if you could only have one animal species on your island, which would you pick?

Wolves for sure. They all have cute designs and matching color palettes, with there being none that I really dislike. I'd say the same for cats, though, because I love them all, even Tabby
This is so difficult to choose, but since I couldn't give up my beloved Buck, it would be horses! I also really like several other horses (so it wouldn't be too bad!): Roscoe, Elmer, Ed, Victoria and Julian. 🙂
frogs all the way

lots of variety in their vibes -- from Wart Jr. to Gigi to Jambette, Ribbot, Drift -- and they're all little and cute
Back in New Leaf at one point I had an all wolf town, it was fun for a while, but it gets kind of boring to only have one villager species so I probably wouldn't do it again.