how do you manage what screenshots you keep & which one's you delete?


Senior Member (my name's charlotte)
Jul 4, 2020
Red Envelope
i've been going crazy with the screenshotting... & i'm running out of room in my gallery...
there's 1,002 screenshots in there... help~ 🥺

i mean, i want to keep the conversations & important things.. but i don't want to run out of room... but i'm getting a sd card for my birthday...

i've already decided to delete the fossil photos, though.. they're not all that important, really... & some other stuff...
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I keep all of them. I currently have 705 screenshots and videos. I also save them on my computer, but I’m scared to delete them off my switch in case something happens and I lose them.
I take quite a few screenshots too, like if a villager says something funny or is doing something cute, or if an area of my island looks particularly nice, perhaps if there's a sunset and stuff. I take a fair few videos too, so I have 1000+ also! I don't delete any of them though. :)
I try to keep all of them except for videos I took for the purpose of trying to figure out what just happened.
I take quite a few screenshots too, like if a villager says something funny or is doing something cute, or if an area of my island looks particularly nice, perhaps if there's a sunset and stuff. I take a fair few videos too, so I have 1000+ also! I don't delete any of them though. :)

yeah.. :3 i've really been trying to save space, recently, though... but it's hard to 🥴

what do ' you ' do when you run out of room, then?
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I upload all my screenshots to my Instagram and then delete them off my Switch. That way, I have the picture and can resave it on my computer later, but always have room on my switch lite for new photos and games. Also, as you noted, and SD card is a must especially if you have a switch lite!
I upload all my screenshots to my Instagram and then delete them off my Switch. That way, I have the picture and can resave it on my computer later, but always have room on my switch lite for new photos and games. Also, as you noted, and SD card is a must especially if you have a switch lite!

i've been putting them onto facebook :3
in NL I took screenshots of literally everything, and since this time around I've not got an SD card I've been stricter on myself so I don't get overrun with the same types of pics - if a villager is doing something cute I usually take a bunch of pics and only keep the best one or two, and other than that I mostly just take pictures of different parts of my island as and when I update them. currently I have 791 but i need to delete a bunch :p
in NL I took screenshots of literally everything, and since this time around I've not got an SD card I've been stricter on myself so I don't get overrun with the same types of pics - if a villager is doing something cute I usually take a bunch of pics and only keep the best one or two, and other than that I mostly just take pictures of different parts of my island as and when I update them. currently I have 791 but i need to delete a bunch :p

i know :3

if i ever re-started for a better island *i'm not saying that my current island is bad.. it's not, actually...* i'll try to curb myself a little bit more 🥺
I try to delete photos where someone's eyes are closed or that I ended up retaking because I didn't like the angle or the framing or something, kind of like you would with any photo! That helps me cut it down. I usually flip through and see if there's a lot of similar images or ones I took by mistake as well. If you have Facebook or Twitter you can transfer the screenshots to your accounts and then same them to a computer or device with more space. I know a lot of people offload that way! Ultimately the only thing to do is to get an SD card for more storage and an easier transfer!
I try to delete photos where someone's eyes are closed or that I ended up retaking because I didn't like the angle or the framing or something, kind of like you would with any photo! That helps me cut it down. I usually flip through and see if there's a lot of similar images or ones I took by mistake as well. If you have Facebook or Twitter you can transfer the screenshots to your accounts and then same them to a computer or device with more space. I know a lot of people offload that way! Ultimately the only thing to do is to get an SD card for more storage and an easier transfer!

yeah :3 from now on, i think i'll keep posting them onto my facebook :3

just recently today, i've decided to put the times & dates on the description of the screenshots on facebook :3 but the one's that i've already deleted, bye bye to the times & dates...
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I haven't get into that screenshot thing much, but if I have SD card I can save my screenshots there so that way I can transfer them to my PC easier way. I didn't had SD card in first place so I wonder if my screenshots still goes to my Switch memory or do I need manually to transfer them...

I have downloaded my screenshots to my Twitter now.

But now thinking FaceBook would be better option to manage them because browsing old pictures is much easier?
I haven't get into that screenshot thing much, but if I have SD card I can save my screenshots there so that way I can transfer them to my PC easier way. I didn't had SD card in first place so I wonder if my screenshots still goes to my Switch memory or do I need manually to transfer them...

I have downloaded my screenshots to my Twitter now.

But now thinking FaceBook would be better option to manage them because browsing old pictures is much easier?

yeah... i think facebook is easier :3 i've started typing the times & dates in the description, too :3
yeah.. :3 i've really been trying to save space, recently, though... but it's hard to 🥴

what do you do when you run out of room, then?
I haven’t needed to delete any yet as I haven’t filled my SD card up yet, but when I do, I’ll probably just transfer them to my laptop and then delete them off my Switch. ☺️ Or just sit and go through them on my Switch some day and delete the ones I don’t really care for, although that’d probably take a while!
if you have a google account, you get 15GB of free memory in your google drive! i've been saving the pictures i upload to twitter and then putting them in a folder on my google drive.

SD card is probably the best way to go, long term, so hang in there!
I don’t weed through them even though I’ve got thousands just sitting on my SD card. My plan is to export them to a flash drive sooner rather than later... I have a little green flash drive where I keep all my video game screenshots. It’s fun to open it up sometimes and look at old memories :)
I don’t weed through them even though I’ve got thousands just sitting on my SD card. My plan is to export them to a flash drive sooner rather than later... I have a little green flash drive where I keep all my video game screenshots. It’s fun to open it up sometimes and look at old memories :)

how big is your flash drive? cause i might do that, actually... instead of what i'm doing now, which is putting them onto my facebook *& i'm typing the times & dates in description of each screenshot :3* cause i don't want to say good bye to my screenshot forever :3
how big is your flash drive? cause i might do that, actually... instead of what i'm doing now, which is putting them onto my facebook *& i'm typing the times & dates in description of each screenshot :3* cause i don't want to say good bye to my screenshot forever :3

it’s 20GB, i believe! it holds way more screenshots than i thought it would— i’ve got thousands on it right now with lots of room left :)
i only keep the best scenery photos, cute dialogue (usually conversations between two villagers), some event dialogue, and my photos from launch. i moved a lot of my older screenshots to my laptop, which definitely freed up some space, but even with those i didn't take a lot. in hindsight, i think i actually took more screenshots of pokemon shield than i have NH. regardless -- if it's a screenshot that can feasibly be taken again at any time, it gets deleted.