LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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These past few months have been a bit rough, but it's finally coming to an end after debating for so long what I felt my sexuality is. I've realized that I am straight. A lot of the time though I guess act stereotypically "gay" so bullies have been an issue for a while and have really affected me in such a way that I was so upset and unsure about who I really was. I ended up getting hocd but finally I've had a breakthrough and realized, if the thoughts of doing certain things with guys gives me no sort of pleasure, while with girls it does, the answer became clear. I know it's not on the current subject but it feels good to let out my story. I understand any hate anyone is going through as I've been there myself, but I'm always here for any of you and thanks for listening <3

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Ooo I was the 1,000th reply too, glad to know it was of a positive story and support :)
The first person I told that I was asexual (she's still my best friend awkwardly enough) went on a rant about how I was weird and not human and everything like that so it kind of made me hesitant to tell anyone else, tbh. She's come around a lot but it's still hard to get over that initial reaction, you know?
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The first person I told that I was asexual (she's still my best friend awkwardly enough) went on a rant about how I was weird and not human and everything like that so it kind of made me hesitant to tell anyone else, tbh. She's come around a lot but it's still hard to get over that initial reaction, you know?

Yeah, I bet it still hurts. :<

Honestly I remember being a freshman in high school years ago and one of my classmates came out to me in the middle of class. I was all "Eww, really?" in a joking manner. And he told me that he was serious and that the way I reacted was hurtful. It was also my first time having someone come out to me, but since then I never reacted that way again... and I've had closer friends come out to me over the years. So yeah, I remember.
These past few months have been a bit rough, but it's finally coming to an end after debating for so long what I felt my sexuality is. I've realized that I am straight. A lot of the time though I guess act stereotypically "gay" so bullies have been an issue for a while and have really affected me in such a way that I was so upset and unsure about who I really was. I ended up getting hocd but finally I've had a breakthrough and realized, if the thoughts of doing certain things with guys gives me no sort of pleasure, while with girls it does, the answer became clear. I know it's not on the current subject but it feels good to let out my story. I understand any hate anyone is going through as I've been there myself, but I'm always here for any of you and thanks for listening <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ooo I was the 1,000th reply too, glad to know it was of a positive story and support :)

Yeah, I know how it feels (previous post). I don't understand why people just can't be people and be left alone.

Also...Blanche dreamie. <3
A lot of my friends jokingly call me gay, all in the name of fun. I mean, I'm not really sure yet, but I wouldn't like to be labeled in a way that isn't true. I just wish they were more supportive of my personality and stuff.
The first person I told that I was asexual (she's still my best friend awkwardly enough) went on a rant about how I was weird and not human and everything like that so it kind of made me hesitant to tell anyone else, tbh. She's come around a lot but it's still hard to get over that initial reaction, you know?

thats terrible. im sorry. idk why asexuals/aromantics arent accepted...romance isnt needed in life. sex isn't needed either. i dont know why people find that so confusing? why is it so hard for you to accept wtf.

i told my irl friend that i was nonbinary and the first thing she said was "so you're not human? you're an it?" im like wtf. she kept calling me an it and kept misgendering me (she was being racist as hell to me as well) and idk. i just wish i knew some trans people in my school. hell i would even be cool with any queer kids.
thats terrible. im sorry. idk why asexuals/aromantics arent accepted...romance isnt needed in life. sex isn't needed either. i dont know why people find that so confusing? why is it so hard for you to accept wtf.

i told my irl friend that i was nonbinary and the first thing she said was "so you're not human? you're an it?" im like wtf. she kept calling me an it and kept misgendering me (she was being racist as hell to me as well) and idk. i just wish i knew some trans people in my school. hell i would even be cool with any queer kids.

