I have a funny story to tell about my hair that is relevant to this thread.
When I was younger, my hair used to be long or even very long. I didn’t like having such long hair, so naturally I wanted to get it cut. I would ask my mom every once in a while if I could get my hair cut. Every time, the answer would be no. Why? Because she thought my long hair was ‘beautiful’, and wanted to keep it that way. This went on for years. I think I even wanted it to get cut by my grandma in secret at one point.
Eventually, after deciding that all the knots and difficulty with hair brushing wasn’t worth it to keep my hair long and ‘beautiful’, Mom gave in and let me have my hair the length I want. I’m pretty sure this was only a few years ago, by the way.
My hair is now at ‘short’ level. I like having short hair. I don’t have to wash as much hair while in the shower, and hair doesn’t get in my mouth as often.
Also, my current hair makes me look like the berries and cream guy from that one Starbursts commercial. lol