LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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-vent- I was being friendly to this girl at our orientation week in our workplace and now she avoids me like the plague (probably thought I was making a crack onto her- I'm les but I don't go dating straight girls -.-) We had to get paired up two times for self-defense and also I showed her a bird enclosure I visit when I have spare time because we were near the area and she probably thinks I'm an avian-obsessed creep as well. Great way to start a new job. -headdesk-
Gay people are awesome (In a good way) because they are fun to talk with so better not judge them. This is why its fun to have gay friends
Guys I made friends and I do not care if they are lesbian. gay etc. I accept people who they are. why do you guys think in a negative way?
Guys I made friends and I do not care if they are lesbian. gay etc. I accept people who they are. why do you guys think in a negative way?

well, like you said, they shouldn't be judged, yeah, but not because they're "fun to talk to"... because they're actual people who deserve equal rights?? just like you straight people??
Ugh thats awful, that nearly happened with a school councillor once :x
lol one of them was like you're so lucky you'll look better than me xDD you're only 5ft5, and no hair or anything, and a really cute voice, bless them
Not looking forward to many other people knowing though :x
two of my friends pressured me into coming out and then one of them told a third friend today was not a good day
two of my friends pressured me into coming out and then one of them told a third friend today was not a good day

ewww!!! why do people feel like they can out someone? like i see so many people out their gay friends because they think its funny or they want to say that they know a gay person. im sorry that happened to you
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