LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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What do you guys think of this video (aside from that atrocious editing)? This is an hour away from me. Baffled tbh. Props to this person for staying fierce despite blood running down the legs.

I have very mixed feelings about that video. On one hand, I think that maybe the mask and the erotic dancing attracted the crowd most at first, and it was only when mentioned that she may be a man that people got curious. I would've liked it more if it had just been her walking around casually. I doubt she would've gotten as much attention had the mask and the dancing not been there. Either way, I really admire her bravery for doing that and the courage she had to continue despite being assaulted like that.
I have very mixed feelings about that video. On one hand, I think that maybe the mask and the erotic dancing attracted the crowd most at first, and it was only when mentioned that she may be a man that people got curious. I would've liked it more if it had just been her walking around casually. I doubt she would've gotten as much attention had the mask and the dancing not been there.

That's kind of a 'you get what you deserve' mentality though, like victim blaming. It's obviously a more performer accepting location (Myrtle Beach at night)...unless you happen to be crossdressing, so the violence isn't really called for and it's obvious what it really is that bothers people.
That's kind of a 'you get what you deserve' mentality though, like victim blaming. It's obviously a more performer accepting location (Myrtle Beach at night)...unless you happen to be crossdressing, so the violence isn't really called for and it's obvious what it really is that bothers people.

I just don't know what to say. It's horrible to think that kind of thing still happens in the modern world.
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What do you guys think of this video (aside from that atrocious editing)? This is an hour away from me. Baffled tbh. Props to this person for staying fierce despite blood running down the legs.

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Also I'm sure I'm going to get backfire for this, but at the 'acephobia' thing people are talking about, there was a time period in high school for about two years when people assumed (from my views on my sexuality at the time) that I was asexual, and after a certain point I sort of identified with. And the only criticism I ever faced on and offline was the whole 'you don't believe in love that's so sad', and the 'but I want grandchildren' from parents. And most people just viewed me like I was a either a monk or a robot which, sorry to disenfranchise your troubles, is nothing compared to the kind of stuff that's going on in the video above. Be thankful and stop complaining for the sake of complaining, because that's what the whole 'acephobia' thing comes off as. Acephobia deserves to get less attention than things like transphobia. We need to realize priorities as a community. Nobody is going to understand every little term in the lgbtq realm and the facets of those terms and identities, but it'd be a little more important if nobody wanted to kill anybody for being in that realm.

A lot of people in that video behaved horribly and I do agree with you that transphobia is a lot worse than acephobia (like I said in my original post) . The video does make you think, have we really come that far in terms of rights? You see a lot of the more positive stuff in the media nowadays and as long as it stays positive I'm all for it, the media is a very influential part of our lives. But peoples attitudes is what really matters and this video back ups that a lot of people are still extremely transphobic.

The person in this video was extremely brave though and they should t have had to take that abuse
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Asexuality is misunderstood even amongst people who have no problem accepting homosexuality, bisexuality, etc. I mean, even in LGBTQA communities people will rather have the "A" stand for "Ally" than for "Asexual"

It's a pretty simple concept. But I'm guessing this is why people don't get it:

A person can be born ace. These people don't just wake up one day and decide to be asexual. They cannot choose their orientation any more than a person can choose to be gay or straight. They're not broken. They're not depressed. They're not suppressing homosexual feelings, nor do they need to find the "right one." It's just something they are.

However, a lack of a sex drive may also be due to physical/psychological problems. Numerous diseases can affect a person's desire for sex, as can psychological causes such as having a history of sexual abuse, having low self esteem, being depressed, being under stress, etc. I know this all too well because I'm in this situation right now and have been for a very long time.

The problem is that (while both examples are completely different) people tend to focus only on the fact that a lack of sex drive can be the cause of an underlying condition and seem to completely overlook the fact that you can also be healthy and ace.
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Happy ace day!
(I would just like to apologise to any fellow asexuals in this thread, it's been very negative today.)
Happy ace day!
(I would just like to apologise to any fellow asexuals in this thread, it's been very negative today.)

Ooh I didn't know it was ace day!
The 'points' Justice has posted is why I stay clear of the LGBT community and stick to pure Ace/ace umbrella (grey, Demi) communities, it always has to be a one sided competition between LGBT and Aces because we 'don't suffer' the way they do, but hey we do still suffer. I am going to admit something I haven't told anyone, not my boyfriend or my family, I was raped by a guy from my school because I wasn't sexually attracted to him and he 'wanted to fix me', this happened about a year before I met my boyfriend- who I do feel sexually attracted to but it took a very long time happen (I id as Demisexual and biromantic, I don't mind being called queer)- I am lucky that my boyfriend doesn't think of me as broken but it kills me inside when people tell me I'm broken... But I also recognise that I don't suffer as much as transgender people do for example, I know it is highly unlikely my parents will ever kick me out for being Ace/Demi or that I will ever be murdered for not feeling sexual attraction, it's just that we all suffer differently.

