How long is your hair?

What's your hair length?

  • Neck length or shorter

  • Shoulder length

  • Armpit length

  • Chest length

  • Waist length

  • Hip length or longer

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.*⁠˖ ♡ ˖*.
Aug 31, 2024
Sautéed Mushrooms
Growing up, I've had long hair for pretty much my whole life. My hair would usually be around armpit length and chest length most of the time. My hair would get a slight trim every now and then, making it just a tad bit shorter, but it hardly looks different.
My hair is up to my chest! That's about the regular length I keep it at before I get a few inches trimmed off, never had it down to my waist or hip but I know some friends I've had before that have grown it down that long before
Well I thought it was chest length, but after taking it down to check, it’s mid-back length and actually closer to my waist. I’ll be getting the ends trimmed soon, but I don’t get more than about an inch off.
Mine is down to my upper thighs and nearly covers my butt. I've worn it very long for ~15 years now to where it's become a security blanket of sorts and I view it as part of my overall identity. I usually trim it once every 1-3 years, the last of which was this past April when I cut off close to 8". Prior to this it hit me around mid-thigh. Wearing it this long has its downsides but I'm lucky in that my hair has always been really healthy/glossy and doesn't split or damage at the ends, though it is a bit of a pain at times and certain accommodations have to be made when doing normal/mundane things, but I can't see myself ever wearing a shorter hairstyle.
I’ve always had long hair and it’s started to drive me crazy. It just gets in the way of everything 😂 I think it would probably still be considered long but to me it’s like medium-length now
my hair is past my shoulders but maybe just about 10-15 cm past it? i usually trim it when it gets a bit longer than that. i cut my own hair and when i do cut it, i like to cut it so its shoulder length or a bit shorter
I put shoulder length but it’s further down my back so I guess chest length? I have nearly always had long hair (got it really short when I was in my teens) and when I was a child it was down to my waist.
i've always preferred short hair but recently i've been letting it grow so it's about mid chest at the moment and i'm enjoying how it looks, think it's the longest i've ever had it
I like my hair long, it's about waist length but it's starting to get on my nerves so I may get a few inches off soon.
my hair’s at chest length! i cut it a week or two ago and gave myself some layers, but i’m debating on cutting it again since i kind of want it to be shorter lol

what’s the difference between armpit length and chest length though?
my hair is about chest length, or slightly just above, which is where it usually is. i’ve always kept my hair long as i prefer it that way and feel it suits me better then short hair but it can be more tricky to manage if i let it get too long, though i did have it down to my hip for quite a while.
My hair is about hip length. I haven't cut my hair in over five years (which was about shoulder length at the time) and I just let it grow out. I need to get the ends trimmed though, so that'd make my hair shorter by an inch or two, but otherwise it's still pretty long.
Mine is just past my shoulders. I've had all different lengths though from super short to past my armpits.
neck length, i think? i'd say it just stops at shoulder length but i f'd it up when i was cutting it so one side is longer than the other, but it's not totally noticeable to anyone but myself.
Mine is pretty much at my hips. I love having long hair so I can play with it, and put it in unique styles.
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Mine is just below my chin, to halfway down my neck! I used to have hair down to my waist until i was about 15 but it was just so heavy. I'm really glad I cut it short, I think it looks a lot better on me anyways, and now I can't imagine growing it out any longer than my shoulders. Every time it starts growing out though I get grossed out and cut it though HAH