LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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Yay! So happy it's legal in Ireland and the world is adapting to the fact that love is love and you cannot control your emotions or what gender you love. I am always between bi and lesbian, right now leaning more towards lesbian TBH. You don't have to come out to be straight, that would be silly. Why need to come out to be LGBT? People should accept people for who they are, and I am thankful that the world is finally adapting to it. Stay strong, LGBT! We are in this together, no matter the haters that will always surround us!
I'm still questioning. I definitely feel attraction towards males, but once in a while I'll meet a girl that sparks a little fire in me. (I'm a male btw) Idk, I still am only 13 after all. I guess I'll just wqit until I'm older to find myself.
is there anyone here that is trans and could (privately) help me with a certain problem i'm having?
I feel like people are just going to say I'm going at my sexuality the wrong way, which is what I had to deal with earlier today..but am I the only one here who turned out like this? Backstory- last year I was straight and liked guys. I went out with a few guys every now and then..but things happened, and I don't find it necessary to get into the details..but I basically went through I guess "depressing" experiences with guys. I don't get along well with girls, so I hang out with guys a majority of the time because they're simply less drama and less to worry about. I had annoying issues with all my guy friends, so I started seeing them differently. Then I just slowly started doing the same for every other guy I saw, regardless of him being a stranger. I don't know how to explain this any better, but everyone I confronted is just saying I over reacted. Whether or not I over reacted, I seriously feel no emotions or desire towards guys. Not romance or sexual, It's really not that I hate them, my experiences with them just caused me to lose my desire to be around them in general. Ah, the backstory is getting too long. So during class, I was talking to this guy I've known since grade school and uh..he's a friend, not a close friend..but I trust him so he knows everything about me. He brought up the question 'Are you lesbian, straight or bi?' and I just said none of them. He already knew I was asexual by that point, and he was just like 'Tf you're asexual? But you dated (ex's name) last year, that makes no sense' and I seriously didn't know how to respond to I just stupidly sat there with my mouth open trying to figure out how to explain it :/ but yeah he insisted that a person can't simply just change sexuality like that, but is there anyone who can help me out with this or back me up?
I feel like people are just going to say I'm going at my sexuality the wrong way, which is what I had to deal with earlier today..but am I the only one here who turned out like this? Backstory- last year I was straight and liked guys. I went out with a few guys every now and then..but things happened, and I don't find it necessary to get into the details..but I basically went through I guess "depressing" experiences with guys. I don't get along well with girls, so I hang out with guys a majority of the time because they're simply less drama and less to worry about. I had annoying issues with all my guy friends, so I started seeing them differently. Then I just slowly started doing the same for every other guy I saw, regardless of him being a stranger. I don't know how to explain this any better, but everyone I confronted is just saying I over reacted. Whether or not I over reacted, I seriously feel no emotions or desire towards guys. Not romance or sexual, It's really not that I hate them, my experiences with them just caused me to lose my desire to be around them in general. Ah, the backstory is getting too long. So during class, I was talking to this guy I've known since grade school and uh..he's a friend, not a close friend..but I trust him so he knows everything about me. He brought up the question 'Are you lesbian, straight or bi?' and I just said none of them. He already knew I was asexual by that point, and he was just like 'Tf you're asexual? But you dated (ex's name) last year, that makes no sense' and I seriously didn't know how to respond to I just stupidly sat there with my mouth open trying to figure out how to explain it :/ but yeah he insisted that a person can't simply just change sexuality like that, but is there anyone who can help me out with this or back me up?

