how many daily tasks do you still do?

Tasks I do:
  • Collect & assess fossils
  • Get the beach bottle DIY
  • Collect my 5 mushrooms
  • Water my blue rose breeding flowers
  • Gift any villagers whose photo I still need
  • Talk to villagers I see roaming around
  • Get the recipe from a crafting villager
  • Interact with the visiting NPC (I buy from Saharah and help Gulliver & Gullivarr since I still need tons of items from them)
  • Earn at least one NMT from Miles+ tasks
I only started a week ago on my new file, so I still do all the daily tasks I can do. Also, even when I get really far on my island, I would still do them all everyday just for fun. 🙂
I barely do any.

I just dig out fossils to clean up my island, sometimes I get them assessed and sometimes I just sell them to NC unassessed.
Same thing w/gold spots, but I don't plant any money trees.
I also always pick up the bottle, even though I get really shocked when I get something I don't already know at the this point.
Oh, and I pick the mushrooms to sell these days.

That's about it, I think?
I collect the message in a bottle DIY, collect any fossils I come across while looking for the daily NPC, collect mushrooms, and water the flowers I'm breeding. I only hit the money rock if I am trying to collect stone/clay/iron for crafting. I will also dig up the glowing spot if I find it but I don't plant a money tree I just take the money. I shake the trees for furniture maybe twice a week, if I'm playing for a long session and have time.
Honestly, I usually just clean up my island, visit each of the stores, and then call it a day. Unless there’s something I really want to accomplish on that specific day, I just leave it be.
Honestly not much:

1. Talk to villagers
2. Water the flowers
3. Check the shops
4. Visit Friends and call it a day.

I'm sorry but I can barely find anything to do in this game when its the same repetitive tasks.
I still check the shops, check for DIY bottles and check villagers' houses for them at least once a day, and hunt down the daily special visitor.
I've dropped a few, but here is what I do:
  1. Give Aurora a gift (Trying to get her to give clothes away I don't like)
  2. Run around and pick up sticks, rocks, etc from the ground.
  3. Find Bottle DIY
  4. Find Villager Crafting DIY
  5. Talk to Daily Visitor (If Want To)
  6. Check Nook Shop for Daily Song (Buy If Don't Have it Yet)
  7. Visit Able Sisters
  8. Visit Nooks and Sell all Unwanted Items
I try to do as many daily tasks as I can everyday. I always search for the bottled diy recipe on the beach (day and night), dig up the money spot and plant a new money tree, digging up some fossils (I definitely don’t go out my way to dig them up but if they are visible I more times than not will dig them up) but I don’t bother getting them assessed as much as I should (unless I’m playing on a secondary player) and watering my red roses in hopes of finally getting a blue rose. I have recently been shaking my trees to gather pinecones and acorns so I’m also able to find the daily furniture item doing that. I gift my villagers presents everyday and still check for someone crafting 3 times a day. I visit nooks and Able’s everyday for new items I have yet to catalogue. I’ve been slacking on the rock hitting, but I will start to do that daily again so I can stock up on some gold nuggets and also the daily nook mile task that gives double or five times points.
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I dig up my fossils and water my flowers. Currently, I'm not picking fruit or pumpkins for Turkey Day. I also pick my mushrooms.

Then I do whatever else I want.
I still dig up all my fossils (I'm One away from completing my museum haha) and collect my bottle from the beach most days I play, I don't usually hit the money rock as I've got enough bells atm and can't really be bothered honestly. I only dig up the gold spot if it's in the way of something
I was doing all those things for the first 5 months of so. Now I just got a few rocks, clean up branches and weeds, and dig up fossels. I guess I just stopped shaking every tree and getting wasps. I also don't plant my money tree anymore.
I do everything religiously.
  • Dig up fossils
  • DIY Bottle
  • Pick up around trees
  • Get any seasonal stuff
  • Check the stores
  • Water flowers
  • Get any fruits off trees
  • Hit rocks
  • Get wood from trees
  • Weed the island
  • Talk to Islanders
  • Give islanders gifts
  • Get free miles at the Nook Terminal
  • Fish
  • Collect shells
  • Catch bugs
the only daily tasks that i still do are;

• checking the mail
• material cleanup (weeds, branches, etc)
• talking to my villagers + completing any favours
• digging up the daily fossils
• checking the recycling bin
• collecting my daily bonus nook miles
• seeing which travelling npc is on the island
• checking the shops
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Oh dear, I just realised that I barely do any of them! Now I know what I'm doing for my next few play sessions. xD
Right now I super busy in my personal life, so I'm not really playing AC too much. I tend to get on super early

Gather Mushrooms
Get Bottle DIY
Find daily visitor. (I only interact with Redd, Gulliver/Gulivaar, Flick, CJ, and Kicks tho)

And then if I can do Nook miles tasks easily, I will. If I see a fossil spot I'll grab it. Same with dropping 10k in the glowing spot.

I wish I had a little more time to play but I'm working on a project that's important to me.
lol alomst nothing. I just look for the bottle on the beach and see who's my daily visitor. After I establish those two I realise I don't have much else to do so I just leave the game.

Though I never really hit all the rocks/shook all the trees from the start. I just did those whenever I felt like it. When I play for a long time though and actually start terraforming I will do more of the daily chores.
out of the ones you listed, I only find the beach DIY. I usually check the shops, and if I remember I'll chat to my villagers that I haven't yet had a photo from and gift them something. At the moment I try to see which villager is crafting so I can get more of the autumn DIYs, and I also check the shops for anything new. other than that I just do whatever I feel like on the day, which at the moment is.. almost nothing.
For me it depends on the day. If I have a lot of time...yes I do all my usual dailys

-Pick up/ Collect everything on the ground
-Dig Spots
-Money Spot
-Money Rock
Nooks Cranny
-Talk to Villagers
-Message in a Bottle
- Shake Trees
-NMT (at least 1)

If I do not,which is more often than not balancing working full time and gping to college online full time, then at the very least I

-talk to villagers
-check shops
Daily tasks I still do:

- Find the fossils - assess and sell them
- Hit rocks
- Check Nooks Cranny and hot item, craft bulk if possible
- Do all the nook mile daily double tasks
- Gulliver/arrr, Redd, or Celeste
- Talk to all my villagers at least once

Daily tasks I rarely do:

- Find golden spot. Even if I find it I usually leave it
- Chop wood
- Gift villagers presents
- Do nook mile tasks beyond the daily double tasks
- Special NPCs like Sable, Sahara, Leif, Kicks, etc.
- Check Ables - sometimes I just forget to do this
- Find the crafter
- Find the DIY bottle - sometimes I just forget to do this

Daily tasks that I should be doing but never do:

- Shake trees for furniture 😩