How "finished" is your island? How much time have you spent? Do you timetravel?

Roughly, how "finished" is your island?

  • <20%

    Votes: 206 26.8%
  • 20-50%

    Votes: 192 25.0%
  • 50-80%

    Votes: 199 25.9%
  • 80-99%

    Votes: 147 19.1%
  • 100% Done

    Votes: 24 3.1%

  • Total voters
I voted 50-80% because area/terraform-wise I've covered 3/4 of my island down. That's not to say 75% of it is complete, I think it's like only 50% complete with the way i keep revamping things haha.

Actually, before the past 2 weeks I went on a little month-long ACNH break because I was so out of it and uninspired. Super Mario Odyssey was the perfect game during this break, I found myself being able to get back into ACNH again and alternate it with SMO whenever I felt tired of decorating. So instead of my old schedule of like a tiring 6-8 hour-straight grind of ACNH, I broke it down to 2-3 hours at a time. I only started my game in July so I believe I have ~400 hours gameplay.

I used to be a heavy TT-er when I had more free time (I previously TT'ed one day at a time from April to July in a span of 2 irl weeks). Nowadays I'm really busy with school and work and only get to play 2-3 hours every day, so I rarely TT. After I finish my ACNH tasks for the day, the next time I get to open my game is usually the next day. When I do TT, it's at times when I play one session after I wake up and another session before I go to bed at night.

I'm somewhat trying to manage my schedule lol. I'd really love to see my island complete some day.
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@eko can I just say, I love your signature image! I would love to see your island once it's finished!!!

I voted 50%-80%. Just like you, I like to work on small sections at a time. My island looks so weird right now because the areas that are finished look amazing (in my opinion) but then the rest of my island is barren or random **** places there as temp storage lol. Because I keep changing my paths, there are a lot of patterns on the ground in certain areas that don't lineup right and look really bad. :oops:

Visiting dream addresses has really helped motivate me! It's given me inspiration for a lot of areas on my island I didn't know what to do with!
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Maybe 60-70% done? I hate how apparently my tastes are too much for Nintendo, so after I started decorating like half my island started having frame drops so I will prob have to redo a bunch of sections soon sigh.

Also some areas I have been too lazy to develop bc they have been taken over by hybrids lol

And I TTd a bit in the beginning like month, but not anymore because even when I TT I find theres nothing to do 😬 i think the last time I TTd it was because I didnt play for a week so I needed to catch up lol
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@eko can I just say, I love your signature image! I would love to see your island once it's finished!!!

I voted 50%-80%. Just like you, I like to work on small sections at a time. My island looks so weird right now because the areas that are finished look amazing (in my opinion) but then the rest of my island is barren or random **** places there as temp storage lol. Because I keep changing my paths, there are a lot of patterns on the ground in certain areas that don't lineup right and look really bad. :oops:

Visiting dream addresses has really helped motivate me! It's given me inspiration for a lot of areas on my island I didn't know what to do with!
oh thank you so much, that's very sweet of you! i have some progress shots on my tumblr but i'm still in the <20% mark haha

congrats on having a good section of your island being finished how you like! i totally relate to having the random barren areas and changing paths, like there will be this big totally decorated area then 2 spaces over it's just this massive field of overgrown flowers omg

speaking of dream addresses, let me know if/when you have, one they're always so much fun to visit! :3c
I'd say 65-70%? I'm not going to do any terraforming, buildings are staying put, paths are completed. All I'm really trying to do now is tame the monster mobs of flowers growing everywhere :p every time I play I move/dig up a few but it's so annoying lol
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Mine is 100% done. I usually do tweaks here and there If I get an idea but every part of my island is fully decorated. I only time traveled to get the Gulliver items and the art pieces since I needed them for decorating. Now, I only time travel when a villager asks to move to speed up the process.
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Been playing since release (though a lot less as of late, but I still try and log on 2-3 times a week!)
I'd say I'm a third done with my island? I haven't actually worked on any parts of my island since around May though :( flowers and other things got way out of hand and now it's daunting for me to get back into. I'm currently at 315 hours
Also don't time travel at all! Only did so a couple times to move villagers out, my play time would definitely be a lot higher if I did lol
But I like having wiggle room for new updates, like Halloween coming up! it's just kind of a "as it comes" sort of thing for me
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I’m probably 80% there. Because I do timetravel, I would say this the third real overhaul and final iteration of my island. I’m suuuper pleased with it so far, I feel like I got a lot better at terraforming and paths and general cohesion lol. My second iteration wasn’t that bad but I had a lot of space that felt kinda wasted.
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I’ll never be done with Cerberus. Either I’ll keep having too many ideas or I’ll just reset, (probably the latter). I have about 375 hours. And time travel? Canberra’s probably wondering if the past even happened.
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I have around 300 hours but Im only around 30% done as Im usually very slow with decorating and I usually just do dailies without fixing my island ;')
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It’s maybe 40% done.
I sometimes time travel.. I wish there were villagers on the island I’m visiting more often
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Mine is about 70% filled and maybe 20% done. I look at my island like an ongoing project and I don't think it will ever reach completion, by the time one thing is done I will be looking at something else to tear it down already. :D
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I've started in July. Right now, my playtime is at 160+ hours. My island is at 20-30%. I don't timetravel too much bc I hate removing weeds and checking lost mail.
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I feel like I am no where on my island. I keep building it up and wiping it clean because I am not happy with it. I have over 600 hours into it. I feel like this time around that i am working on, I am much happier with it, but we will see. I haven't played my game for a while until yesterday. The Halloween update is a motivator. So many cute pumpkin things.
I guess one of my main problems is trying to figure out a way to have plenty of flowers without tons of fencing everywhere to control the flowers. I also don't want my island all boxy looking.
I would also rather have grass paths but the flowers grow on that. They grow on the dirt path too which I wish they wouldn't do. I would be fine with the dirt path. The custom paths are annoying as it is easy to erase them randomly. (and i miss the sounds and textures from the default path choices) Otherwise I would just try to find a custom path that looked like grass or dirt. (which I may end up giving into)
When I first started the game and saw that we had both light brown dirt and dark brown dirt path choices I thought that maybe the dark brown dirt was the one flowers could grow on and not the light dirt. Turns out they grow on both and I am not sure why that is.
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My island is less than 20% finished I'd guess. I restarted a little over a month ago and I do not time travel, so I'm happily going along at a slower pace so I dont get bored quickly
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I'm saying around 50-80% done. I have a lot of spaces with nothing on it but it's because I'm really hoping that new items will start coming out in bigger quantities soon.

I really don't want to finish my island yet since right now there's not much else to do. Not that it's a bad thing, I really like waiting for new stuff, but I would hate to finish it and then cool items release and then I gotta move stuff around or remove areas completely.
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I don't think mine will ever truly be 'done' just cause I like redesigning all the time lol
but as of right now, I'm happy with everything besides my museum area, because it looks like I have 10 different ideas and puked them everywhere lol

and I only TT to get villagers in/out
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I have probably 500+hours on the game and only 15% of my island is completed. i think the main problem is that I'm really indecisive on terraforming and decorating so I end up tearing everything down and starting over again.
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