Join My Shiny Hunting Club!

Just 10 days after finding a Male Shiny Murkrow, I found a Female Shiny murkrow ^0^ Her nature is Hasty, which is pretty sweet! The Male is in a Luxury Ball while the female is in a Premier Ball. Pretty satisfying catch in my opinion :)
Breed two pokemon with 5IVs together. Guarantees the offspring to have 5IVs if you use a Destiny Knot then[only works in X/Y though]

Yeah everyone does it that way. It's too risky though if you want to make a perfect competitive flawless. I use the TM method because it takes less time to make a perfect Pokemon (even if you're not searching for a shiny one, it still takes far less time than DK yolo) as opposed to gambling with the destiny knot and is less risky if you're going to aim for a flawless shiny. There's a 10% chance of making a perfect IV if you have perfect parents with the exact IVs (31/x/31/31/31/31 If you're seeking that) and a 5% if you don't have perfect parents (Example: x/31/31/31/31/31 and 31/31/x/31/31/31)

Anyhow this is my obtained shiny for the day:


Nature: Adamant
HA: Marvel Scale

IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
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Got two shinies between yesterday and today thanks to the new SV Method that's cropped up. I now have a second shiny froakie[competitive!], and a shiny elekid[I gave the person my extra shiny golurk for the elekid because I had nothing else to give him[meant to put a heart scale on a fodder pokemon before the trade but forgot to do so.. so.. shiny pokemon for him as a thank you instead]

edit: However, I do still have shiny latias, haxorus, gyrados, suicune, and ditto all looking for homes. I'll take just about anything for em at this point[so long as I don't have the shiny yet. Would LOVE a shiny jigglypuff or igglypuff]
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Do you guys have Instacheck working? I'd like to check a couple of my eggs.

Instacheck will never work again. There's new methods for checking eggs now, but I can't do them. Requires you have either 2 3DS's, or a 3DS AR so you can rip data from X/Y.
Instacheck will never work again. There's new methods for checking eggs now, but I can't do them. Requires you have either 2 3DS's, or a 3DS AR so you can rip data from X/Y.

Ooh my brother has a 3ds that I could use! How's it work?
Masuda is the best if you want competitive shinies, Otherwise I've used the Friend Safari for shiny hunting.

I've only to find a shiny with the pokeradar then I have found a shiny in all the methods.
I've found more shiny Pokemon, one, from random encounter, than all those methods combined, zero.
Just so you guys know, my earlier post in this thread that mentioned a list of shinies I had for trade has one pokemon that is no longer up for trading; and that would be my shiny suicune. It just came to my attention that that's my only event one that made it into Y. I've gotta track down the other one now.. I think it may still be in Diamond. (2011 event)
When I was wonder trading, I came across a Shiny Paras. It's poor owner probably thought that it wasn't shiny, as the color scheme isn't much different from the original. I must admit I was about to WT it back until I noticed the star.

Here's how a Shiny Paras looks like:
Shiny Amaura ♥

I traded one of my shiny Chespins for a 6IV shiny Aegislash last night. Thing is a beast, I love it.
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When I was wonder trading, I came across a Shiny Paras. It's poor owner probably thought that it wasn't shiny, as the color scheme isn't much different from the original. I must admit I was about to WT it back until I noticed the star.

Here's how a Shiny Paras looks like:

Damn that really does look identical. I can't see the difference without comparing the two.
I got a shiny poliwag from WT. I didn't even know it was shiny until I saw the star.
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