Goshdarnit... All you did was accidentally call the person by the wrong gender. Seriously what the ****. Why is it so important to be called by the right gender anyways to the point of that whatever that was said in the post can be ignored just to point out your gender. Don't get it. Also the way the person acted even after you apologized is disgusting and really immature.My experience with this sort of thing is difficult. I was on a forum not long ago (stopped going on for different reasons, not the ones I'm about to mention) and I was in a debate with someone. I referred to someone as ''her'' as in ''I don't agree with her opinion'', but I wasn't aware about her trans identity. A friend of said person corrected me and said ''they, don't misgender''. So I was really apologetic because I didn't want to cause any ill harm etc. I thought everything was fine until I went into their own LGBT thread and saw them calling me ''evil'', ''out to destroy my life'', ''without morals'' etc. I had to say something. I had to say that it was not INTENDED as an insult and that I was very sorry that I misgendered them. After that I started to adopt their terminology for trans people and so on, but this one person was adamant that I was out to get them.
This is the issue I have with it. I was told countless times to **check my privilege** (despite the fact that the whole LGBT community on their were white, middle class etc) and I was told that their forum was a safe place for them and I had no right to go in there and start something. I told them that I didn't care, I wasn't having them bad mouthing me to my friends (I was very close to the people on that forum, and still am today) on the basis of a slip. Then they said ''I should have known''. Sorry, am I supposed to check every single person I meet and ask them what kind of gender they prefer to be labelled as? Not realistic. I said I was sorry and I was still labelled as '''evil''' in the following months. I don't get it.
I myself identify with either pan or bisexual, yet I'm the one who has to be sensitive to others. I just don't like this sense of superiority that some have. I've seen it on Tumblr, too. It's not that I'm being intolerant, I think anyone who knows me will suggest otherwise, but I don't have any patience for some kind of ''holier than thou'' attitude when it comes to identity and sexuality.
EDIT: I apologise in advance if I've upset anyone or triggered anyone. That is not my intention.
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