she's fantastic, i have yet to determine my favorite bjork album ;-;
We should really talk about this through private messages, but I can't choose either.
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she's fantastic, i have yet to determine my favorite bjork album ;-;
I really just think it's silly so many people get offended by what other people choose to identify themselves as. If anything, it's quite hypocritical. I'd be fine with calling someone whatever they wanted to be called. I don't really know what my gender identify is at the moment. I'm absolutely fine with classifying as male and being male, but I also feel like I don't care either way. I mean, I could easily see myself being a cross-dresser, because I'm absolutely oblivious to gender roles, and I don't necessarily wish to associate my appearance or personality on that of any gender. I hate labels, but it would be interesting to know what this was. My sexuality isn't as complex. I feel like I could have a temporary romantic relationship with a woman. The reason I say temporary is because I could not imagine myself having a sexual relationship with a woman, and sexuality is something I want to experience, and I think I could only ever be happy spending my life with a man, both romantically and sexually.
Agreed. Also, I love Bj?rk.
Firstly, I want to say, how cute.
I'm not offended by anything, I haven't been insulted. Maybe that's the type of tone you're getting base of my typing but I'm pretty fine actually. If I were to describe how I was feeling, it would be curious cause I'm asking questions. It's not "mean" questions but I did stated that I will be blunt and may come off rude. I do find it quite adorable that you think I'm being hyprocritcal, like what? Also your lil background you did of yourself was adorable also. This was cute u vu/
You ever seen a long post and be like "damn, I don't want to read that/ so much"
I already got a good grasp in what nonbinary is tbh.
For a agender, they just don't use characteristics that would place them under male or female(gender), such a manly, or feminine, or girly, etc etc eyc
Bigender is someone who uses both the characteristics of male and female, "oh he's pretty girly" or "she's quite tough" etc etc etc
Sorry for being elaborate I guess...
I honestly disagree with the notion that a bigender person is someone who's both "girly" and "tough", because a characteristic such as "tough" isn't strictly a male characteristic, but rather it's been socialized to be associated with males, just as being into princesses and what not is socialized to be associated with females. I have some manly characteristics in my attitude, I'm a bit gruff and into things that males may typically like, but I also have a lot of girly characteristics, like how shyness is typically associated with girls. I also like girly things like the color pink and magical girl shows. However, simply having characteristics that are deemed "male" or "female" does not define your gender, so someone being manly and girly doesn't mean they're bigender.
Bigender typically refers to someone who is or desires to be both the male and female sex, which can also mean that the bigender individual also desires both male and female sex characteristics. Bigender =/= liking stuff socialized for boys and girls. All of this applies to agender as well, as agender individuals typically do not identify as either sex nor do they want any sexual characteristics. It has nothing to do with their interests. An agender individual can be assigned female, like things associated with females, and still be agender if they feel that their assigned gender does not line up with what they truly feel they are.
Genderfluid also does not equal bigender. A bigender individual is someone who is both sexes at the same time and desires both of those sexual characteristics at the sametime. A genderfluid individual is someone whose gender isn't stagnant. Their gender identity may switch from them being male, to them being agender, to them being female, etc., whilst bigender people are strictly male and female identifying without a switch between them.
I know this is long but it's not something I feel can be explained with smaller paragraphs.
Unless you don't do drugs. Then maybe not.
I feel so ashamed for liking girls.
I used to be OK with my sexual orientation but since I came out to my mother (who has been acting weird since then), I feel so bad about it. Ugh. I should have never told her to begin with. I thought I could trust her because she said that she supported queer people but apparently, when your own daughter is queer, it's not so OK anymore. I hate hypocrites.
hey! i've been seeing people equate gender to sex but they aren't the same thing. gender is an idea, just because someone is a certain gender (ex: agender) doesn't mean they want to have no sexual organs. does that make sense? gender is spiritual and mental, while sex is physical. they are both very flexible things but they are not the same!
I do love how certain things are specfically towards me but instead of being more direct, it's the complete opposite. I also hate that "down with cis" tag, that's annoying. But anyways, I been figure out the concept of what the nonbinary term was so that was pretty useless to re-explain but thank you??? I also don't take these things seriously, people constantly change everyday, what you believe you are now can be entirely different years later, so no biggie brah.
[size=-2]If you weren't quoted, it probably wasn't directed towards you. But if it was, it doesn't really show unless you've had discussion or encounters with the person outside this forum. People are allowed to post repeat answers to questions others may have asked; this thread as 332 pages and is just tedious to sort through.
I also don't understand the 'down with cis' tag, unless I'm missing a joke or meme or something. Not sure what it's implying or if it's supposed to be ironic/satirical.[/size]
I was discussing this topic awhile back, most recently actually if you were to click back a few pages. I don't believe someone will review my response and go back within those "332" pages to find more references to explain their specification, that's why I stated what I said. And down with cis is just a downgrading term for people who's gender identity matches their anatomical gender at birth, also where "nonbinary" sorta started(mostly on tumblr).
nonbinary didnt start on tumblr. there has always been people who didnt identify as a girl or a boy before the internet was even a thing. also im pretty sure before some cultures were colonized that they didnt have a strict gender binary like the western world does today.