LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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My Argument on why Gay Marriage should be legal, at least in the United States

Gay marriage is frequently the topic of discussion in many places, whether it be just an opinion or something political. I believe Gay Marriage should be legal. Why? Because of this:
In the United States Constitution, it says, "All men (and women) were created equal." This, I'm sure, includes gays and lesbians. If all men and women are created equal, why are some discriminated against? Why are some judged and casted out because of their sexuality? Why are some not able to pursue life, liberty, and happiness? The founding fathers of the United States have declared this. And I believe it should be carried out.

Well, some religions are against it, so we cant have it.

Really? Because another right of U.S. citizens is the freedom to worship as you wish. This means that you can choose whatever religion you want. This means that you have to look at the other side. If some religions are against it, then some religions must be for it too.

I am writing this for English class, and this is what I have so far. Thoughts?
My friend is really nervous about coming out to his parents and he keeps asking us about what to say, I'm straight myself so I can't really think of anything to say, can anyone help me help him?
My friend is really nervous about coming out to his parents and he keeps asking us about what to say, I'm straight myself so I can't really think of anything to say, can anyone help me help him?
well i havent come out about my gender yet but im gonna have to in a few days because my therapist is making me....

first he has to consider these things
1) (idk what hes coming out as but im assuming sexuality) do his parents support non straight people?
2) if they dont, is there a chance that they might kick him out or ground him?

always consider your own safety before coming out. its not worth the chance that your parents might put you in some anti gay/trans counseling to "fix" you.

if he thinks that he will be safe no matter what, then uh. i would find the right mood. and i would just plainly say it. like, just say it. dont go around in circles. just say "im (insert whatever)" and hope for the best.
In my class, we've been watching movies about Anne Frank and no one has mentioned the fact that Anne Frank is bisexual.
LOVE straight people and their denseness.
Citation please? I've never heard of this.

On January 6, 1944, Anne wrote in her diary: "Once when I was spending the night at Jacque's, I could no longer restrain my curiosity about her body, which she'd always hidden from me and which I'd never seen. I asked her whether, as proof of our friendship, we could touch each other's breasts. Jacque refused. I also had a terrible desire to kiss her, which I did. Every time I see a female nude, such as the Venus in my art history book, I go into ecstasy. Sometimes I find them so exquisite I have to struggle to hold back my tears. If only I had a girlfriend!"
You have provided evidence of gay sexuality. Please pRove the bisexuality
And she talks about boys in the same way?

"These sorts of musings go far beyond the basic, "I wonder what it would be like" that most teens experience at some point or another. She expresses intense emotional, romantic and physical attraction that supersedes curiosity or experimentation. Seeing this alone, one might judge Anne Frank to have been exclusively gay-- but she liked boys, as well. Anne Frank's famous adolescent romance with Peter van Pels, who shared her confinement, is one of the best-known and remembered aspects of her life in hiding."

well i havent come out about my gender yet but im gonna have to in a few days because my therapist is making me....

first he has to consider these things
1) (idk what hes coming out as but im assuming sexuality) do his parents support non straight people?
2) if they dont, is there a chance that they might kick him out or ground him?

always consider your own safety before coming out. its not worth the chance that your parents might put you in some anti gay/trans counseling to "fix" you.

if he thinks that he will be safe no matter what, then uh. i would find the right mood. and i would just plainly say it. like, just say it. dont go around in circles. just say "im (insert whatever)" and hope for the best.

His grandad said he would kill himself if he was, I don't think his Dad or Nan are particularly supportive. We tried to tell him that's the best way to tell them but he wants a different way, thanks for the help :)
Just gonna drift on away now since ya'll aren't engaging me anymore, like I expected you would.
Also, BTW, I'm not google; If you want to find out something, google it yourself.
In my class, we've been watching movies about Anne Frank and no one has mentioned the fact that Anne Frank is bisexual.
LOVE straight people and their denseness.

im not jewish but ive heard bisexual jewish people get annoyed at it. idk. its cool that she had an attraction to girls, but jewish people dont like people emphasizing on the fact that shes bisexual. this mostly happened on tumblr a month ago when people only began to care about anne frank when someone said she might've been pan/bisexual. i dont really like pushing labels on dead people because we will never know what she wanted to identify as so yeah. i think its a cool thing that she might've been something else than a straight girl. its a shame they removed the text about her crushing on girls in the books though, so that probably explains why no one knows about it. but focusing on her sexuality rather than her story is kinda erasing jewish people idk.

