Join My Shiny Hunting Club!

FEAR MY SHINY KHANGASKHAN! (Which, thanks to a certain site; no one will battle against online lol)

For good reason (except when its burned and then its pathetic). Rocky helmet destroys that thing.
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Ahem. She's a flawless shiny kangaskhan. They'd have to be damn lucky to actually get a hit in against her.
Ahem. She's a flawless shiny kangaskhan. They'd have to be damn lucky to actually get a hit in against her.

I Thunder Wave all the things! I know how to take out Mega Kangaskhan with a key ring!
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I Thunder Wave all the things! I know how to take out Mega Kangaskhan with a key ring!

At least some people don't just complain that a pokemon is too overpowered and shouldn't be used, despite it being a completely legit pokemon.
First time finding a Shiny via Horde battles xP

Shiny Cubchoo, It's nice.
Nice! :)

Just found a shiny Mareep in a horde recently.

Here's my new shiny. His name is Isis. I did some breeding on Pokemon X using the time machine method and obtained him recently.

Nature: Bold
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31


Next one I'll be working on is a shiny competitive ready HA Chimchar c: Off to breeding for me!~
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What's the time machine method?

It's the way you get flawless Pokemon easily, so that when you're trying to get a shiny, you can make sure you'll get a competitive ready one. It's not really a "hack" or anything, it's just the way the daycare generates out eggs so that you don't have to breed 50 Pokemon out to get the right IVs you're looking for. It's very useful if you're attempting to get a shiny.
That seems like a lot of work do...

edit: besides its easier to just breed to 5IV pokemon together and guarantee 5IV offsprings.
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That seems like a lot of work do...

Eh it's pretty easy after you get the hang of it xD It's worth it if you want a perfect shiny. It sounds confusing at first too, but it's not that hard. c: I have quite a few shiny flawless as a result.
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Eh it's pretty easy after you get the hang of it xD It's worth it if you want a perfect shiny. It sounds confusing at first too, but it's not that hard. c: I have quite a few shiny flawless as a result.

Guide makes it sound like you can only do it with magikarps though
Eh.. I still like my way more. Guarentees me a shiny with 5 perfect IVs at least.(Provided my shiny mawile ever decides to hatch. Probably nearing about 500+ eggs hatched and no shiny mawile)
That method seems interesting. Watched it once but never really attempted it. Gonna try some other time though ~
Yeah, J's way seems easier, I'm not the most competitive type so 5IV's is well enough.

...speaking of that, does anyone have a Shiny 6IV Ditto to spare? I'd really like to give the MM another chance ._.
Dunno if I'd have anything too interesting to trade for one z-z
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I've got a bunch of 6IV shiny dittos, however I got them all via If you have access to poke transfer/pokemon bank still; just use to get the ditto; otherwise I could give you one of my useless natured ones(Adamant and Modest are being kept for sure)

edit: They're all japanese too.
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