In the case of my rape, I know it happened because he thought I was broken, he had been sexually harassing me for months and when I told him I (at that time) identified as Ace he got highly aggressive, calling me frigid, a freak, that no one would ever love me, etc and then he assaulted me.

And that is all I have to say, I haven't posted in this thread for quite a while and I won't again since I now know how unaccepting and hateful some members are, and they are from the community that is meant to be supportive of one-another not some whatever-phobic person...

What do you guys think of this video (aside from that atrocious editing)? This is an hour away from me. Baffled tbh. Props to this person for staying fierce despite blood running down the legs.

I'm actually crying.

How could that be real? How could anyone be so horrible and judgmental? She had a crowd of people following her, all taunting her, and some even physically hurting her (the kids throwing the water, the grown woman who pushed her down) People are ****ing despicable.
When my friend shared that video with me he told me that the woman in the video was actually a cis gendered woman. I don't know if this is true or not, but it actually terrified me more. I mean, if a cis gendered woman is having transphobic slurs thrown at her face then I can't even begin to imagine the sort of stuff someone in the middle of their transition could face out in the streets.
I'm actually crying.

How could that be real? How could anyone be so horrible and judgmental? She had a crowd of people following her, all taunting her, and some even physically hurting her (the kids throwing the water, the grown woman who pushed her down) People are ****ing despicable.

I'm so proud of her for continuing, though. Even after the assault, she got up and continued like nothing happened. Even with the preacher, she continued. It's a powerful message. I have a lot of respect for her.
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When my friend shared that video with me he told me that the woman in the video was actually a cis gendered woman. I don't know if this is true or not, but it actually terrified me more. I mean, if a cis gendered woman is having transphobic slurs thrown at her face then I can't even begin to imagine the sort of stuff someone in the middle of their transition could face out in the streets.

That video was painful to watch! And not just because of the horrible editing. To be totally honest, I'm in a living situation where there's not much progress I can make with transitioning right now, so in person, I definitely don't pass. Things like this are the exact reason I'm still "in the closet" publicly, and with most people I know offline.

Still, she's brave as heck, and I admire that, even though I'm horrified by how she was treated.
I don't really understand the intention of the video but it goes to show how stupid a lot of people are. People like that just tick me off, especially the freaking preacher who was talking nonsense and the idiots who pushed her over and poured the water on her. What on earth goes through their head when they do that? "Heh, ima push this person down, it'll be funny, heh". You have to be a complete moron to do something like that.
I mean at least when she turned around and walked towards the crowd following behind her they scattered like flies. She was like godzilla in those moments and I lived for it.

Nothing about that video made sense. Down to reason why she was doing it, why anybody ever thought she was a man (but if she is, hot damn!), the peoples reactions, and the violence and taunts they threw at her.

Where did you find that video? I would like to know more.

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Oh and the editing too. That freakin sucked
The woman in the video is cisgendered. But it's still definitely a statement about how trans women have to live on a day to day basis and are treated publicly. There is no denying that transphobia still runs rampant through our society when a cis woman is verbally assaulted, attacked, and brutalized in public for being what some perceived as trans or as so eloquently said in the video, "THATS A MAN". It's a disgusting world we live in sometimes. When I first watched that video last week, it really made me realize how backwards we still are as a society and I truly hope we can get past it.

But yes, it's still all about gay marriage.
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i honestly think im sex repulsed sometimes but lmao i just think **** like panplatonic is dumb af. youre not oppressed for wanting friends. im not truscum or any **** but it pisses me off when it gets posted onto MOGAI archive like oh my god. queer theory is stupid as hell. i dont think ace people arent apart of the community, but if youre a cishet ace you will never be queer and i dont understand why this is such a hard concept to understand but whatever tumblr people want to believe. **** like monosexual privilege starts like this. queer theory is stupid as hell and i hate it. i wont be quiet about it because its stupid. its stupid as hell. i try not to sound like a truscum or some radfem but i truly do despise queer theory and i hate people calling their (straight, as in they also identify as straight not just a het pairing) queer because theyre like. doing weird ****. i see it all the time on tumblr. its so annoying and makes me want to die. you dont get called queer lmaooo im a pansexual agender person with a gf (whos also trans and demi i believe) and were sick of this oh my god. im sorry but theres an actual problem in this thread if you think the word queer applies to a cishet couple. i get called queer sometimes or other various slurs. i wont even get into polysexuals calling themselves d*ke which is only a slur for lesbians. or calling themselves femme and butch to describe their gendder which comes purely from lesbians lmao.

