No, I don't think so.can i link to a thread?!/page8
CR33P's post here is plagiarism, but is it against the rules? would it cause copyright infringement issues for the bell tree forums?
can i link to a thread?!/page8
CR33P's post here is plagiarism, but is it against the rules? would it cause copyright infringement issues for the bell tree forums?
can i link to a thread?!/page8
CR33P's post here is plagiarism, but is it against the rules? would it cause copyright infringement issues for the bell tree forums?
It looks like it was copied from Wikipedia, so it's not that awful. The big no-no would be books or guides. IE like someone posted a New Leaf guide and claimed it was 100% theirs, but say it's on Tumblr and was created by somebody else entirely then there's a problem.