May I get Baabara when she's in boxes?
Yes you may! Ill add you to the list for a lurker or you can reserve her for 25tbt!
Thanks a lot, just transfered the 25 tbt
Hey, if the person doesn't come back to you about Roald, I'd like him
I am now only lurking for Blaire! Managed to get ricky!! No longer lurking for nibbles. Decided I am not in a hurry anymore to plot my villagers. Plus I have no snooty villagers at the moment so Blaire is wonderful for my town! Thank you for letting me lurk and please update the info when you get the chance. Have a lovely day <33
25 tbt for drago! C:
I hope someone adopts drago. He's so cute.
I can do 25 TBT for Drago!
Great thanks! I'll send TBT now!