January 1st, 2016-The One Year Animal Crossing Challange Thread

Today I...
-Paid off my home loan
-Got 100% Approval Rating
-Bred two hybrids & watered my flowers
-Dug up & donated all the fossils
-Harvested the money rock & gem rock
-Talked to all the villagers
-Gave a pear to Avery
-Ran an errand for Eunice
-Built a perfect snowmam
-Got bingo number 13 from the bingo man

Blog post-http://topazfunding.tumblr.com/post/136542953014/1316-day-3

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Can you add me to the list? I'll be starting within a week, but I'll be starting 1/1 in game and will be starting from there.

Mayor Anthony of Celestia

Added you M3
38 players! Woah!
Could you add me to the list? I'll be starting either tonight or tomorrow (depending on when I can reset for a map that meets my requirements) as Mayor Fenris of Matcha.
Chief wants an Apple, but my town has Peaches. Anyone up for a 3 for 3 swap any time soon?
Will edit!

This is quite the fish...
Ethan (cousin): no its my pet doggy
Me: I chucked your puppy back in the ocean
tallelsa (walked into convo.) Next time you catch one you can wear it

Kidding, you can't :(
Ethan: socket likes a guy named sherman
Me: Who's socket? ;)
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Not on Belltree enough anymore to be too terribly chatty but I'll chime in with my town
Mayor Riley of Newslate. Town started January 31, 2015. Town fruit is apples. Villagers are: Vladimir, Hugh, Julian, Gabi, Freya, and Savannah. Antonio's plot showed up today which is amazing ;w;

Here are the rules I'm using:
No time travel or plot resetting, must get a complete fish, bug, and fossil collection by the end, if a villager pings to move out the only way you can get them to stay is if they have second thoughts (and you can only talk to the moving villager once a day), you can grind for beetles on the island as much as you want, and you must have beautiful town by the end of the year.
Phew managed to get 100% so I can begin projects tomorrow. Nook also had some really cute exterior pieces that I bought. Needless to say I have no bells leftover. :(
Is it possible to start today? Or would I have needed to start on the 1st.

You could start today if you want to.
Some players, including me, or starting our time on Jan 1st, and start from there.
We just doing things that needs to be done for that day, then save and start the next day.
Wooow so many people are on here now! :eek:
Thats great! c:
I have octavian now and he is soo sweet. I need to plot reset for deirdre tomorrow c:
And i still dont have the 100% so i am working on that now!

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Oh and kit could you please add my tumblr to the blog list.
I will start posting there when i get home (around the 7th)
Its called amy-acnl.tumblr.com thanks!
Phew! Got Chief his apple. He gave me a tape deck, but I have every town fruit planted now. Hopefully they all grow!

Elise wants me to come visit her in an hour. Hopefully I remember to play then.
Phew! Got Chief his apple. He gave me a tape deck, but I have every town fruit planted now. Hopefully they all grow!

Elise wants me to come visit her in an hour. Hopefully I remember to play then.

Whenever a villager wants a playdate, I set an alarm on my phone to go off five minutes before the visit, with a note about who's visiting who. For example, if Kiki wanted to visit my house at 2:30, I would set an alarm for 2:25 and label it "2:30 Kiki visit." Or if Flurry wanted me to visit her house at 3:15, I'd set an alarm for 3:10 that read "3:15 visit Flurry." The different word order helps me remember who's going where.
Whenever a villager wants a playdate, I set an alarm on my phone to go off five minutes before the visit, with a note about who's visiting who. For example, if Kiki wanted to visit my house at 2:30, I would set an alarm for 2:25 and label it "2:30 Kiki visit." Or if Flurry wanted me to visit her house at 3:15, I'd set an alarm for 3:10 that read "3:15 visit Flurry." The different word order helps me remember who's going where.

I have an alarm set on my laptop. :b