on my first island i had a specific residential area where all of my villager homes were lined up with identically-sized individual yards. it was very neat and tidy. on my current island they are scattered here and there in groups mostly along one side of the island and i have found it much more difficult to make their "yards"/house areas interesting this way. it's a work in progress, but i'm confident i can make it work.
My villager houses are split in to two residential areas along the river, and they all have identically sized yards which are actually little mini islands. The "yards" aren't really much bigger than the houses so I am working on finding a few small items to decorate each yard.
I think went for an orderly layout just to take advantage of the ability to move houses
My villagers' houses aren't all grouped in one area. They do live in the more town-like part of my island but there are 3 little neighbourhoods. One is near the resident service building, where two of my villagers live, the other one is the biggest one as 4 of my villagers live there, on the east side of my island, finally, the last one is next to Able's sisters and is house to two of my villagers. One of my villagers lives next to Nook's Cranny but no other house is around his. Their yards are not the same size but it varies depending on the neighbourhood/available space.
My residents' houses are in different areas of my island. Groups of 4, 3, 2 and 1. This is so that it's easy for me to visit them when I go around the island doing the stuff I do on a daily basis.
No enclosed yards for any of them. I don't have fences on my island for resident houses. I don't like having fences because it means I must walk in a certain way to get to a certain point. My island is the opposite of cluttered; there is a lot of open space for me to walk however I want. (To other players, it probably looks severely underdeveloped. ) That said, each house does have flowers and bushes. A lawnmower here or a clothesline there. Rolf has a pumpkin patch and Raymond has a rose garden. I decorate simply and minimally not only for ease of movement, but also to keep things feeling natural and rustic.
I have all my villager houses in one neighbourhood area - four on the ground level, four on the second level and two on the top level. I originally had them a bit more spread out but I thought this way I could keep everyone together and get a bit of a cosier feeling. part of me wishes I'd spread everybody out a bit more but imo that would work best if I had permanent villagers, because then I could designate everyone a part of the island that made sense to fit them
My villagers' houses are scattered. I like to think of the location of their houses based on their personalities how much rent they're willing to pay, hehe. For example, Julian, Fuchsia, Felicity, and Ruby are in the heart of my downtown area, so their rent is more expensive. Genji and Lobo live in the marketplace which is a little cramped, so they have little yards, but it's not like they mind as long as they have a roof over their heads. I like incorporating their house design in my themed areas (rather than the other way around with building a villager-only part of the map), it gives more life to my island.
Here's an example of Fuchsia's rock n' roll part of the city! It's a little trashy because she doesn't have time to clean with all the gigs she does after class.
And here is Genji's and Lobo's cramped market area that's just big enough to hang their laundry out to dry. Their rent is cheap so they're whatever with the location.
I kinda did both I think? I have a “neighborhood” where everyone’s houses are spaced the same, but only some of my villagers live in there. Two of the others live beside me and have bigger yards, and the remaining two are kinda just...around lol. Honestly, I could’ve set up all of that waaaaay better. But, I’ve already built around everything so it’s too late to change. Not really, but I’m lazy-
i prefer to scatter their houses with varying sizes of their own yards. Makes more sense to me and seems more livelier to be honest. But then again, i have a plan to build an urban town soon and a cohesive layout would make more sense than a scattered layout.
On my main island I have my villagers' homes organized in rows of five houses back to back on top of each other. Everyone has the same size yard and a space to display a few items I associate with them or that fits well with their personality. I stacked them almost like a real little neighborhood with a street. In-between them I have a canal that separates the two rows of five. I find it's super easy to visit everyone this way and it's helpful for events like Halloween and Turkey Day, however it's very compact and kind of limiting.
On my other island I spaced them out more and didn't do a neighborhood area. It's hard to visit them everyday because you literally have to run across the entire island to find everyone. In general I think I prefer having the neighborhood but I wish I had spaced out their homes a bit more to make it look less stuffed together.
I prefer to have mine spread out. Having a little housing area is cute and all but it feels like a lot of people are doing it. I like to make my island a bit different from other people.
My main area doesn't have any villager houses only things like stores, community garden, outdoor stage, mail area etc. It's like the central "hub". I have 5 areas outside of the main area where each of my 5 playable characters live. Each area also has it's own theme. I have 2 animal villagers living as neighbours for each of my playable ones. Even within those five areas each of the sets of 3 houses (2 animal, 1 playable) are somewhat spread out.
I also don't really have yards for each villager. They basically share the whole area they are in with the other villagers living there. I have a couple of items that go with each villager just outside of their house, but they definitely aren't yards.
For now I like my villager homes to be scattered. Some are located in my urban area, some in my farm area and I plan to add a few in my beach area and one lone home in my forest area and one in my graveyard area. I want to give at least some of them their own little backyard/front yard.
I was so excited when I heard that we'd be able to pick out where our buildings go, and in New Leaf ALLLL I wanted was for my villagers houses to be together, so I made a little neighbourhood, pretty spaced out though, each with their respective yards but they're all pretty naturey and flow together with zen and hedge fences! I wanted the outside of their houses to match the vibe of the whole island ! I've got lots of bamboo, ponds, wooden and stone things, and colour coded their houses with flowers scattered around that matches with their house colour or character colour
My villagers are all separate, living throughout the island. Everyone has their own yard as well that I try to decorate each one differently. If everyone was in a village, I'm not sure what I do with all the extra space, tho I have seen amazing islands with this layout.
I have an area specifically for my favorite villager (entire top right corner), a large residential area with tiny yards, and the Bubblegum K.K. sisters behind my home. I'm not satisfied with my residential area at all to be honest, but I wanted the left side of my map to be easy to manipulate in future events.
I like to build neighbourhoods based on the look of their house exterior/colour. For some reason four of my villagers have that boring stucco sidings so I put them together in a little neighborhood, except for Jambette who I didn’t have space for. Some of them have small yards and others manage whole small businesses in their front lawn lol. In my previous build I put my house next to Dizzy‘s and customised my exterior to match his because he’s my favourite villager and I wanted to be near him but in my new version I now live next to Cyd in a trashier part of town. I don’t stick to perfect grids and I like staggering the houses a little.
I have several little neighborhoods but nothing is super symmetrical. I started with a very track home look but over time I started moving them all out across the island.