The people weren't gay themselves, but athiest and/or advocates.
they're still defending us because they sympathize with the hardships we face. but i'm sorry if people were bashing your religion, that's not okay at all.
The people weren't gay themselves, but athiest and/or advocates.
Does anyone know if districts can ban certain things from being announced? Because that was my school's excuse for not announcing the a absolute shock of Texas (the state I live in) declaring the ban on gay marriage unconstitutional or the Day of Silence (which I don't particularly like, but still.) They also gave a firm no to my friend asking if there could be an LGBTQA+ support group because it was "too sexual". I'm really tired of schools giving all these excuses.
Yeah the thread dying was pretty sad :/ Good luck in your weeks to come though! I wish you the best.What a surprise the thread died.. which is sad but was to be expected
Yup i shouldnt be posting since i havent done my PM yet but all i did was defend trans people i dont think i was that offensiveand besides this post is too update since im excited and i want to post!!
Tomorrow is my final appointment of like psychiatric analysis, and then in 4 weeks i have my appointment to get all my blood tests, and body scans and x-rays before i start treatment ^^
I'm scared lol, expecially of the body can.
If i get disciplined for posting here.. well i'll deal with it
A few people are scared to post.What a surprise the thread died.. which is sad but was to be expected
Good luck, I hope everything goes well for you!and besides this post is too update since im excited and i want to post!! Tomorrow is my final appointment of like psychiatric analysis, and then in 4 weeks i have my appointment to get all my blood tests, and body scans and x-rays before i start treatment ^^
I'm scared lol, expecially of the body can.
wow, i just wanna say that tsundere is super cool and educated for their age.
also, as to stay on topic, i think that i might start identifying as agender again. i thought i was becoming more comfortable with being ~female~ but i'm really not. they/them pronouns have always been more appealing to me and i use them for everyone, until i find out their preference. i just think it suits me better and i feel more comfortable with it.
just geez... it must be so nice to be one of those cis/het people who never question any part of their identity, y'know?
aw ty
tbh when i was like a kid i always felt out of place with my gender. then i was 11 or 12 i learned a little bit about trans people and i heard negative comments about them so i forced myself really hard to think im a girl..that lasted for like a year or two when i finally came to accept my own gender so i feel you there.
and yeah i get kinda annoyed when cis people ask how its possible to be agender. im like sorry i dont live in your little bubble? i dont understand why the concept of nonbinary stuff is so hard for them? i truly dont. like they ask me 20 questions before they begin to wrap it around their heads.
Atleast they are asking questions.. thats good
it educates people..
Just like i dont know much about some religions, i dont know much about non binary people
it doesnt make me ignorant or anything, its good to learn, i dont think its good to complain about cis people in that respect, if they are hateful yes, but if they are showing an interest/trying to learn thats good!
Its hard for some people to understand for the reason you just said. We all have our own little bubbles.
Atleast they are asking questions.. thats good
it educates people..
Just like i dont know much about some religions, i dont know much about non binary people
it doesnt make me ignorant or anything, its good to learn, i dont think its good to complain about cis people in that respect, if they are hateful yes, but if they are showing an interest/trying to learn thats good!
Speaking as someone with a lot of close friends who have a lot of privilege, it can be very difficult for them to grasp concepts of oppression and non-normative identities. Someone who was raised their entire life only being taught the gender binary will most likely not immediately understand or accept the concept of non-binary genders when introduced to them. It is the same logic that causes the immediate hostility in people of oppressive groups when hearing generalized statements made against oppressors; i.e., when men take personal offense to statements like "I hate men". It doesn't mean they need to be coddled for it and led by the hand into knowledge, but it is a natural reaction to have.
But you really can't just tell people to google things. The most accurate and helpful resources on subjects of oppression usually aren't popular or widespread enough to be found in the top google results, and you'll always get a lot of conflicting information. The best source for education on topics of oppression is more often than not a member of that oppressed group in particular. But at the same time, their identity is not a commodity and it is not their obligation to constantly have to justify and validate their existence to everyone around them.
It's a tricky situation. I do understand and 100% sympathize with the frustration and stress from other people of oppressed and non-normative groups with educating the privileged. My personal stance is that I always try to educate whenever and wherever I can. I am personally comfortable with people coming to me with questions about my identity; I would rather help them to understand then turn them away and have them grow hostile and more likely to oppose the social justice movement as a result.
I do think that cis people(and straight/white/male/abled/etc people of other privileges) should be encouraged to seek education, and I find that being level-headed and polite and patient is the best way to communicate information in a way that benefits both parties, but at the same time I am also aware of the fact that being treated as an oddity or an expert and infallible information dispenser can be incredibly agitating and stressful. I do feel like people of non-normative identities shouldn't be expected to explain their existence to those around them, but at the same time, there is no better way for education and information to be spread.