Just hatched a shiny Eevee a few minutes ago. Took 31 eggs. He has 4 perfect ivs.
Just evolved him into a Sylveon and I have to say I love this color more than the other. Because I hate pink a lot. His name is Bo by the way.
Congrats to DemonOtaku and Blu Rose, and Merry Christmas to all!
So late last night/early this morning I'm hatching Calm Eevees for my Insta-Sylveon kits I'm sending out for Christmas later today (3+IV Calm Eevee, with Charm, carrying a Rare Candy - play with in Pokemon Amie for a while, use Rare Candy, instant Sylveon). Not as lucky as DemonOtaku, but a repeat of my Fennekin experience from a few days ago. Yep, 6IV Eevee. What should he be? Nature is Calm (I didn't have a Modest parent and Calm seemed a good option), no HA.
Edit: Woohoo, got me a shiny Eevee! Something like 77th egg of the current effort, but if you add the ones I hatched last time I tried for Eevee more like 577th... Anyhoo, he has 3 IVs (xx/31/31/31/xx/xx) and a Calm nature. What should he be?
If anyone is interested, I'm going to be mass breeding bunearies shortly. I just want to evolve only one to a lopunny before I start making her mate with my umbreon. The bunearies will all be 5IV ones, since I'll dump the others. Won't be hidden ability though.
I've also got feebas for breeding at some point as well.
edit: ok, not evolving the buneary afterall. She expects me to spend a small fortune on her just to make her happy.
edit again: ..turns out the buneary is male. So I can't guarentee IVs. Don't have a 5 or 6 IV ditto.
sadly, I'm breeding it with a 2 IV ditto.. so chances are I'll get mostly 2 - 3 IV bunnies out of him; also I'd rather a cydnaquil if you have one[pretty sure I have the name wrong]
I got the shiny fennekin I traded away on the 12 egg I hatched. I figured I'd be breeding for about a week easilly.
I'll have pictures of shiny lopunny and rapidash from X/Y soon =D found a japanese player willing to help me get them moved since I can't have the bank yet(DAMN YOU NINTENDO! *fist shake*)
I got the shiny fennekin I traded away on the 12 egg I hatched. I figured I'd be breeding for about a week easilly.
I'll have pictures of shiny lopunny and rapidash from X/Y soon =D found a japanese player willing to help me get them moved since I can't have the bank yet(DAMN YOU NINTENDO! *fist shake*)
hm.. I noticed my rapidash says its a faithful encounter.. xD
update: alas.. Nightmare can't make it into X/Y. Stupid me apparently hacked it so it would be an event shiny for some reason xD
update2: Picture of Karen!
Shiny Lupunny is really adorable. I just got a Japanese Region Dedenne from Wonder Trade so I'm using the Masuda Method with her and my Ditto for a shiny one. I've gone through 52 eggs so far. (I never have any luck with the Masuda Method. xdd)