overthinks everything
No new DIY recipe to learn today!
But I did dig up a new gyroid. An aluminoid. Additionally, I met Boone and Jitters on the HHP island. They used to live on Littlestar. It's so good to see them again! I built vacation homes for Boone, Jitters, Vesta (she moved in with Fang), Chadder and Petri. Petri asked for a tea terrace. (She has pretty eyes. I don't like her default glasses, so I gave her new ones.)
I know a lot of players hate on Jitters. The other day I saw a screenshot where someone made him "homeless" in HHP. Broke my heart. Others say he looks like a drug addict or a creep. Sigh. I like Jitters. Poor misunderstood Jitters. I also think he looks exactly the way I feel about the world.
Pierce and Nan were having fun building a sandcastle together.

I know a lot of players hate on Jitters. The other day I saw a screenshot where someone made him "homeless" in HHP. Broke my heart. Others say he looks like a drug addict or a creep. Sigh. I like Jitters. Poor misunderstood Jitters. I also think he looks exactly the way I feel about the world.

Pierce and Nan were having fun building a sandcastle together.