I've been trying to get into a nice groove of a routine. I was a work study at college this last semester but my bosses had me stop working in March so I've been out of work since then. I finished school fine and had a yoga class where I had to write yoga summaries each week, so I got into the routine of at least 5 days a week do some yoga and squats and I've still been doing it!
Kind of proud of myself actually, allowing myself to get off the couch even for a little bit before I sit down again and play Animal Crossing for hours a day.
Wake up somewhat early, hopefully have had a good night sleep.
Brush my teeth and then wash my face
I do oil pulling each day, it's where you warm up some oil like coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for a few minutes each day, makes your teeth clean and it helps a lot actually
Do about 20 minutes or so of yoga and then another 10 minutes of squats.
^ that sounds really hard to believe, but I promise I am doing that already and I'd like to feel good about myself.
Shower if I'm pretty sweaty from the exercise
Do my hair and my hair products, skin care might come at the same time
While my hair is drying I'll get something to eat OR start dishes, depending if there is a lot that morning from the night before
At some point in the day I try to organize at least one thing. Whether that's my whole room, the laundry, my drawers, my closet, the bathroom (could also be considered cleaning)
I have also gotten into the rhythm of starting to learn languages, starting German actually, so each day I set aside at least 15-25 minutes to listen and read along with the guide I have. (Living Language if you were wondering)
At this point it's like 12:00 lol, I try to space out my day and not do everything so fast at once so I'm left with trying to find something to do each day for hours.
And any time I have until bed time at 9:00 (I'm a literal grandma I get so tired I want to sleep by 7 so I allow myself that)
it's spend playing games, ACNH or other earlier games, watching TV on hulu or Disney+, watching Youtube on my phone, going on instagram, I don't text anybody on snapchat or anywhere anymore since I've lost streaks and interest with talking to people (just a quarantine mood) and drinking water and trying not to eat all day. (I do a good job of that since I have issues with food somedays)
And other boring activities throughout the day that I try to make the most out of since I've been in quarantine since March.
We good though, on a good diet, happy as can be, family is healthy, we're surviving this pandemic pretty well c: