LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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Just punch yourself in the head. Rub some dirt on it. Have a dog lick it.
Hah! I'm so freaking funny.
That was all def a joke. ;v;

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I'm gonna disagree with this one.
I really appreciate allies. My sister is an ally and fights like crazy for me and my fiance.
Before I met my fiance, I identified as cis/straight and fought endlessly for my transgendered best friend.

I just don't like it when people make a point of saying stuff like, "Sure, Im straight and that won't change, but your free to be gay!"

I agree with you both, I don't personally think you need a fancy title to show support, I merely think that you are a decent human being. But at the same time it's great to see people standing up for those who need it, and if they actually support you and what not then I don't have so much of an issue of them calling themselves allies, just chill and don't act like you're doing this super great thing that everyone should praise you for. It's called human decency and you shouldn't be doing it for the praise, but because regardless of sexuality, gender, etc. we're all people.
ehm no, queer is not a slur. people identify as queer. it's a thing. just cause some people use it in a generalized way to demean others doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
also used in genderqueer

... Queer is a slur. I have been called a nasty Queer. I don't care if you use it for YOURSELF, but do not call others it. Same thing can be said for the word Oriental. Some people consider it a slur, some do not. You wouldn't call all Asian people the word Oriental, would you?

To be honest, I feel LGBT is an already good enough ancoynm. I use to be for LGBTQIA/MOGAI, but MOGAI is an awful term and LGBTQIA is okay.

Also, is it me or why are trans women models naked? I mean models are naked sometimes, but I've never seen trans women models dressed besides Lavene cox and Janet Mock. Its just something I've noticed.
I'm sure this has been explained before, but what's MOGAI?

An alternative to LGBT. I personally don't like it, and I feel like it will never gain enough popularity to replace LGBT.

MOGAI = marginalized orientations, gender alignments, and intersex

I don't like the label because 1) Intersex people have different problems. Like yes i know theyre in LGBTQIA. But it feels weird grouping them with us when they might be for example, straight/allosexual/etc. I feel like their issues need to faced individually.

Second, it allows anyone who thinks they are "marginalized" to fall under the label. Like kinksters. They may be cishet, but they're into kinky stuff so they fall under MOGAI technically.

Also heard it was coined by a dude who groups us with pedos? Gross.
@justice: if you read my post you'd see that i acknowledged the misuse of that term by others.
however, please don't deny lgbt history and make unfounded wild comparisons.
you're basically giving up empowering language, taking it away from oppressed people and handing it over to the oppressor, making it easier for them to be oppressive and shame others.
erasure is worse than ignorance to be honest.
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Hmmm, so today I was talking with my friend and we were talking about couples and all that stuff, and she said she's asexual... What does that mean? Sorry if this was answered before. she told me she didnt know what it means so im confused.
(Why would you call yourseld something you dont know the meaning to??)
Hmmm, so today I was talking with my friend and we were talking about couples and all that stuff, and she said she's asexual... What does that mean? Sorry if this was answered before. she told me she didnt know what it means so im confused.
(Why would you call yourseld something you dont know the meaning to??)

"the lack of sexual attraction to anyone, or low or absent interest in sexual activity."

She may know the meaning, but not how to express it.
Hmmm, so today I was talking with my friend and we were talking about couples and all that stuff, and she said she's asexual... What does that mean? Sorry if this was answered before. she told me she didnt know what it means so im confused.
(Why would you call yourseld something you dont know the meaning to??)

LOL, that must be annoying. I remember this one PERSON who said they were bigender but the way they describe it was "what".
They told me that at night, they turn to a "depress horni guy who wants affection". I mean, people can be whatever they want, their life not mines but if you state your something and have this type of explanation, I'm going to judge. Sometimes I think people think they're a certain orietation base of yaoi.
tbh that's not cool. not everyone is able to be articulate themselves or know how to even explain. also maybe they don't want to explain. maybe they were annoyed that you'd even ask.
you can't expect everyone to always have explanations ready.
but could of course also be that they used a wrong term, cause they weren't sure or got something mixed up. anyway
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ehm no, queer is not a slur. people identify as queer. it's a thing. just cause some people use it in a generalized way to demean others doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
also used in genderqueer

q***r is a slur that a lot of people including myself dont like to use
only you decide what you identify with or not, that's ok. but dont put down other people's choice of selfdefinition, history and thoughts please.
this conversation is getting repetitive and clearly noone is willing to do the tiniest bit of research, so.. -_-
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[size=-2]Has any one ever seen ERBH? I wanted to share the one with Freddie Mercury as I think he's pretty relevant to the community. Also it's Freddie Mercury.

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[size=-2]Has any one ever seen ERBH? I wanted to share the one with Freddie Mercury as I think he's pretty relevant to the community. Also it's Freddie Mercury.


I love Freddy so much. Frank is also great, of course.
only you decide what you identify with or not, that's ok. but dont put down other people's choice of selfdefinition, history and thoughts please.
this conversation is getting repetitive and clearly noone is willing to do the tiniest bit of research, so.. -_-

no one is saying you cant use it for yourself
just dont call other people queer. dont call other people slur. i know my research. i know the history. that doesnt change anything. dont call everyone a slur.
noone said anything about using it to define others, clearly you didnt research.
don't project on others. opinions are not facts.
soooooo voil?, good day.
Err, this thread has gotten a bit off-topic...

Anyway, I'm bi, but usually I'm not attracted to someone until I get to know them (and I like them).
noone said anything about using it to define others, clearly you didnt research.
don't project on others. opinions are not facts.
soooooo voil?, good day.

What are you even saying? You said don't put down people's choices of self identification??? Where did anyone ever say "Don't call yourself genderqueer coz queer is a slur?"

I know people reclaim the term. Cool. But some people still consider it a slur? Just because someone reclaims it doesn't change the fact its a slur? Black people reclaimed the N word, doesn't mean its not a slur anymore. Queer is a touchy subject. My rule is - use it on others who are okay with it, dont use it for everyone. Why are you being so overly defensive for no reason? Jfc

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Also since i swear this thread is always talking about the Q slur, good news:

I found out this cute girl is gay so im like =) =) =) would join journalism just for her but i have too much on my plate lol.

Also i saw someone make pride flags for dumb bs stuff as usual but i saw a poly flag and one question: Why do poly flags have the pi symbol on them. What does pi have to do with being poly
Also i saw someone make pride flags for dumb bs stuff as usual but i saw a poly flag and one question: Why do poly flags have the pi symbol on them. What does pi have to do with being poly

Just went and looked this up, apparently pi is also the first letter of the greek word poly (πολύ).
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