LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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I dont know
its like when shes alone she supports it
but when shes with other people she says that

Hmm, well that can be explained both ways, but it seems most likely she changes her position in a group, because that particular group consisting of your aunt and that friend are against it. Do you know hwat their position is for a fact?

But it could also be purely linguistic, in todays society "gay" isn`t really used as much for "happy" anymore, so maybe she just stated it puprposely or unpurposely blunt. How did she react after she said it? Did she keep making remarks or just go back to another topic?

I would think no one is closer to her then her child, so normally she would be herself most when she is with you. Unlress she thinks you are vulnerable to remarks on the subject and doesn`t want to hurt you. You can Always just flatout ask her. Your more likely to make a huge deal out of this, while it may all be just meant as a harmless prank.
Though I'm not gay myself, I do support you guys. Love should be for all, and congrats on being legal if you live in the U.S!
Hmm, well that can be explained both ways, but it seems most likely she changes her position in a group, because that particular group consisting of your aunt and that friend are against it. Do you know hwat their position is for a fact?

But it could also be purely linguistic, in todays society "gay" isn`t really used as much for "happy" anymore, so maybe she just stated it puprposely or unpurposely blunt. How did she react after she said it? Did she keep making remarks or just go back to another topic?

I would think no one is closer to her then her child, so normally she would be herself most when she is with you. Unlress she thinks you are vulnerable to remarks on the subject and doesn`t want to hurt you. You can Always just flatout ask her. Your more likely to make a huge deal out of this, while it may all be just meant as a harmless prank.
After my mom say that,her,my aunt and my aunt friend started laughing and they go back to another topic
And yeah,probably it was a harmless prank
I'm gay, and people have always thought I was a freak. Everyone's getting into relationships and all that ****, and then there's me. No first kiss, not in a relationship. Nobody I know is gay.
I'm gay, and people have always thought I was a freak. Everyone's getting into relationships and all that ****, and then there's me. No first kiss, not in a relationship. Nobody I know is gay.

There are probably plenty of places to meet single homo. :p

I am 10000000000% accepting of anyone that identifies with any gender, sexuality, or lack thereof. I was so happy when marriage equality was legalized here in the US but there is still so much work that needs to be done.

In high school I struggled with my sexuality a lot. I thought I was bisexual during my sophomore year, then learned about pansexual and thought I was that in my junior and senior years. But near the end of my senior year I heard the term demisexual (for those who don't know, it means I need an emotional connection with someone before I feel sexual attraction to them) and it fit me perfectly.

But I also think there is a difference between demiromantic and demisexual. As I contemplate these differences, I find that I may be demiromantic (only having romantic connections with those I have emotional connections with) and pansexual (sexual attraction to people regardless of any gender or lack thereof gender or anything in between). Though I haven't seen much on this subject but I believe that may be how my sexuality/romantic preferences are.

As far as gender goes, I consider myself to be somewhat genderfluid but leaning much more over to the feminine side. But some days I do feel more masculine.

I have had my fair share of relationships. I had a boyfriend my freshman year of high school and two girlfriends (at different times) during the first half of my junior year of high school. But since the latter part of my junior year and until now (I will be starting my fourth semester of college next month - fall, spring, summer, fall) I have been with my boyfriend. Nontheless my sexuality is still demiromantic or pansexual.
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wow ok i was gonna ask if there were any other trans/nb people on here and the LGBTQA !SUPPORT THREAD! has been taken over by a straight guy. ****ing typical

wait is swearing banned on here orrrrr.....

there's a lot of trans/nb people on here, like me! welcome, bud.
but, uh, no, this thread hasn't been "taken over" by anyone. most of us are LGBTQIA, so.

and yes, swearing is kind of banned. after all, this forum is acnl-based.
In high school I struggled with my sexuality a lot. I thought I was bisexual during my sophomore year, then learned about pansexual and thought I was that in my junior and senior years. But near the end of my senior year I heard the term demisexual (for those who don't know, it means I need an emotional connection with someone before I feel sexual attraction to them) and it fit me perfectly.

I feel like that's the best way to describe me as well. My friends always seem to get confused that I haven't had nearly as many relationships as them, but for me I just don't feel that attraction until I've really gotten to know someone and connected with them which isn't all that common for me. In terms of the gender of the other person that really ends up being a non-issue since the attraction stems from an emotional connection. I used to try to label my sexuality more but I felt it was too limiting. At this point I don't even know what word other people would use to describe me so I'm more just like "meh, I like who I like".
Please, people. If you see hate just ignore it. Use the report feature and don't pay any mind to the person causing tension. That is the response that they are wanting.
I really wish Australia were more accepting. :c
But a late congrats to America! Showing the world a step into the future.
I'm a asexual but I'm not brave enough to tell my parents, I have no idea how they feel about that stuff. My dad is against gay marriage, and I'm not sure about my mom but I think she's neutral with it(though she gets defensive when I ask her about being gay, which she's not she's EXTREMELY straight lmao). I made rainbow cupcakes when gay marriage was legalized here in the US (they know I'm liberal) and my dad asked if it had anything to do with me, and I know I should have said something, but I just said "maybe".

heh I'm a wimp

My brother knows, although he's not supportive of it because he doesn't think that it's a legit sexuality, says I'm too young or confused. He said I say I'm like that because "I'm gay and don't want to admit it" well nope because I'm both gay AND asexual so thats not it, lmao.

