Kingdom my second character every1 welcome!

He doesn't write back, and yew're teh one that gets stalked and gets hot messages on yer BB xDDDDD I'm so jealous xDDDD
mmkay rika is almost done <3
but shuld i base her on da higurashi rika? if yall no what im talkin bout...
blue hair bangs adorable >.<
hey is there any room left? ur town sounds shweet! and... I'm a noob to this forum but not to the game
I would only come on for the free stuff ^.^, Hey I remeb you >.>
If your list is full you don't have to make room for me.
I only add people who are on a lot, you seem like you are though.

O!!!... MY INFO!!!

Fruit: All
Wii Speak: Yes

(did I hear someone say "Free Stuff")