i'm not mean
im wearing a skirt to school maybe, i wonder what will happen...
you're gonna rock it
im wearing a skirt to school maybe, i wonder what will happen...
im wearing a skirt to school maybe, i wonder what will happen...
I hope you get loads of positive responses from people. I'm sure you'll look rad either way. ^_^
ill have to see if my teachers will dress code me .-.
This is probably really weird (and may even earn me some hate) but I feel really unsupported in my decision to go against my bisexual feelings and pursue a life as a straight girlie... It's mostly due to my choice of following a Christian life the best I can, and I know that neither I nor anyone else would go to hell just for their sexual activities (or any other activities) but I felt it would be a drag on the life I was meant to live.
Anyway, I had - and in some ways still have - feelings towards women as well as men, and sometimes I just wish I had someone to talk to about it, without them either telling me that I'm wrong and have to pursue every desire I have or that I'm an evil gay hating Christian (which I'm not - I don't hate anybody even if I don't agree with their life choices) and should die, which I have been told before...
Sorry for the ramble, just needed to let that out ^_^;
ill have to see if my teachers will dress code me .-.
I feel like people are just going to say I'm going at my sexuality the wrong way, which is what I had to deal with earlier today..but am I the only one here who turned out like this? Backstory- last year I was straight and liked guys. I went out with a few guys every now and then..but things happened, and I don't find it necessary to get into the details..but I basically went through I guess "depressing" experiences with guys. I don't get along well with girls, so I hang out with guys a majority of the time because they're simply less drama and less to worry about. I had annoying issues with all my guy friends, so I started seeing them differently. Then I just slowly started doing the same for every other guy I saw, regardless of him being a stranger. I don't know how to explain this any better, but everyone I confronted is just saying I over reacted. Whether or not I over reacted, I seriously feel no emotions or desire towards guys. Not romance or sexual, just..no. It's really not that I hate them, my experiences with them just caused me to lose my desire to be around them in general. Ah, the backstory is getting too long. So during class, I was talking to this guy I've known since grade school and uh..he's a friend, not a close friend..but I trust him so he knows everything about me. He brought up the question 'Are you lesbian, straight or bi?' and I just said none of them. He already knew I was asexual by that point, and he was just like 'Tf you're asexual? But you dated (ex's name) last year, that makes no sense' and I seriously didn't know how to respond to that..so I just stupidly sat there with my mouth open trying to figure out how to explain it :/ but yeah he insisted that a person can't simply just change sexuality like that, but is there anyone who can help me out with this or back me up?
I don`t know if drawing conclusions in love will get you anywhere to begin with. Ofcourse it helps being able to fall back on a identity you have reconciled yourself with, but it should never be written in stone. Allow your heart to choose freely, if it choses for now to withhold from chosing, then thats okay to. Why would you need to label anything? When you see it and then feel it, you have found it. You don`t need to start looking or know what your looking for. I think a person starts seeing, when they stop looking.
ok please listen because you arent gay or asexual just because you dont like guys
to me it sounds like you had bad experiences and they turned you off from men which is completely understandable because tons of guys are complete morons
if you found a guy that was actually amazing which is rare your opinion would most likely change
im not trying to force anything on you but you should really not rush to conclusions as i see a lot of people do
if i went through bad experiences i would feel the same way as you
Ugh, my Dad was just talking about how he wants to kill all gay people. And he kept misgendering a transgender person who used to live on our street, going on to talk about how he wanted to beat her up. I’m so freaking angry and done. I can’t deal with this anymore, I know he’ll never except me and neither will anyone else in my godforsaken family.