I honestly don't think of it as "changing sexuality". It's more of a "learning to understand yourself better". I'm in a similar situation: I went through a relationship and I kinda realized- it's just not for me. Up until that point, I identified as Pansexual. With some further research, I stumbled upon Lithromanticism, and it seems to fit me pretty well. c:
I wouldn't worry about labels unless you really feel the need for them. Just be yourself :)
I feel like people are just going to say I'm going at my sexuality the wrong way, which is what I had to deal with earlier today..but am I the only one here who turned out like this? Backstory- last year I was straight and liked guys. I went out with a few guys every now and then..but things happened, and I don't find it necessary to get into the details..but I basically went through I guess "depressing" experiences with guys. I don't get along well with girls, so I hang out with guys a majority of the time because they're simply less drama and less to worry about. I had annoying issues with all my guy friends, so I started seeing them differently. Then I just slowly started doing the same for every other guy I saw, regardless of him being a stranger. I don't know how to explain this any better, but everyone I confronted is just saying I over reacted. Whether or not I over reacted, I seriously feel no emotions or desire towards guys. Not romance or sexual, It's really not that I hate them, my experiences with them just caused me to lose my desire to be around them in general. Ah, the backstory is getting too long. So during class, I was talking to this guy I've known since grade school and uh..he's a friend, not a close friend..but I trust him so he knows everything about me. He brought up the question 'Are you lesbian, straight or bi?' and I just said none of them. He already knew I was asexual by that point, and he was just like 'Tf you're asexual? But you dated (ex's name) last year, that makes no sense' and I seriously didn't know how to respond to I just stupidly sat there with my mouth open trying to figure out how to explain it :/ but yeah he insisted that a person can't simply just change sexuality like that, but is there anyone who can help me out with this or back me up?
I feel you 100%. I had a very traumatic experience with a guy not long ago and I've felt no desire to have sex since, so I guess I would be asexual now. I'd still date guys though. But I'm not sure how many guys would be interested in dating an asexual guy.
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personally, i'm one of those types of people that believes that romance and sexuality are two different things, sometimes related. just because you're asexual (not attracted sexually) doesn't mean that you can't be hetero/homo/etc-romantic (attracted romantically). for example, my best friend is homoromantic. he is only romantically attracted to men. he is also asexual, so he's not sexually attracted to anyone.

besides, you're the one going through all these feelings and experiences. if they refuse to understand you and your situation, tell them to **** off! honestly! you don't need that kind of stuff in your life. you're already questioning and negativity like that won't help you.
I'm still questioning. I definitely feel attraction towards males, but once in a while I'll meet a girl that sparks a little fire in me. (I'm a male btw) Idk, I still am only 13 after all. I guess I'll just wqit until I'm older to find myself.

Age really doesn't make a difference, but of course it's up to you how you want to identify. Never feel scared or bad if you think your orientation is changing, because it's natural for that to happen, especially as you learn more about yourself. It's completely okay to identify as something now, and then years (or even only a few weeks) later start thinking you identify as something else.

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I feel like people are just going to say I'm going at my sexuality the wrong way, which is what I had to deal with earlier today..but am I the only one here who turned out like this? Backstory- last year I was straight and liked guys. I went out with a few guys every now and then..but things happened, and I don't find it necessary to get into the details..but I basically went through I guess "depressing" experiences with guys. I don't get along well with girls, so I hang out with guys a majority of the time because they're simply less drama and less to worry about. I had annoying issues with all my guy friends, so I started seeing them differently. Then I just slowly started doing the same for every other guy I saw, regardless of him being a stranger. I don't know how to explain this any better, but everyone I confronted is just saying I over reacted. Whether or not I over reacted, I seriously feel no emotions or desire towards guys. Not romance or sexual, It's really not that I hate them, my experiences with them just caused me to lose my desire to be around them in general. Ah, the backstory is getting too long. So during class, I was talking to this guy I've known since grade school and uh..he's a friend, not a close friend..but I trust him so he knows everything about me. He brought up the question 'Are you lesbian, straight or bi?' and I just said none of them. He already knew I was asexual by that point, and he was just like 'Tf you're asexual? But you dated (ex's name) last year, that makes no sense' and I seriously didn't know how to respond to I just stupidly sat there with my mouth open trying to figure out how to explain it :/ but yeah he insisted that a person can't simply just change sexuality like that, but is there anyone who can help me out with this or back me up?

Your orientation can totally change. Sexuality and romanticism are completely fluid things, and as you get older and have more experiences and learn things about yourself, that can all affect your orientation. It's not like you're forcing it to change or anything--it's just a thing that happens, and it's completely normal! You can also be asexual and date people, like there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. You can be asexual and have sex with people.
I've probably said this before, but I'm definitely gay. I feel like I could have a romantic relationship with a woman, but nothing sexual, and I love sexual activity, so it probably wouldn't work out. I don't like women in that way. I could only ever do it with a guy. I also feel like I could be a transvestite. It's not that I want to be a woman, but I like fashion. I don't want to be fashionably restricted by my sex, so, as long as I thought I looked nice, I wouldn't care if I was wearing a dress or a suit.
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I've probably said this before, but I'm definitely gay. I feel like I could have a romantic relationship with a woman, but nothing sexual, and I love sexual activity, so it probably wouldn't work out. I don't like women in that way. I could only ever do it with a guy. I also feel like I could be a transvestite. It's not that I want to be a woman, but I like fashion. I don't want to be fashionably restricted by my sex, so, as long as I thought I looked nice, I wouldn't care if I was wearing a dress or a suit.

