• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Linandko's videos, contest idea

Welp we finished the video which will announce it all, has a ton of information in it. Hopefully it won't be too overwhelming, but I wanted it to be where all the information was available at the beginning so at least people could semi-answer their own questions. Should be up on Friday, will post it on here when it is done. Thank you to everyone in this thread who gave me some good ideas, it was really helpful to have that kind of input :)
Welp we finished the video which will announce it all, has a ton of information in it. Hopefully it won't be too overwhelming, but I wanted it to be where all the information was available at the beginning so at least people could semi-answer their own questions. Should be up on Friday, will post it on here when it is done. Thank you to everyone in this thread who gave me some good ideas, it was really helpful to have that kind of input :)

Uh oh, now I'm excited :D
australia should have their own category, just sayin' :3
^The way we have it worked it makes it MORE than fair for Non-US people. If we were to break it down even furthur tallying it up would be a complete nightmare. Wouldn't wish all of that menial work on anyone.
Hey, it makes me wonder how many people from each country are watching the videos.
If half of the viewers are from the US then breaking it down further would be unfair to the US players suddenly.
I'm sure they'll take care of it just fine.
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Hey, it makes me wonder how many people from each country are watching the videos.
If half of the viewers are from the US then breaking it down further would be unfair to the US players suddenly.
I'm sure they'll take care of it just fine.
Eh...I don't really see it that way at all. We want all sorts of people to win this game, not just Americans. We are evening up the playing field, if anything by doing what we are doing.

We are able to view our demographics easily from our youtube page, and it is quite varied. Overwhelmingly US girls under the age of 17, yes, but still there are many viewers from Germany, Brazil, the Netherlands, France, UK, Aus/NZ, Japan etc etc. It probably goes anywhere from 50-70 percent US, and the rest being very varied. Not a huge stretch by any means. I can still foresee people complaining which is such a shame...people have a huge sense of entitlement, I've noticed since starting the youtube channel. Makes me sad haha.
If half of the viewers are from the US then breaking it down further would be unfair to the US players suddenly.

I agree with Jesirawr. I'm not just saying that because I live in the US, but giving certain people an advantage or disadvantage depending on where they happen to live is very unfair. And I understand that you would want people from other places to win as well. But you should not factor in people locations when determining winners. EVERYONE should get an equal opportunity, regardless of what country they happen to live in.

I love your videos, by the way!
I have to pause my music to watch this lol;

ahh you changed it to 6 winners instead of 4.

Good move :)

it's ok it was worth the pause
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Yup haha. Since the game comes out in June, we have some time to get more bells so we changed it from 4 to 6. Might even do some other mini contests from our twitter, want to see how this first one goes though :)
Hi Lin! I've just finished watching the contest overview. The rules seem fair and simple, but how will you differentiate between actual US and non-US residents? I mean, I personally won't be participating in the contest since I'll be on vacation shortly after launch; what if people enter as an international participant (or vice versa) knowing that their chances of winning may be higher?

Apologies if this doesn't make sense. it's fairly late where I am;;
Hi Lin! I've just finished watching the contest overview. The rules seem fair and simple, but how will you differentiate between actual US and non-US residents? I mean, I personally won't be participating in the contest since I'll be on vacation shortly after launch; what if people enter as an international participant (or vice versa) knowing that their chances of winning may be higher?

Apologies if this doesn't make sense. it's fairly late where I am;;

I was actually wondering this before too
I was actually wondering this before too

How we would differentiate?
On video two the people entering would do that themselves. By simply writing a [1] for US or [2] for Non-US. We just look at that, and tally up from there. We'll be checking their profiles anyway to make sure that the account looks legit, but aside from that I think people can handle labeling themselves.

I hope this answers your question, Peoki.
I agree with Jesirawr. I'm not just saying that because I live in the US, but giving certain people an advantage or disadvantage depending on where they happen to live is very unfair. And I understand that you would want people from other places to win as well. But you should not factor in people locations when determining winners. EVERYONE should get an equal opportunity, regardless of what country they happen to live in.

I kind of agree here. You are penalizing the Americans because they make up a majority of your viewers? That's not really fair, is it. I'm sure most other people outside of the US are quite happy that you decided to do this, but your American fans, which is majority of your fans, probably aren't too happy that they are not getting a fair chance at winning. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to call this discrimination.

Why are you even hand-selecting winners depending on where they live? Isn't there another way to determine winners without hurting anyone's feelings? There are plenty of better ways to determine winners. It is understood that you are trying to be fair to the minority, but you aren't "leveling the playing field" by doing this.
I posted the video! Very excited to get the contest going, hope it goes well. Thanks for everybodies input, I made some changes to the original plan because everyone had such good ideas.


Heh, I like how you went out of your way to say Canada doesn't count for US. If you hadn't specified, I would have assumed all of NA counted as US.
They said you have ten days after it come out to get it and then start making videos and no one can leave you any questions or comments at all.
Instead of giving the winners all of the silver tools why not let them choose the silver tools they want? Because I think they would like to get most of them themselves. Personally I would choose the Silver Axe and Watering can.