His grandad said he would kill himself if he was, I don't think his Dad or Nan are particularly supportive. We tried to tell him that's the best way to tell them but he wants a different way, thanks for the help :)

ok if his gran dad said something like that its probably not safe for him to come out until hes old enough to live on his own. but he can try if he really wants
In my class, we've been watching movies about Anne Frank and no one has mentioned the fact that Anne Frank is bisexual.
LOVE straight people and their denseness.

Ah, but you see, when you are bisexual you have "straight privilege" and you're just "curious." Unless, of course, you are in a relationship with someone who's the same gender. Then you're gay with one foot in the closet. *strong sense of sarcasm* (Please do not take this seriously. I am bi and I have seen the following reasons why bi people aren't really bi or oppressed, etc.)
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Just gonna drift on away now since ya'll aren't engaging me anymore, like I expected you would.
Also, BTW, I'm not google; If you want to find out something, google it yourself.
If you present someone with new information, it's a bit unfair to refuse to talk to them immediately after because they're unfamiliar with it. I am also not really sure how it may have been relevant for people to discuss Anne Frank's sexuality if the topic was not already brought up in the movies you were watching. Her story is incredibly important and should not be erased or prioritized below her possible queer identity; and it's always better to stray from applying labels to those who have not yet used those labels for themselves.
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i never really understood the point of "straight passing privilege" that lesbian and gay people use against poly/pan/bi/etc people. like just because a bisexual girl dates a boy doesnt mean shes straight? youre erasing bisexuality right there by saying shes straight. or maybe you think that theyre a straight couple when reality they might be a closeted trans person so (making the couple not straight) ....idk i get annoyed mostly from the lesbians that pull this kind of stuff against bi women. like these same lesbian women will joke about biphobia and be transmisogynistic and call bisexual and straight women men worshipers. its sad to see them doing this kind of stuff.
i never really understood the point of "straight passing privilege" that lesbian and gay people use against poly/pan/bi/etc people. like just because a bisexual girl dates a boy doesnt mean shes straight? youre erasing bisexuality right there by saying shes straight. or maybe you think that theyre a straight couple when reality they might be a closeted trans person so (making the couple not straight) ....idk i get annoyed mostly from the lesbians that pull this kind of stuff against bi women. like these same lesbian women will joke about biphobia and be transmisogynistic and call bisexual and straight women men worshipers. its sad to see them doing this kind of stuff.

I agree. I think saying that someone is no longer bisexual because they are dating a guy/girl is like telling someone your favorite candy bars are a Kitkat and Twix, but they see you eating a Twix so you can no longer like Kitkats. People who think like that only add to the stereotype that bisexuals are unfaithful and greedy.
i never really understood the point of "straight passing privilege" that lesbian and gay people use against poly/pan/bi/etc people. like just because a bisexual girl dates a boy doesnt mean shes straight? youre erasing bisexuality right there by saying shes straight. or maybe you think that theyre a straight couple when reality they might be a closeted trans person so (making the couple not straight) ....idk i get annoyed mostly from the lesbians that pull this kind of stuff against bi women. like these same lesbian women will joke about biphobia and be transmisogynistic and call bisexual and straight women men worshipers. its sad to see them doing this kind of stuff.

Yeah this makes me very sad b/c our 'privilege' is literally that most people don't think we exist. I'm dating a girl right now and even my best friends who are very accepting (and a few of whom are gay themselves) call me gay... Very occasionally they'll correct themselves and go 'Sorry, bi' which doesn't make me feel any better because I'm pretty damn sure I'm pansexual and being called anything else makes me uncomfortable...
They ask me things like 'Would you ever want to get married?' Or 'Would you take your wife's name?' and I just it isn't okay. It is very rare for any form of polysexuality to be recognised as a legitimate identity and it makes me super annoyed.
I haven't had much exposure to the usage of the word straight privilege, so I haven't fully formed an opinion on its use, but I do feel comfortable applying it to myself. I'm a femme-presenting dfab person who is sometimes comfortable being referred to with she/her pronouns and other terms associated with femininity and women, and I am attracted to guys. This makes me much less of a target to homophobic people compared to other queer people with different gender identities and presentations. Although if I were to be in a relationship with a male it wouldn't make me "less queer", it would make me less susceptible to homophobic comments. That's sort of how I visualize "straight privilege" in my mind, without currently having any prior knowledge of its present use or application. But I only apply that logic to myself as an individual.
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