How often do you dye?

How often do you dye your hair?

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Taking Back My Soul
Jun 14, 2014
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Do change your hair color often? Tbh I've never done it
i refresh my roots like once every couple months (just using box dye), and then like completely change up my whole head (at the salon) maybe twice a year. i'm sure that's too much but tbh my hair seems perfectly healthy so eh

if i could afford to go to the salon more i would but i'm not dropping ?100 every month
I've only dyed my hair a couple of times, once blonde and then dark brown, but I discovered I like my hair just the color it is naturally, which is light brown. If I ever dye my hair again though, I may do blonde once more. ^-^
i dont change my colour as much anymore (i used to constantly) but i get it touched up every 3 months at the soonest. that being said lately i've often waited longer.
I’ve never dyed my hair before and probably never will, although caramel highlights might be cool looking (if they’re done well).
I've put fake dye in my hair before, but I have never truly dyed my hair, bleach and all. I would love to do some purple, or make all of my hair a dark purple borderline black. My hair is already brown, but people keep saying I would look better with lighter hair. Idk looking at myself I question their thoughts on that.
Never done it but I used to want to all the time. I actually get a lot of comments from people and my hairdresser that my natural hair is really nice and that if I dye it I may never get it back to the same colour again if I change my mind. so I still havent done it yet!
I go every 2 months to get my roots done. I change the color twice a year. My next appointment I'll be going from the raspberry purple I had during the warmer months to a deeper shade of blue.
Going to get it dyed for the first time next Tuesday! :D
I've only dyed my hair one time. I dyed it red, but within a week it was brown-ish orange, and after two more weeks just some light brown streaks remaining. Can't say it was worth my money.
I went through a phase of dyeing my hair in high school. I wanted it to be a deep burgundy or plum color, but no matter how many times I tried with different shades, I never got it to look the way I wanted. Plus, it always faded way too quickly. I decided even if I could get the right shade eventually, I was too lazy to keep up with it. So I stopped dyeing my hair.
I've dyed it a few times, first DIY magenta. Then orange at the hair salon (it was supposed to be ombre pink but THEY MESSED IT UP BAD I WAS PISSED). Then lavender. I have a box of violet hair dye sitting in my laundry room for the past few months... I'll probably dye my hair again before I chop off all the dead bleached hair I have right now
While I love how it looks on others, I like mine staying the brown it is.

That, and with how long it is, that would be one expensive dye job, and I don't want to accidentally fry it.
If I had the money I'd do it pretty much every 2 weeks or so.
I don't really want to do it myself because I'm scared of screwing it up, but the hair saloon I go too is... it's not expensive, I just don't have the money heh.
So yeah! For the moments I only plan on doing highlights, not full hair dying.
Probably once or twice a year. I like dying my hair but I try not to do it too often cuz I like the really bright colours and it damages my hair to bleach so often.
I mean.. I just came home from the hairdresser.. got my hair magenta colored after having them blue, then pink,
pastell pink, blond and greenish <-<
I used to dye my hair all the time, then I had bills and stuff and now I can?t really afford it. I miss my amethyst colored hair :(
I've never died my hair. Not even the washout stuff. The sun naturally fades it and it will darken come winter so that's pretty cool!