers.
Yeah I think it is weird. I have my fave villager Buck in New Horizons and in City Folk at the moment. I try to imagin it is his summer residents of some sort. But still it just does not give me the same vibes.
When I don't like the villagers I just don't care tho. They will move out as soon as possible. It is just unfortunate. As example I had Tangy in Wild World and New Leaf now. I actually hate her and that she planted her house right in front the train station does not help her image either e.e
I've seen several older villagers on mystery tours/campsite and while I'm happy to see them again, I usually end up passing them on to "experience someone new". I came really close to inviting Stinky though. That said, I do have 3 villagers from old NL games. One is my all time favourite Dizzy, who I was excited about inviting since launch. The other two are Scoot and Ken. Scoot was my NH starter and one of the last villagers I scanned into my old NL town and I didn't get to experience him much so I was happy to have him in NH. Ken is just my favourite out of the smugs because I'm not fond of any of the villagers in that personality group.
I have kept all my villagers in my New Leaf town. I was hoping I would get Grizzly or Aurora back in Horizons. I didnt. I got Shari instead. She was my starter, and I was a bit disapointed. I liked her in New Leaf, but not enough to get her again. Although, she has grown on me, and I think I like her more than ever now.
i...i don't think i've had any repeat villagers whatsoever?
kabuki was my DUDE in wild world, so there was no question I had to have him back in NH...but having said that, I definitely feel less attached than I used to? he feels pretty different personality-wise. still gonna keep him though because that nostalgia is so strong
there’s nothing wrong with you at all; your feelings are perfectly valid!

in new leaf, some of my favourite villagers were skye, sprinkle and beau and so, i planned on having them in new horizons, too. for a while, i was on the fence about skye and beau as prior to having them, my love for them didn’t feel as strong as i once did. however, i now have both of them on my island, along with sprinkle, and i adore them. granted, my love for beau has diminished a bit since my new leaf days, but i still love him with all my heart and plan on having him permanently.

in the future, i plan on bringing in two more villagers that i had in new leaf (lolly + an undecided uchi) but it seems that while the villagers i have now are clearly different from the ones i’ve had in the past, even though it’s the exact same villager, i still love them a lot and feel connected to them immensely. if anything, my love for skye and sprinkle has definitely grown since i had them in new leaf aha.

but not feeling a connection with some of your old pals doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you at all! feelings change and preferences change and that’s perfectly okay; like in real life, friendships don’t always last and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it just means you’ve grown a bit and things are different now. it’s definitely jarring but it gives you a chance to discover some new favourites, which is pretty neat, imo. :’^)