yeah but they aren't all spelled bear. 2/3 is spelled bare. I'll let you figure out which ones go where.
yeah but they aren't all spelled bear. 2/3 is spelled bare. I'll let you figure out which ones go where.
Three things:
1) You have my condolences and I am giving you all the strength I can send.
2) Unfollowing spree. There are no loyalties other than to yourself.
3) I suggest doing the best angst relieving activity you feel is the most effective.
So there are these annoying boys on my bus and they also use the word "gay" in the wrong situations and it's so offensive and annoying. For example some person will be like "I got this good candy on Easter" and then this idiot (now I feel bad) will be like "Dude that's so gay" like what?! It's the most annoying thing they use it so incorrectly and I just think it's really annoying when they do this! Even if someone said like "Dude that girl is cute" then THAT SAME IDIOT (I feel horrible) GOES LIKE "DUDE THAT'S SO GAY" LIKE OH MY GOODNESS WHYYY?!?
It annoys me greatly.
(No hearts this time.)
I was going to post something here... but I do not know where to start? Because I am way too tired to try and figure out what everybody's on about at this point in time.
I was going to post something here... but I do not know where to start? Because I am way too tired to try and figure out what everybody's on about at this point in time.
Not related to the above, but it seems like a lot of the time when someone says "don't shove it in my face", what they really mean is "don't talk about it or let it be around me. Just pretend it doesn't exist so my heterosexuality doesn't have to feel threatened by anything homo, k?"
Well, the thing is, he doesnt care if someone is gay, but he doesnt want to see them make out or whatever, which I think is stupid regardless.
So there are these annoying boys on my bus and they also use the word "gay" in the wrong situations and it's so offensive and annoying. For example some person will be like "I got this good candy on Easter" and then this idiot (now I feel bad) will be like "Dude that's so gay" like what?! It's the most annoying thing they use it so incorrectly and I just think it's really annoying when they do this! Even if someone said like "Dude that girl is cute" then THAT SAME IDIOT (I feel horrible) GOES LIKE "DUDE THAT'S SO GAY" LIKE OH MY GOODNESS WHYYY?!?
It annoys me greatly.
(No hearts this time.)
Life is going great atm, a recent pic of me ahh. So much better than before, finally who i was meant to be ...
I have recently realized I identify as asexual, and came out to a couple of my friends yesterday. It went very well. I am also going to tell my mom soon, maybe my sister, but not my dad. My dad's view on LGBT is as long as you dont shove it in my face, you are fine. However, I dont know how he will react to no sexual attraction at all.
I have recently realized I identify as asexual, and came out to a couple of my friends yesterday. It went very well. I am also going to tell my mom soon, maybe my sister, but not my dad. My dad's view on LGBT is as long as you dont shove it in my face, you are fine. However, I dont know how he will react to no sexual attraction at all.
Im not though...If your a girl, he'll probably be delighted tbh. It's a dad thing