okay im done rambling but im tired of this. im tired tumblr only focuses on this ****. im tired tumblr never acknowledge race does play a part in the LGBT community. black trans women are the most likely out of all of us to be murdered. but yeah just mention trans people lol. i wont even talk about how asian men are discriminated in the white gay community because they have "micro ****s" (which is something trans men and intersex people can have so lol nice transphobia too). because no one talks about it. im tired of this. im tired of people coming up with **** that doesnt make sense. borderline gender (related to BPD). autisticgender. autistic sexualities. im tired of all this goddamn nonsense. explore your gender, fine, cool, whatever. but when you start comparing it to disabilities and **** its just like, what the ****? someone called me a truscum for this and i honestly think that is so funny.

but truly im amazed that you people dont understand this at all. im amazed that i have people telling me i should be fine with being grouped together under a slur. im amazed. im absolutely amazed. too lazy to @ at people in the thread but lol.

something about that video just seems weird like. i didnt watch all of it since it reminds me of bad things but like. was that person just walking behind them the whole time and no one thought they were going to be recorded? if the woman is cis i dont really see why she did this when thres already videos of black trans women getting beaten to death anyway. but its sad, yes.

i dont understand how people tell stories about how little children accept them for being gay. brought up my gf in front of a little kid and he shouted loudly WHY DO U HAVE A GF. i am honestly convinced these stories on tumblr are made up. unless the kid never ever watches tv then maybe but i find it hard to believe some kid would stand up for the Gays ..lmao

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I wasn't going to respond after how rude you were on Tumblr, but I have to clear up something because I think you're assuming I'm 'cishet ace'? Because that's how it's coming across. I'm a panromantic asexual, and I'm also transgender. Queerness isn't a competition. Again, not cisgender and hetrosexual = queer. Anyway, hetroromantic asexuals do experience discrimination. It is different kind of discrimination. Because of erasure I can't find you any examples of ace people being killed for their orientation, but I can assure you hetroromantic asexuals are regularly rejected by friends and family, beaten up, feel broken, and they are commonly raped by people 'trying to fix the problem'. (They will face other issues but those are the main ones.)

i never said that you just attacked me once because i said cishet aces iding as queer is dumb af
i never say cishet ace people dont face acephobia but theyre not ****ing queer

what part do you of CISHET . THE CIS. AND THE HET. do you not understand. yeah i could totally be a cisgender heterosexual aromantic and im totally queer i just want to have sex with women you queer.... literally youre letting people like that ID as queer. if theyre gay or something or trans than fine call yourself queer but if yourw CISHET QUEER THEN TELL ME AGAIN WHEN YOU GET CALLED A QUEER OR SLURS FOR HOLDING HANDS WITH YOUR PARTNER/ BEING CALLED SLURS IN PUBLIC FOR NOT PASSING WELL ENOUGH. lmao
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something about that video just seems weird like. i didnt watch all of it since it reminds me of bad things but like. was that person just walking behind them the whole time and no one thought they were going to be recorded? if the woman is cis i dont really see why she did this when thres already videos of black trans women getting beaten to death anyway. but its sad, yes.

i dont understand how people tell stories about how little children accept them for being gay. brought up my gf in front of a little kid and he shouted loudly WHY DO U HAVE A GF. i am honestly convinced these stories on tumblr are made up. unless the kid never ever watches tv then maybe but i find it hard to believe some kid would stand up for the Gays ..lmao

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i never said that you just attacked me once because i said cishet aces iding as queer is dumb af
i never say cishet ace people dont face acephobia but theyre not ****ing queer

what part do you of CISHET . THE CIS. AND THE HET. do you not understand. yeah i could totally be a cisgender heterosexual aromantic and im totally queer i just want to have sex with women you queer.... literally youre letting people like that ID as queer. if theyre gay or something or trans than fine call yourself queer but if yourw CISHET QUEER THEN TELL ME AGAIN WHEN YOU GET CALLED A QUEER OR SLURS FOR HOLDING HANDS WITH YOUR PARTNER/ BEING CALLED SLURS IN PUBLIC FOR NOT PASSING WELL ENOUGH. lmao

I'm pretty sure kids CAN be taught to be tolerant and accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, just because it's not always the case doesn't mean it's all made up on Tumblr.

Also, being queer or lgbtq+ or whatever isn't about who has it the hardest. Being queer is about having a sexual or romantic preference that's out of the ordinary or gender expression, being asexual or aromantic should fall under that.

This should be about acceptance instead of saying "I have it worse than you!!". This isn't a contest.

Well, that's what I think anyway.

*drops mic and backs into the curtain*
I'm pretty sure kids CAN be taught to be tolerant and accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, just because it's not always the case doesn't mean it's all made up on Tumblr.

Also, being queer or lgbtq+ or whatever isn't about who has it the hardest. Being queer is about having a sexual or romantic preference that's out of the ordinary or gender expression, being asexual or aromantic should fall under that.

This should be about acceptance instead of saying "I have it worse than you!!". This isn't a contest.

Well, that's what I think anyway.

*drops mic and backs into the curtain*

i know but you can tell when its so fake

im done with this topic but they should not be able to use a slur that doesn't apply to them. clear and simple.
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