Most of my friends know about it and I've even lost a few because of it(If they're not accepting of that stuff I don't want to be their friend anyway so it's fine) and I know 2 other aces so it's nice to be able to talk to them about this kind of thing.
my mom is a hypocrite.
ellen is gay = shes is such a strong and super amazing woman. GOOD FOR HER
daughter is gay = strip phone away, move her schools, take her to a physciatrist.
can someone explain what asexuality actually is because everyone says its something different

what i thought it meant was that you dont experience any sexual attraction at all but thats not what ive been hearing lately
can someone explain what asexuality actually is because everyone says its something different

what i thought it meant was that you dont experience any sexual attraction at all but thats not what ive been hearing lately

It differs from person to person, really. As with any other sexuality, it really depends on the person in question, but generally speaking, asexuality is the lack of or low interest in sexual activity.
I heard somewhere that SWAG stands for 'secretly we are gay'.
Is that true?
I'm so confused ;-;
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Well, I don't know if this is off-topic, but my homosexual friend (who is a boy) came out in a rather strange way.
So one night, he came home really late, and told his father he just had you-know-what. (Dont wanna risk it!)
So his father told him to come and sit down next to him to talk to him about it, but he said 'No I cant, my butt hurts.'
I didnt understand until he explained it to me.
Anyways, Im actually disgusted at how homophobic my parents/family members can be.

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And I heard somewhere that SWAG stands for 'secretly we are gay'.
Is that true?
I'm so confused ;-;

im confused about what you're asking but not all gays actually like that so thats kinda a generalization

also if swag means secretly gay then im gay apparently
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can someone explain what asexuality actually is because everyone says its something different

what i thought it meant was that you dont experience any sexual attraction at all but thats not what ive been hearing lately

There are different types of Asexuals, as well as something that you can have another part of the LGBTQA+ community (Such as, I'm Bisexual AND asexual, and I know someone who's gay AND asexual, so there are those). There's a demisexual which is where they don't feel sexual attraction to anyone until they get to know them FIRST. Like they get to know them, maybe they've been dating a while, and then later once they know they're comfortable with them, they'll want to have it.

A normal(not really normal but I can't think of any other words right now) asexual is just where you feel little or no sexual attraction. We can have romantic attraction, we still want to date (Unless they're also Aromantic which is the opposite thing, but no romantic feelings, but having sex(Is it okay to say it? Idk) is something they're completely okay with. They can also be straight, bi, pan, gay, any of those)

Anyway, dating is perfectly fine for us, but sex is just something we have no interest in. Idk how other people are, but I think a lot of people think about it a lot? Like if they have a crush they'll most likely imagine it, but asexuals normally won't, or maybe they will but will just have no interest in it.

It's pretty much different for every body, asexuals don't like the actual action but while some masturbate, others don't ( I don't, I think everything about it is gross, that's my opinion and that's how a lot of asexuals feel about it as well, but not all of them).

Thank you very much for being interested in being educated about it, and I'm sure you could find LOTS more about it all over the internet!!

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Well, I don't know if this is off-topic, but my homosexual friend (who is a boy) came out in a rather strange way.
So one night, he came home really late, and told his father he just had you-know-what. (Dont wanna risk it!)
So his father told him to come and sit down next to him to talk to him about it, but he said 'No I cant, my butt hurts.'
I didnt understand until he explained it to me.
Anyways, Im actually disgusted at how homophobic my parents/family members can be.

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And I heard somewhere that SWAG stands for 'secretly we are gay'.
Is that true?
I'm so confused ;-;

Well I don't think that was the first intended thing. I've never heard that before, but maybe a group used it as a code word or something? I don't know, but I don't think that's what it officially means
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can someone explain what asexuality actually is because everyone says its something different

what i thought it meant was that you dont experience any sexual attraction at all but thats not what ive been hearing lately

for me, im asexual from trauma. i dont feel anything anymore. i mean i am young, so maybe ill like it later, but thinking about sex makes me want to puke. i find people like cute and stuff, but i never... lust after them, you know? i think coz of whats happened im completely mehh about sex and **** now. i mean if i had a loved one, i would do it for them. but im fine not doing it too.

some asexual ppl do have sex, but i think they dont find the person attractive. theyre not sexually attracted to them? i dont rly get it tho
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