How old were you when you first got your own mobile phone?

I think I received my first phone around 11 or 12, but I don't know if it could truly be classified as a phone. My first "real" phone was probably around 14.
I had to wait quite a long time. I had an iPad 2 in middle school, then I got an iPod 5 as a freshman, and then finally as a sophomore in high school, I got a double hand-me-down iPhone 5s from my dad & brother.
First mobile phone was with like 9 years. First smartphone was with about 12 years! :)
I got it cheaper, because my brother was working at this shop. :3
The first time I got a cell phone was 6th grade. I'm bad with ages. I went all throu middle school with a Nokia flip phone that I thought was basically indestructible, I dropped it and the back would come off but it still worked just fine. It wasn't until a bit into my freshman year of high school that I got a real smart phone, an android. Also near un breakable, the thing fell corner first on real tile (not the fake click in cheap stuff) from a few feet standing up and only got a small chip on the shiny dark grey part. Screen never cracked, only got small scratches from coins.
As always, I was late to the party. I didn't get a cell phone until a couple of years ago when I was in my 30's. I could have gotten one sooner, but I didn't want one. I have a phobia of talking on the phone and phones ringing so the idea of carrying one around with me all day was not pleasant. I finally caved in when my husband got a second phone for free as part of an upgrade deal, but I still leave it on mute most of the time and only really use it for necessary texts and internet browsing. At least texting is better than talking on the phone for me. Kind of makes me wish I'd gotten one sooner, but oh well.
I didn?t get my first phone until I started driving at 16, but I didn?t get my first smartphone until I was in college which helped immensely on many things.
I was around 14 or 15? I remember my first phone was a droid 4, and it had an amazing pull-out keyboard. If it didn?t get so unbearably slow in its final days I woods still be using it.
I was 17 when I got my first mobile phone. It was a crappy one from some random company I'd never heard of that barely worked and didn't have cell service, but I liked having the ability to play apps on the go when I was bored. When I graduated high school at age 18, I was gifted an iPhone 7 Plus that I still have to this day and have been using for about a year and a half. My current phone has an unlimited data plan, so I can text and use the Internet to my heart's content. The only thing that sucks about it is the lack of a generic headphone jack, so I have to keep buying these little extensions that I keep losing. At least it has a home button, which the most recent iPhones do not. I've tried using my mom's phone, which is a newer one, and I have the hardest time doing so because it doesn't have a home button. Pretty soon they'll be taking away all buttons altogether at this rate.
I was around 14 or 15? I remember my first phone was a droid 4, and it had an amazing pull-out keyboard. If it didn’t get so unbearably slow in its final days I woods still be using it.

why did this autocorrect to woods??? *dons tinfoil hat*
Around 18 years old in 2016. When I got my very first phone. (Despite me thinking I never needed one) It was an Iphone 6s Plus and I still have it.
I was around 10 years old when I got my first phone. I could only call around three or four numbers on it though, so I would hardly call it a phone. I don’t remember when I got my first smartphone. My current phone I’ve had for around three years and it’s a Samsung Galaxy S7 Active. It’s falling apart, but still works so I plan on using it until it finally stops working. Then I’ll get a new phone.
I had several phones when I was younger but I don’t count them because they weren’t like my
Phone now and how I use it, so I’m going to say 18 because that’s when I got a phone with data and took it everywhere and used it like a normal phone
I was 26, it was last year lol
a coral pink iphone 5C, cutest thing but I finally got tired of its quirky ways and replaced with a 6s a couple months ago
I was 15. I had one of those phones that were very popular in south korea around that time. I don't remember the name though.
I was 15, so one year ago. It’s an iPhone. I was somewhat unfamiliar with how smartphones worked up until that point so it took a while to get used to, but now I love it and it’s the thing I’m using to post on TBT at this very moment.
16! It was a slider phone. Still to this day I prefer slider phone keyboards to touch screen ones