Thanks for the update.
I've probably said this before, but I'm definitely gay. I feel like I could have a romantic relationship with a woman, but nothing sexual, and I love sexual activity, so it probably wouldn't work out. I don't like women in that way. I could only ever do it with a guy. I also feel like I could be a transvestite. It's not that I want to be a woman, but I like fashion. I don't want to be fashionably restricted by my sex, so, as long as I thought I looked nice, I wouldn't care if I was wearing a dress or a suit.

That's awesome, I'm glad you're so comfortable with your gender to the extent you feel comfortable in clothes designed for both males and females.
I am happy for you and I don't want to come across as a killjoy, but I would recommend not using the term transvestite. It's a slur and highly offensive to people who are transgender. It also implies you only dress as a woman for sexual pleasure. If you want to use the term that's up to you, but you will risk offending people. I am transgender and I don't mind the term too much but I know most transgender people, especially trans women, really hate the term. If you have to put a label on it I'd recommend using crossdresser instead of transvestite.
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That's awesome, I'm glad you're so comfortable with your gender to the extent you feel comfortable in clothes designed for both men and women.
I am happy for you and I don't want to come across as a killjoy, but I would recommend not using the term transvestite. It's a slur and highly offensive to people who are transgender. It also implies you only dress as a woman for sexual pleasure. If you want to use the term that's up to you, but you will risk offending people. I am transgender and I don't mind the term too much but I know most transgender people, especially trans women, really hate the term. If you have to put a label on it I'd recommend using crossdresser instead of transvestite.

Thank you! And really? I didn't realise it was considered offensive, as many I know of refer to themselves as one.
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Thank you! And really? I didn't realise it was considered offensive, as many I know of refer to themselves as one.

You're welcome. ^_^
It's all down to individuals and their experiences. Some transgender people find it really offensive, but to others it's just another word. The main reason people find it offensive is that the word describes a person, usually a man, who gets sexual pleasure from dressing in clothes designed for the opposite sex.
Transvestite is an outdated term that many still use incorrectly to describe both transgender people and general crossdressers. (I've heard many people use it to refer to me and other transgender people so I know that it is still used this way.) This use of the word leads many to the misbelief that transgender people are the same as transvestites in that; 'they only dress that way as a fetish', and leads to the misinterpretation that; 'the gender transgender identify as is just an act'.
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You're welcome. ^_^
It's all down to individuals and their experiences. Some transgender people find it really offensive, but to others it's just another word. The main reason people find it offensive is that the word describes a person, usually a man, who gets sexual pleasure from dressing in clothes designed for the opposite sex.
Transvestite is an outdated term that many still use incorrectly to describe both transgender people and general crossdressers. (I've heard many people use it to refer to me and other transgender people so I know that it is still used this way.) This use of the word leads many to the misbelief that transgender people are the same as transvestites in that; 'they only dress that way as a fetish', and leads to the misinterpretation that; 'the gender transgender identify as is just an act'.

I'll have to think on that, I suppose. Cross-dresser sounds all right.
I'm probably just blind, but do asexuals count as a part of this thread..? If not, I just need to rant for a sec
I never hear about anything related to asexuality, which makes sense considering it's not as common as being lesbian/gay/bi/ least from what I know. I'm asexual but I'm not exactly open about it, everyone assumes I'm simply straight. Not too long ago, I was in a conversation where we were for some reason talking about dating, who's lesbian, who's bi in our school, etc..I'd just like to add that I'm not secretive of my sexuality either. So they asked which guy I like, and I simply stated that I'm not interested in guys. They then assumed I was either bi or lesbian, but I said it was none of them and they all got confused :| there are plenty of other sexuality types out there, but yeah..I admitted I was asexual and haha..a majority of the people involved in the convo just didn't understand at all. "Then what are you gonna do when it comes to having kids?" "So there's gonna be no romance going on in your life? That's boring, at least experiment." I just wanted to repeatedly swing my head against a brick wall as they had a conversation about my sexuality for a good few minutes haha..

sorry to dig up a post from a few days ago but i literally had this happen to me yesterday and it makes me so mad
im seeing so many people participate in lgbt selfie month and its gross and annoying plz dont do it

its a direct copy of blackout. plus its made by someone whos transphobic so like???????? why did tey make lgbt selfie month ? who knows
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