From what I can understand, it doesn't sound like your conversation was just you hurling insults at him, and then he blocked you. Sounds more like you guys had a little fight? And if that's the case, he is in the wrong as well. Don't let him manipulate the situation into you being the only bad guy. It's important to remember that he could have stepped away or asked you to step away from the computer while you were heated. If he's looking to actively argue with his s/o, he better be ready to apologize or hear an apology, like you are. Of course he's too immature.
Send him a new friend request, hope for a chance to apologize for yourself, then re-evaluate if you want to be in a long-distance relationship with someone who has poor communication skills. If he never opens his DMs to you again... bullet dodged in my opinion. Maybe I'm too harsh on him, but he owes you an apology as well.
( I could be wrong, and he could've handled the conversation well, and then blocked you, but that honestly seems a bit worse to me, so I'm going to assume you two fought. )
Send him a new friend request, hope for a chance to apologize for yourself, then re-evaluate if you want to be in a long-distance relationship with someone who has poor communication skills. If he never opens his DMs to you again... bullet dodged in my opinion. Maybe I'm too harsh on him, but he owes you an apology as well.
( I could be wrong, and he could've handled the conversation well, and then blocked you, but that honestly seems a bit worse to me, so I'm going to assume you two fought. )