If you could get any collectible, what would it be?


grab acorns 'til you're delirious
Aug 3, 2015
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Green Balloon
Pink Balloon
Green Balloon
Yoshi Easter Egg
Space Whale Plush
Splat Easter Egg
Green Fair Pinwheel
Flower Glow Wand
If you could pick to receive any collectible in all of TBT that you don't already have (regardless of if it's possible to obtain or not), which collectible would you pick?

I would pick the rainbow feather! It's one of my favourite items in-game and I love feather collectibles (and rainbows!) I highly doubt I will ever win one but I can dream.

Here's a handy dandy list if you need a reminder of what collectibles are out there: https://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?462249-List-of-All-TBT-Collectibles
The Dark Candy; it would be cool to have an all black lineup eventually. :)
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The Blue Mote of Flame. I'm kind of disappointed I wasn't here during the Fire Festival because it's one of my favorite collectibles.
I would love to collect the feather collectibles. All of them are just so pretty, but I'm with you on the rainbow feather. I would love to get my hands on that one. :)
I think I'd like the snowflake the most since I really like winter and the colors are so pleasant to look at. :) Christmas event things are so sweet.
animated crescent moon glow wand, aka the only animated collectible I actually tried (and failed) to get

- - - Post Merge - - -

The Dark Candy; it would be cool to have an all black lineup eventually. :)

this would probably be my second pick
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The pokeball collectible. I had one back when they were released, but I ended up giving it away, lmao
Oh man, I reallly want the moon glow wand, it's so pretty ☆.☆ But the popsicle is also pretty cool. I COULD, if I try very hard, to buy one, but that's still quite a long shot.
Definitely the animated crescent glow wand. It's such a beautiful collectible and I'm so sad I didn't get it. I was SO close. ;o;

I'd also like to get the Togepi and Yoshi eggs at some point! I would love to have a Pokemon lineup someday. I'm a huge merch collector and Misty's my favorite character so I think it'd be a fun potential lineup to work on if I ever gain enough bells jhsakj As for Yoshi, I got a soft spot for the cute dinosaur.

I also wouldn't mind the Golden Egg but I'm horrible at the egg hunts; the clues are too obscure to figure out. I'll always prefer the Fair for this reason.
Disco Ball Easter Egg for sure. That sucker has been taunting me since last Easter, and it will probably stay that way due to how few are sold and how expensive they are lol.
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The moon glow wand for sure. I want it SO BAD and I'm sad I completely missed the TBT Fair :(
Other than that, I'd love any of the easter eggs! I've never participated in the annual easter event so I'm hoping I can get one this year!
any of the glow wands honestly, but more specifically the heart glow wand and moon glow wand. they’re so pretty ( ; o ; )