Let's start a nonbinary group and see how many people join. :p
you might be a demigirl if youre okay with being a girl and nb. idk im not going to say what you are and arent but just a thought!
fae pronouns are cute but i heard they were otherkin only so i was like oh ok and i stopped using them. idk they might not be for otherkin. i use they/them pronouns for the most part.

also yeah i realized that too. i said i was a girl when i first join (wasnt too clear about how i felt but i just said i was a girl to make it easier) and im too scared to say anything in that thread either its okay
I was considering that too, but for some reason I was unsure because my partner who is a demigirl and prefers ae pronouns is DMAB. But it could still work, I think.
And yeah, I was unsure about that but I consulted my partner about that and ae thinks it's okay. I'm not even sure what I am in that sense, I could have been anything in a past life and maybe it's a part of me now?
I'm glad someone else thought that too, at least. Some of them just might not be aware, but it's really hard to tell how they'll act.
Let's start a nonbinary group and see how many people join. :p
I'd be happy to be a part of that, actually.
I was considering that too, but for some reason I was unsure because my partner who is a demigirl and prefers ae pronouns is DMAB. But it could still work, I think.
And yeah, I was unsure about that but I consulted my partner about that and ae thinks it's okay. I'm not even sure what I am in that sense, I could have been anything in a past life and maybe it's a part of me now?
I'm glad someone else thought that too, at least. Some of them just might not be aware, but it's really hard to tell how they'll act.

I'd be happy to be a part of that, actually.

Let's start a petition. Mod spamming away!
thats terrible. im sorry. idk why asexuals/aromantics arent accepted...romance isnt needed in life. sex isn't needed either. i dont know why people find that so confusing? why is it so hard for you to accept wtf.

yeah like people have a problem with people having a lot of sex and then they have a problem when people don't have any.. like why does it matter? just let them do whatever they want it's not affecting you, honestly.
For Valentine's Day, I wrote my boyfriend a really cheesy card and his little 9 year old brother found it & read it. He was almost tearing up, and he was like "I'm so glad gays can get married in Canada, thank you Obama". He was dead serious, almost in tears. xD It was too cute & hilarious.
For Valentine's Day, I wrote my boyfriend a really cheesy card and his little 9 year old brother found it & read it. He was almost tearing up, and he was like "I'm so glad gays can get married in Canada, thank you Obama". He was dead serious, almost in tears. xD It was too cute & hilarious.

OH MY GOSH. "Thank you Obama" OH NO. OH NO, HEART ATTACK. *Cough cough*. I'm sorry. I have nothing against gays just (Is bisexual).. "Thank you Obama" is just.. oh. oh dear. Oh.
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one of my teachers split the class into boys and girl for a review competition yesterday. i wanted to move to the girl's side since most of my friends were over there and i felt uncomfortable on the boy's side, but i didn't say anything.
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one of my teachers split the class into boys and girl for a review competition yesterday. i wanted to move to the girl's side since most of my friends were over there and i felt uncomfortable on the boy's side, but i didn't say anything.

Thiers soneone in my college class who's gay (two actually) but one of them talks like a girl and wears make-up and massive wedge like shoes
and a majority of the class hate him (I don't because he's always nice to me) Where as with the other guy everyone loves him o.o
I personally dont get it o.e
one of my teachers split the class into boys and girl for a review competition yesterday. i wanted to move to the girl's side since most of my friends were over there and i felt uncomfortable on the boy's side, but i didn't say anything.

That happened to me once. We had to communicate with the opposite gender. It was no problem.

Eurgh it was horrific at school.. so glad school is over
Physical education was horrific, my dysphoria was so bad, and i didnt want to do football ffs
Eurgh it was horrific at school.. so glad school is over
Physical education was horrific, my dysphoria was so bad, and i didnt want to do football ffs

i feel u. the teachers always tried to do boys v girls and **** and i always went with the girls.

but omg once we had to do some running thing and boys had to run 3km and girls only had to run 2km and i went with the girls (but at the time i didnt know the girls had to run less) and then when girls were about to run teacher saw me and was like "omg ur only here coz ur a lazy **** and u hav to run less" BUT I DIDNT EVEN KNOW GUHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
i feel u. the teachers always tried to do boys v girls and **** and i always went with the girls.

but omg once we had to do some running thing and boys had to run 3km and girls only had to run 2km and i went with the girls (but at the time i didnt know the girls had to run less) and then when girls were about to run teacher saw me and was like "omg ur only here coz ur a lazy **** and u hav to run less" BUT I DIDNT EVEN KNOW GUHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The male body is stronger and can run longer, so there's nothing wrong with breaking up athletics by sex.
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