January 1st, 2016-The One Year Animal Crossing Challange Thread

Are there going to be any new challenges soon?

I don't know

I completed it a long time ago

But now my villagers won't stop giving me fruit

like Bam's gym-worn apple he sold foe 2,400 bells
Been a while since I posted here, but things are going great in Newtown. All trees and flowers are gone in the main section of town. I can start laying patterns when I get the motivation.

I am working towards the sewing machine, but its so darn hard man

kicks opened
I just got the dream suite requested
Club tortimer is opened so I could go get a tan if i wanted
built 2 more bridges, a fountain, bench, and a lamp post outside, they all look nice

I played the turnip game last week, profited 3 million bells! that'll make it easier for sure
not sure if i wanna play it this week tho

I now have a full sized main room, small basement, and small upstairs
will go for a back room today

Got bronze bell saver and turnip trader badges : D
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Are there going to be any new challenges soon?
I'd like to know this too! I haven't completed the fruit challenge yet though. :D Still missing 3 regular fruits and most island fruits.
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I'll update the front page with everyone who's completed the challenge tonight, and post the new challenge tomorrow.
I'm still 3 days behind in my blog so I have to take care of that today as well.
I'm getting the whole Rocco set dyed white (pink really)
Alright, here's what happened:

I'll be getting Club LOL soon
Merengue is leaving, i'll let her move in my 2nd town, Pineside
Kicks opened and Trent got shoes! Actually Sandals, because I didn't like the shoes that Kicks had in stock for today

I only have two axes, I need like 4-5 to get rid of all the trees in town. Is it ok if I buy some from you guys?
Alright, here's what happened:

I'll be getting Club LOL soon
Merengue is leaving, i'll let her move in my 2nd town, Pineside
Kicks opened and Trent got shoes! Actually Sandals, because I didn't like the shoes that Kicks had in stock for today

I only have two axes, I need like 4-5 to get rid of all the trees in town. Is it ok if I buy some from you guys?

Theres an axe in my Garden shop today :)
Alright, here's what happened:

I'll be getting Club LOL soon
Merengue is leaving, i'll let her move in my 2nd town, Pineside
Kicks opened and Trent got shoes! Actually Sandals, because I didn't like the shoes that Kicks had in stock for today

I only have two axes, I need like 4-5 to get rid of all the trees in town. Is it ok if I buy some from you guys?

I have an extra and there might be on in my shop I can buy for you.

Got any oranges?