LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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honestly its not even that many trans people who make jokes like that. they dont literally mean it but theyre venting and you gotta understand that they dont hate cis people, theyre just angry at them and their power over trans people i guess. i dont quite agree with jokes like "cis people should kill themselves" because thats a suicide joke. but jokes like "trans people> cis people" is fine. tumblr can be a safeplace for these trans people. (hint: can. doesnt stop anti sj and transphobes from harassing them) if they dare say anything like this IRL they would get in soo much trouble. i think once you know transphobia is finally erased then these harmless jokes will go away. but thats not gonna happen anytime soon.

and no one says "die cis scum" that is only said by anti SJ people. i have never ever seen a trans person say that ever. trans people didnt create it.

You cannot have it both ways. You can't excuse all of the horrible things they're saying about straight people as a joke to make light of it all. We are working fully backwards to any sort of equality by excusing this behavior from BOTH sides. "Oh it's just jokes and saying trans > cis is ok!" It doesn't work like that. It would have the same reaction as if you said black people > white people. Not necessary and the only purpose it serves is to cause a greater rift about sexuality.

I was born with female parts, identify as a female and am fully bisexual. It still doesn't make my opinion invalid. I was told that I was "a godless queer that would burn in hell" by my own grandmother for even being openly bi. You live with it, but being angry and bitter towards anyone with a different sexuality than you only hurts your own acceptance.
You cannot have it both ways. You can't excuse all of the horrible things they're saying about straight people as a joke to make light of it all. We are working fully backwards to any sort of equality by excusing this behavior from BOTH sides. "Oh it's just jokes and saying trans > cis is ok!" It doesn't work like that. It would have the same reaction as if you said black people > white people. Not necessary and the only purpose it serves is to cause a greater rift about sexuality.

I was born with female parts, identify as a female and am fully bisexual. It still doesn't make my opinion invalid. I was told that I was "a godless queer that would burn in hell" by my own grandmother for even being openly bi. You live with it, but being angry and bitter towards anyone with a different sexuality than you only hurts your own acceptance.

but its not even that many people who make jokes like that?? the only reason it seems like so many people do that is bc its tumblr. irl you dont ever hear of this happening. im not gay/lesbian/bi so i dont talk much about heterophobia or straight people but its p much the same as cisphobia. its not real. theyre people venting about their frustrations. like i said, its so much easier saying i hate straight people than i hate my mother. these jokes arent the same as homophobic jokes. those things said about straight people are only said on tumblr. they can log off if it really hurts them. they can go outside and people will accept them. but a queer person cant do that.

i mean yes queer people can ignore it but its hard to keep that in. they dont hate straight people for real but theyre just upset about the homophobia in their lives. idk how old you are but most of the people making these jokes are teens who cant leave their house if their parents arent accepting. so venting online is probably one of their only ways to cope with it.
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2. those are trans people venting. its not the same as transphobia. yes it might hurt your feelings but they have to deal with transphobia and for AMAB trans people sometimes murder. (a AMAB agender person i think got set on fire for wearing a skirt)

tsundere, you can't excuse the actions of some people in the trans community by calling it venting. You're falling under the "No true Scotsman" fallacy. For those who don't know, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it by rhetoric, without reference to any specific objective rule ("no true Scotsman would do such a thing"). Stolen from Wikipedia.

You can't excuse people saying that just by essentially calling it "venting".
tsundere, you can't excuse the actions of some people in the trans community by calling it venting. You're falling under the "No true Scotsman" fallacy. For those who don't know, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it by rhetoric, without reference to any specific objective rule ("no true Scotsman would do such a thing"). Stolen from Wikipedia.

You can't excuse people saying that just by essentially calling it "venting". is venting?? tumblr is one of their only safe places. and these jokes dont harm anyone because they dont even have power. they cant oppress cis people. when they murder someone for being cis then maybe you'll change my mind. but honestly do you expect trans people to be happy? they face murder, rape, and are likely to commit suicide. who are these people murdering them? cis people. who are these people misgendering them? cis people. do you expect them to stay quiet about their anger? these jokes make them feel like they actually have some power for once, these jokes allow them to vent. i dont agree with telling cis people to go kill themselves though.

but compare it. a trans person who has no power above cis people making a joke with their trans friends saying "cis people suck"
or a transphobe that can very much go kill a trans person right now saying "i want trans people to die"

the transphobe has the power and can actually go hurt someone.
I just hate how the whole trans community is supposed to feel like this, andn we are all grouped into that category
I have problems with people who are bigoted and violent, not the cis community
i certainly don't mhm
The problem is some of Tumblr is very cult like and people are very influenced on there.. into having certain viewpoints, and if not you're shamed
But i do agree obviously that the cis people do have the power, or else i would have no fear at all lol.
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people saying that cisphobia is on the same scale as transphobia make me laugh
I didn't say it was anybody here?? I was adding to the actual thread rather than getting in the argument??
Also Tumblr genuinely isnt healthy at times, and seems to make a competition over the hardest life
Oh so you're complaining about being trans?? well I'm trans and i have a mental illness.. Oh you're complaining about that? you have no right! i am trans, i have multiple mental illnesses, and i have bad eyesight.. etc and so on and so forth
its not a health place though i do love some aspects of it
My experience with this sort of thing is difficult. I was on a forum not long ago (stopped going on for different reasons, not the ones I'm about to mention) and I was in a debate with someone. I referred to someone as ''her'' as in ''I don't agree with her opinion'', but I wasn't aware about her trans identity. A friend of said person corrected me and said ''they, don't misgender''. So I was really apologetic because I didn't want to cause any ill harm etc. I thought everything was fine until I went into their own LGBT thread and saw them calling me ''evil'', ''out to destroy my life'', ''without morals'' etc. I had to say something. I had to say that it was not INTENDED as an insult and that I was very sorry that I misgendered them. After that I started to adopt their terminology for trans people and so on, but this one person was adamant that I was out to get them.

