How do you start your morning?

  • Wake up between 6:30-7:30 am
  • Make the bed
  • Check personal and work emails
  • Do quick dailys in ACNH
  • Go downstairs and make a coffee (2 sugars and cream)
  • Watch a YouTube video or two
  • Wash up and change into work clothes
  • At my desk by 8:30 am to start the work day
- Check my phone for any texts
- Open the Reddit App
- Scroll through the news, hoping for news that a certain world leader is.. well.. not around anymore
- Animal Crossing
Check my phone (I wake up around 7 am - 8 am)
Go to the bathroom
Lie in bed for a few more minutes while scrolling through fb or attend to notifs
Make bed & get up
- I skip breakfast -
(if I have work) I take a bath immediately
(if I don't) play animal crossing lol
- Wake up (between 7 and 9am)
- Check my phone for any emails, messages, Fun Things (tm) updates
- Brush my teeth and wash my face
- Go make me a good 2 cups of coffee
- Maybe eat breakfast
I wake up at 8:30, brush my teeth, and go to work. I wake up at around 9:30 and have breakfast first if I'm not working.
It depends if I have work, but typically I wake up at 7/9 am. I have two alarms set, one at 5:30 and one at 6:30, so I allow myself a little more time to sleep. I usually will pick up my phone/book and listen to Youtube or browse through some internet things for about 30 mins to actually 'wake' myself up. (If I have to get straight out of bed after a dead sleep I feel bad the rest of the day) Once I'm finally awake I will get out of bed, check on my pets, wash my face, brush teeth, other bathroom things, and then get dressed and make some tea and leave for work if I have it.
I usually wake up between 8:30-11, brush my teeth, put on some deodorant, and comb my hair. After that I’ll choose a podcast to listen to with coffee.
  • Start the electric water kettle for tea
  • Let the dog outside
  • Do bathroom morning stuff
  • Finish making cup of tea
  • Let doggo back in
  • Get dressed
  • Meditate
  • Load up the game
It's break right now for the next 3 weeks so otherwise the last part would be log into an online class or head into my hospital shifts
Check phone
Play games for a bit
Eat something
Brush teeth
Play more games or watch a let’s play (or sometimes do both and have a let’s play so I have something to listen to and laugh with and then play my game)
watch a movie depending if I’m feeling in a movie kind of mood
-get out of bed

-check socials

-eat breakfast

-play a bit of acnh

-back to sleep again for my morning/afternoon nap
I wake up, look at my phone for about 20 minutes or so, get up and do my thing (brush my teeth, change clothes, etc.), skip breakfast (I know I’m a very healthy person xD), and either watch a movie, finish up or start a series, play FGO, or play ACNH! Either 30-40 minutes past by and I eat lunch, I wake up pretty late :/
· Wake up at 7-8
· Coffee
· Yoga
· Shower
· Breakfast
· Hair, makeup, getting dressed etc.
· ACNH (if I got time)

Classes starts next week, so then I'll probably wake up earlier and do yoga at night instead.
Usually I wake up between 8 and 9, brush teeth, drink coffee, and exercise. Well, most days; some days I just laze around in bed for a bit before getting up! I'll need to adjust this in the fall for classes, though. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have classes start at 9 so I'll need to make sure I get up early enough to exercise before they start.
before society crumbled i'd wake at 8 or just before, have breakfast and a cup of tea, get dressed, and be out the door by 8.30 to walk to work for 9 (having showered and made lunch the night before)

now i'm working from home, so i sleep in till like 8.55, roll out of bed like a sloth, drag myself to my workdesk and log on for 9, and do all my daily house activities on work time lol
Used to be I'd crawl out of bed at 6:30am and eat some toast and have some coffee and get ready for work and my long commute. Now I get out of bed at 7:30, make a quick cup of coffee, and play Animal Crossing until work starts at 9. So in one respect my life has improved since the pandemic. But I'd gladly trade my extra time to have the world back. :[
Because of the quarantine I've lost track of my schedule and every morning I wake up at 10-11 AM. I'd immediately do the necessary (shower and brunch etc.) and then spend the rest of my day reading or napping. Back then my mornings would be waking up at 5 AM then prepare for school.
On days when I have to get up for something (like work or volunteering):

- Wake up to my alarm
- Snooze alarm 2-3 times while grumbling to myself about mornings
- Realize in a panic I have 30 minutes to be up, dressed, and in the car
- Out of bed, wash up, start kettle boiling
- Get changed and grab my scrubs (wildlife centre work)
- Steep some tea while putting on shoes
- Out the door

On the days I can sleep in, I get up slowly. Then make tea and sip at it over YouTube/Twitter.
I usually lay in my bed for a couple mins, then I get out of bed and get ready for the day. I typically eat breakfast first, varying from cereal to oatmeal.
I usually lay in my bed for a few minutes. It takes a while for me to gather my bearings xD

Then I go downstairs, wait an hour (I usually check social media, listen to music, or play Animal Crossing), then eat breakfast. When I first wake up and eat, I always get ill. I have to wait an hour before eating anything, which sounds like a pain, but honestly I'm not a huge breakfast person.

I let my dogs out, since it's usually a few hours since they were last out. My stepmom lets them out at 6 AM before she goes to work, then I wake up around 10 to let them out again.

Then after that, I drink a glass of water OR a cup of coffee. My doctor recommends with every caffeinated drink I consume, to drink a glass of water afterwards. I don't remember why he suggested this, LOL. But caffeine makes my anxiety worse so I cannot have large quantities.

But, that's pretty much my morning.​