✨🌈How do you prefer your Villager Houses layout?🌈✨


Junior Member
Nov 28, 2020
I’m just kinda curious what the general opinion is. Do you prefer your villager houses to be super neat and cohesive with their own yards that are all identical sizes? Or do you maybe prefer a more scattered look for your island, with your villagers spread out with trees and terraforming to spice things up? Let me know!❤️
My villagers all have houses in the main area, right off the entrance. They have tiny miniature yards nrext to their houses. But I'm making a private section for marshal, who will be moving to my island by the 9th. It includes a garden and a nice paved sitting area.
I have my villagers grouped up in lil "neighborhoods" with one group of 4 and three groups of 2, so everyone has at least one neighbor :') I woudn't have minded scattering them a bit so the layout wasn't so boxy, but I wanted to take full advantage of the fact we're allowed to place villager houses wherever we damn please, so now villagers can have proper neighbors and not be awkwardly like 6 spaces away from the next house that was placed with RNG lol
my villager houses are all over the place, some in pairs, some alone. zell is arguably most isolated. bob and vivian live on opposite sides of the same river. henry, biskit and ketchup live in a row. kid cat and lucky live side by side, and so do ed and ankha, but almost all of these groups are distanced from each other.

biskit is the only one with a small yard, although there's a miniature football field right outside kid cat's house and most of the other villagers have a furniture item or two outside their house. there just isn't room for me to give them all individual yards without redoing the majority of my town unfortunately but i'm fine with that.
I have them mostly scattered and not too symmetrical. I like a natural look for the most part. Sometimes 3 or 4 houses are on a little street or path together but some villagers get a special arrangement. For example, I put Ankha's house on the 3rd level hill, all by itself (it's a small 3rd level). And the sphinx and pyramid are on the 2nd level right below her house. Genji's house is right near mine by his own pond and near the waterfall because he is my character's bodyguard or sentry. Colton's house is on the small river island all by itself.
My villagers are grouped in two neighborhoods, one with 4 houses, the other with 6. They don't have individual yards, as such. The space between the houses is filled with flowers. But there is a "common area" in each neighborhood, along the river, with a picnic table and benches, and a few other things scattered around.

To make up for that, I have a larger community area next to RS and below the museum, with a fountain, benches, a table, and a beachy playground for them to interact with.
Mine are scattered, but thoughtfully so. My DA is pretty accurate right now if you wanna see. Some are paired in tiny two house neighborhoods (some of these neighborhoods are even labelled with signs- "Hyacinth Heights" is probably my favorite), some are solo. For instance, Vic lives on a tiny, isolated piece of beach because I imagine he shipwrecked there and put together a little home for himself. Julia lives very close to the main street area, but on a cliff overlooking the orchard and with some wind turbines that look pretty. It's a nice combination of having easy access to ammennities, but also some privacy and lovely views, which I imagine she is exactly what she would want. Pierce's house has recently been moved to a the main recreational beach (I have a playground beach, a rec beach, and a fishing beach) where there's a lifeguard chair and small barbeque area and some sporting equipment. Most of my villagers have at least small yards, but some are bigger than others, and some have sacrificed yard space for having a more convenient location, just like RL real estate 😝
I'm trying to keep my island more natural, so houses and trees are scattered all over and there aren't many fences or paths. I also find it helps me to use the entirety of my island to have it set up that way. My villagers don't have a fenced yard, but the surrounding area is either decorated with them in mind or I put them by something I've already terraformed that matches their character. For example, I have a play ground for kiddos and Marcie the Kangaroo lives right next to it. I also have a karaoke area, and my Peppy who wants to be a pop star lives near there, and I have a farm where I put any farm-animal villagers near, my Octopus lives on the beach, and my Dragon Drago lives at the foot of a waterfall with a bunch of gold and lucky charm things around his house. For the others I just put furniture I think would match them nearby - my jock has weights and balls and trophies outside of his house, my cranky has rocking chairs set up to play chess at, etc.
I have a residential area where most of my villagers are. I gave each of my villagers little yards to express themselves.
I have them scathered & I roughly have a 3/4 national park area & 1/4 civilized area. They’re mostly placed based on their exteriors and how they fit in the landscape. For example, 4 of my vilagers live in wooden cottages, those are all placed in the park area, while the concrete buildings are near the plaza & other buildings.
I have 4 Islander housing areas each house had there own yard but I am still in the middle of decorating them all :)
I gave my villagers big yards of slightly varying sizes (roughly 8x10 but sometimes a little bigger), scattered all around the island. I like to decorate their yard with items and flowers that match their personality and preferences.
My neighbors are scattered and the pathways don't go to any houses. I don't really move them around much, except maybe to trade spots between 2 of them when I get someone new. I've started trying to give each house a little area, but so far that's only like 2 or 3 of them lol
No yards tbh. I like them close together. There's only one exception on my island. Different sections, as well. First 5, birds, and extras for me.
I've got mine spread out around my island mostly based off what their exteriors look like (or what the exteriors of the villagers I'm going to eventually have will look like haha) there's one section that I'm going to put a my little log cabins in (currently have beau and looking for molly and teddy), fauna and maple live near each other because they both have little huts, shep lives off by himself near the witch hollow, pashmina's house is in the shopping centre area because her house is a little more modern and I'm hoping blaire will join her soon, and then kiki is off by herself on an upper level closer to my house because I love her. everyone has little decorations and things in the areas around their houses :)
I gave things an urban feel and have them all next to each other so they can interact more easily. It's basically a neighborhood. But now I have to figure out what to do with the rest of my island lol :p
I prefer to have neat little neighborhoods, I really like symmetrical designs for my island since I tend to go for urban/foresty vibez