This is the issue I have with it. I was told countless times to **check my privilege** (despite the fact that the whole LGBT community on their were white, middle class etc) and I was told that their forum was a safe place for them and I had no right to go in there and start something. I told them that I didn't care, I wasn't having them bad mouthing me to my friends (I was very close to the people on that forum, and still am today) on the basis of a slip. Then they said ''I should have known''. Sorry, am I supposed to check every single person I meet and ask them what kind of gender they prefer to be labelled as? Not realistic. I said I was sorry and I was still labelled as '''evil''' in the following months. I don't get it.

I myself identify with either pan or bisexual, yet I'm the one who has to be sensitive to others. I just don't like this sense of superiority that some have. I've seen it on Tumblr, too. It's not that I'm being intolerant, I think anyone who knows me will suggest otherwise, but I don't have any patience for some kind of ''holier than thou'' attitude when it comes to identity and sexuality.

EDIT: I apologise in advance if I've upset anyone or triggered anyone. That is not my intention.
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I try not to involve myself with it. When people ask, I do say I support it, but honestly I don't want to discuss it. Like, ever. It always leads to arguments, from my experience.
did you miss this or were you looking for more? :0

Ooh I missed that. Lol! Stupid me~

Yeah, I think I identify as asexual. This is new, because I didn't have a name for what if felt :/
Now it feels weird haha. I'm straight but sex isn't appealing at all to me. Maybe it'll change. Who knows?
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its highly unlikely that it will meet its goal but if u could sign tht would be cool :- )

Also Tumblr genuinely isnt healthy at times, and seems to make a competition over the hardest life
Oh so you're complaining about being trans?? well I'm trans and i have a mental illness.. Oh you're complaining about that? you have no right! i am trans, i have multiple mental illnesses, and i have bad eyesight.. etc and so on and so forth
its not a health place though i do love some aspects of it

i dont really see that happening? i have seen posts that go ''i have depression' said the cishet white middle class thin ablebodied/minded girl" and i get yeah okay she doesnt really face that much crap but her life can still be bad due to different reasons. maybe she will never face a lot of struggles other people face but that doesnt make her depression any easier. the only way i would ever see someone saying "im trans so you cant complain" would be a cis person complaining about something very small (like cisphobia or w/e) but yeah idk who you follow because i never ever see that

My experience with this sort of thing is difficult. I was on a forum not long ago (stopped going on for different reasons, not the ones I'm about to mention) and I was in a debate with someone. I referred to someone as ''her'' as in ''I don't agree with her opinion'', but I wasn't aware about her trans identity. A friend of said person corrected me and said ''they, don't misgender''. So I was really apologetic because I didn't want to cause any ill harm etc. I thought everything was fine until I went into their own LGBT thread and saw them calling me ''evil'', ''out to destroy my life'', ''without morals'' etc. I had to say something. I had to say that it was not INTENDED as an insult and that I was very sorry that I misgendered them. After that I started to adopt their terminology for trans people and so on, but this one person was adamant that I was out to get them.

This is the issue I have with it. I was told countless times to **check my privilege** (despite the fact that the whole LGBT community on their were white, middle class etc) and I was told that their forum was a safe place for them and I had no right to go in there and start something. I told them that I didn't care, I wasn't having them bad mouthing me to my friends (I was very close to the people on that forum, and still am today) on the basis of a slip. Then they said ''I should have known''. Sorry, am I supposed to check every single person I meet and ask them what kind of gender they prefer to be labelled as? Not realistic. I said I was sorry and I was still labelled as '''evil''' in the following months. I don't get it.

well tbh i get really upset when i get misgendered but i keep it mostly to myself (on here anyway)
i get it was a simple mistake on your part but sometimes people will snap and get angry. dunno if you were close or on friendly terms with them but if you were that probably hurt them more because its even worse being misgendered by friends. it sucks that this happened but ? idk. and yes i would ask what pronouns people use. idk im used to that because i visit sites with lots of trans people so i dont assume gender of people. theres nothing much you can do other than to apologize again.
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I try not to involve myself with it. When people ask, I do say I support it, but honestly I don't want to discuss it. Like, ever. It always leads to arguments, from my experience.
Same here. I don't even discuss it to the point that I only ever figured out when of my best friends was a lesbian until a week ago. I guess it really doesn't matter what your sexuality is as long as youre a good person.
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I wasn't saying like literally, but i meant people get judged if they are deemed to have a good life, but moaning
oh you're depressed, yeah but you're white and rich, shush
And tbh i dont follow that many ppl, and not many trans people either, i talk to other trans people in messages discussing our problems but i dont really follow their blogs
So i was about to get married here in Utah. But the law was only changed for literally like 2 weeks omg lol. my wedding is still planned for December anyway though.
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