LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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Did you not actually read what they said? There's a difference between hating a human being or group and hating a privilege that someone has. It's like not having a nice car and saying you hate that someone else was able to afford a better car. It's not you spewing hate at that person. It's hating a concept or idea.
thank you

No, I don't think that. I just don't think we should lower ourselves to the level of the system oppresors.

ok but we aren't going on the same level as them. we dont want them to die (most of us anyway). we dont want their rights to be taken away. we dont want to hurt them.we're not angry at them for being who they are, we're angry about their privilege.
the rage of the oppressed is never the same as the rage of the privileged.

well this sums up a lot.

- - - Post Merge - - -

there's arrows on the sides btw to see the multiple pictures.

(whoops this ended up very long, if someone thinks i should put it inside a spoiler please tell me and i will.)

ahaha oh please

i'll only talk about the """"""""heterophobia""""""""" and """"""""CIS"""""""" (why did the op put that in all caps uh) since it's the relevant part in the tread, but it doesn't mean the rest of it is unimportant

"hate won't end hate" except love and being nice to opressors won't end hate either. being nothing but nice to a certain group of people didn't stop them from punching me, spitting on me and laughing. it's not even close to the worst that could've happened.

homophobes and transphobes don't care if someone is nice, they are going to hate them anyways no matter what because thats what they ****ing do

when i say i hate cis people i obviously don't mean every cis person ever. like who even assumes that(too many people that's who). i don't hate my sister, i don't hate my best friends who are cis and the only ones who actually listen, i don't hate cishet people that fight for lgbt+ rights without making it all about themselves, i don't hate cis people who are supportive to complete strangers(nos cis/het), it doesn't matter if i know them or not.

saying "i hate cis(het) people" is a lot shorter than saying "i hate transphobes, i hate cis people who absolutely refuse to take someone's pronouns seriously, i hate cis people who support lgb+ rights but are transphobic, i hate cis people who claim they support the whole acronym but go around and misgender and disrespect people all the time, i hate cis people who punish trans people by misgendering them, i hate transphobic non-het people, i hate cis people who think it's okay to use transphobic slurs", isn't it. that's not even the whole list

transphobia exists because of cis people. we as trans people wouldn't be where we are without cis people, because transphobia comes from cis people. there are tons of very nice, supportive, decent etc. cis people, but being realistic the only place where these nice persons are the majority is in certain parts of the internet. in the real world, transphobia is the default, and depending on where you live finding these people can be easy or very, very rare.

so it pisses me off when people say someone saying "how many cishets do u need 2 change a lightbulb" is the same as someone saying "tr****es are disgusting" (not saying you're doing that but it's related), because no. no it isn't. it isn't even close.

however, i do think it's important to mention that i don't agree with someone telling a specific person/group (as in, say, 6 people) to die just because they're cis, at all. honestly though, i've yet to see it happen for no reason. people "coming out" as cishets are ridiculous, and it makes me angry too but i still don't agree with the death threats and messages encouraging suicide etc. since those are inappropiate in any situation, really. this and transphobic comments are the only cases i've seen a cis person get attacked while having being cis as part of the reason.

i'm so, so tired of people thinking cisphobia and heterophobia are real.
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ what Ibuki said

there's a difference between being systematically oppressed and having your feelings hurt.
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Welp guess I don't really line up with the LGBTQA community then if they think hating people instead of acting like civilized human beings to show that they're like everybody else is the way to go then.
Welp guess I don't really line up with the LGBTQA community then if they think hating people instead of acting like civilized human beings to show that they're like everybody else is the way to go then.

do you like. read. anything we say. at all.
we can act nice and still get laughed at. we can act polite and still be ignored. we can treat them the same and we can still be killed.
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do you like. read. anything we say. at all.

Yes, I do. And I don't agree with it. I have my opinions on how I think we should react to homo/transphobia and it's very clearly different than yours.

- - - Post Merge - - -

do you like. read. anything we say. at all.

Yes, I do. And I don't agree with it. I have my opinions on how I think we should react to homo/transphobia and it's very clearly different than yours.
Welp guess I don't really line up with the LGBTQA community then if they think hating people instead of acting like civilized human beings to show that they're like everybody else is the way to go then.

welp i guess i shouldn't have bothered replying since you either 1) misinterpreted absolutely everything i said or b) didn't even read it
Yes, I do. And I don't agree with it. I have my opinions on how I think we should react to homo/transphobia and it's very clearly different than yours.

what do you think we should do then? sit down and have a cup of tea with them and politely tell them? we do that. and it doesnt work. i can tell my parents to stop being transphobic and they can call me mentally ill and scream at me.
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what do you think we should do then? sit down and have a cup of tea with them and politely tell them? we do that. and it doesnt work.

You know what was really efficient?

Nelson Mandela's peaceful protesting methods.

Peaceful protest works.
You know what was really efficient?

Nelson Mandela's peaceful protesting methods.

Peaceful protest works.

He was put in jail
MLK tried preaching and he got shot

being peaceful gets us killed.
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Okay and?

He still got done what he wanted to get done.

You know what was also fairly effective? MLK's protesting methods.

he went to jail. you think he deserved that.
MLK got shot. you think he deserved that
you think peaceful protesting wont get us killed

sorry but im not going to go around saying "hey guys ^_^ why dont we all love each other :333333" because that doesnt get us ANYWHERE. it only gives us harm.
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What the **** is wrong with you that made you get the implication that I thought they deserved that?

they got hurt because of their peaceful protests??????????
that was poor wording on my part, but im trying to say look at the people who peacefully protested. they get hurt.

i dont want to make oppressors feel good about themselves. they dont deserve to feel good about it. saying stuff like "hey guys whyc ant we all love each other ! equality!" doesnt help at all because they will never understand or care unless you say it to them cold.
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he went to jail. you think he deserved that.
MLK got shot. you think he deserved that
you think peaceful protesting wont get us killed

sorry but im not going to go around saying "hey guys ^_^ why dont we all love each other :333333" because that doesnt get us ANYWHERE. it only gives us harm.

That is a very, VERY dangerous way of thinking. Know who else probably thinks like that? Vladimir Putin. Now THERE'S a guy who thinks peace is for pussies. As for other violent upstarts like OWS and more recently the rebel takeover in Syria, they got stuff done I guess but the world now looks down on them and ultimately it's brought far more harm than good to their own respective causes.

MLK, Rosa Parks, Mark Twain, Mahatma Gandhi, Harvey Milk, Thich Quang Duc, Nelson Mandela, ALL of these people stood up to the ingrained cultural wrongs of their time, and all of them made a huge difference in their lifetime. And not all of them were punished for it, you know. Many of them are martyrs, yes, but the thousands of people that rallied around them are what made the difference.

It takes a brave man to act peaceful in the face of adversity. Any coward can act out in violence.
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I opened this thread to share something, but reading the last two pages annoyed me so much that I don't want to anymore.

I hope that when and if the group is created, it runs smoother than this thread. Meaning there's a general ****ing understanding of the difference between institutional oppression vs. straight people getting their feelings hurt for two seconds on the internet and then carrying on with life in a society that has always and will always recognize their romantic/sexual relationships as valid.

But it won't. Because imagine that.
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I opened this thread to share something, but reading the last two pages annoyed me so much that I don't want to anymore.

I hope that when and if the group is created, it runs smoother than this thread. Meaning there's a general ****ing understanding of the difference between institutional oppression vs. straight people getting their feelings hurt for two seconds on the internet and then carrying on with life in a society that has always and will always recognize their romantic/sexual relationships as valid.

But it won't. Because imagine that.

I don't have the TBT or the time to run a group.
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