Lost It's Charm

Preach! At first, when TTers were reporting being bored after the first two weeks in the game (I don't TT), people were going on about how "they are just bored because they aren't playing normally." Yet, here I am two and a half weeks into the game in real time, and just as the TTers predicted, I am bored with this game. I thought that maybe this holiday would make things better, but that was a big NOPE. The holiday just made things (IMO) worse/more tedious and boring than it already was. I've lacked the motivation to play the game at all in the past couple of days, and until this game stops being just flat out bad (for an Animal Crossing game), I don't know if I'll ever start back up playing. Sad to say, but I think I just wasted $60 on this one.
I think this must be something that comes down to personal opinion, I don't TT either, but I wouldn't say that I am bored with the game. I play about 1-2 hours a day (most days not all) and i just kind of chill, do some fishing, talk to some villagers, craft some stuff etc.
Am i hooked on it? no- do I think it's a bad game and a waste of money? also no
I think this must be something that comes down to personal opinion, I don't TT either, but I wouldn't say that I am bored with the game. I play about 1-2 hours a day (most days not all) and i just kind of chill, do some fishing, talk to some villagers, craft some stuff etc.
Am i hooked on it? no- do I think it's a bad game and a waste of money? also no

Agreed. I don't time travel either and I am constantly finding something to do on my island. With everything closed because of this pandemic, I play all day long on the weekends, and all evening on weekdays. I'm probably at 150+ hours now. I seriously can't put the game down. Aside from reviewers, no non-TT'er should have unlocked the first Nook's Cranny upgrade yet, so we've definitely not hit the end of content yet. And since it takes 30 days to get, we should not be complaining about the 1 upgrade until May 20th, another month after the 1st upgrade. Also, to be completely honest, the amount of "fun" one finds in the game will likely be the same, no matter which version of Nook's Cranny you have. It's possible Animal Crossing just isn't cut out for those who are getting board. Not every game can be enjoyed by every person, and not every person will enjoy every game.
Have you heard the saying "you give out what you attract"? If you don't want others to be condescending towards you, then I kindly ask that you don't be condescending about others having a different opinion than you. Thanks. I don't want to start an argument, so I am just going to leave it at this.
no, you mean "you attract what you give out?"

i wasn't trying to be condescending, i thought i made that clear and i apologize to op and others if it read that way. i was simply stating my own interpretation of several posts i've seen about this. if you don't want to start anything then i kindly suggest that you don't reply with snide in the first place.
I think that the customization is vastly improved upon. As the player we have so much more control over what our “in game” world looks like. There are also just so many little details that are fun to discover like the rain hitting the window, the air from a fan moving the clothes on the clothes line, etc. I am having the most fun I have ever had playing an Animal Crossing game.

I anticipate lots of updates. I’m not worried about special characters, because I think all of them have a good chance of returning barring Shampoodle. I think Nintendo is trying out updates as a way to entice players back to the game for months to come and this includes TT.

Where I feel they dropped the ball is multiplayer games. It would be nice if multiplayer was expanded on from New Leaf. They might do this in the future, but I think it should have been included with the base game. Also, after getting two new species and two new personalities in New Leaf it was kinda disappointing to get just 8 new villagers In New Horizon. Will we ever get bats or snakes?

Regardless, I am finding a lot to do and so for me I am still having fun. Like currently, I am planning out a spooky forest and a ski town, and remodeling my main entryway, and completing my museum, and upgrading my house. My to do list feels endless. Lol!
I like this change. I think it's a lot comfier than New Leaf and reminds me more of the previous games. It's modern but also keeping that old slow paced feel that AC originally had and I love the nook miles feature. The only thing I don't care about personally is terraforming so I most likely won't ever touch it or the crafting which imo is pretty dated. There was a huge crafting boom during/shortly after minecraft days in like every game 2010-2013 and I've been burnt out ever since.
I'm sure it's been said, but there are three Nook's upgrades. First one is contingent on time, second is contingent on a set amount of bells spent, and the third is unknown at this time.
I will say that I enjoy NH a lot! It doesnt give me the same feeling i had when i first started playing NL but it is close to it. I am gonna admit this is most probably because NL was my very first AC game and it was wonderfull exploring something so very new to me!

Hopefully future updates can bring more charm to the game for you. As someone kinda new to the series, because i only got into it 2 years ago, this does feel like an AC game to me, but I agree that having some of the old stuff back would be a nice improvment. Having more stuff to do like mini games and diving is always a plus, in my opinion.
I'm sure it's been said, but there are three Nook's upgrades. First one is contingent on time, second is contingent on a set amount of bells spent, and the third is unknown at this time.
do we know what the third looks like?
Where I feel they dropped the ball is multiplayer games. It would be nice if multiplayer was expanded on from New Leaf. They might do this in the future, but I think it should have been included with the base game. Also, after getting two new species and two new personalities in New Leaf it was kinda disappointing to get just 8 new villagers In New Horizon. Will we ever get bats or snakes?

Regardless, I am finding a lot to do and so for me I am still having fun. Like currently, I am planning out a spooky forest and a ski town, and remodeling my main entryway, and completing my museum, and upgrading my house. My to do list feels endless. Lol!

I never knew how much I wanted Bat villagers until now......one walking around in a little cape would be amazing.

But to add my thoughts I absolutely love this game, its definately something where as time goes on you have to make your own fun in it, but that's why I love it. There is so much to do and I'm also confident that there are going to be lots of updates to this game, to keep people coming back.

It's meant to be played for a long period of time, for many years to come so we'll get new features, new public services, returning special characters and much more.
I've actually found myself enjoying the game much more since I finished the tutorial at the beginning (basically up to the three star rating). It's mostly because I am a very goal-oriented person, so the game presenting me with things and saying, "okay, you need to do this" led to me being very focused on those things above all others. Even when a lot of the time I didn't care about the outcome (terraforming and pathing, mostly)! I had to refine my style of play during the first couple days, where I'd find myself getting tired of gathering supplies for villager houses or Nook's Cranny. Typically I try to rush to get that stuff done, and then do what I want, but I'd take a break halfway through and do something I actually wanted to, and it led to me enjoying the game more and not feeling burnt out.

There are for sure valid criticisms to make about the game, but I wouldn't say it's lacking charm, either. At the end of the day though if you need to step away or just find that it's not your kind of game, I think that's fine too. It sucks, but sometimes you just won't like something, no matter how hard you try to get into it.
i'm really enjoying new horizons, but i totally agree. with a lot of content axed from the game, in new leaf there were so many things to unlock and do, even after the initial stages of growing your town- i know they're adding more to the game as time goes on, but it just feels like a gimmicky way to expand the game's lifespan for more casual players? there are a lot of things i think new horizons excels in a lot more than the previous games, but there's so much lacking i can't help but be disappointed in it sometimes.
I understand the frustration of features being left out, and in a way, I agree that New Horizons does not have the same "charm" as previous installments. A lot of NPCs were cut at the expense of more practical features that make the series seem a lot more modern.

I've theorized this before, but I feel as if Nintendo was pushed to release this game in Q1 2020 to prevent with overlap with other releases, especially after the initial delay. I imagine they had to make some tough decisions.

I do think we'll see more content updates in the future, although I agree we can't judge the game based on the idea that we think content is coming because we can never be 100% sure.

With all this being said, the idea of "charm" being lost is not anything new in Animal Crossing. As others have stated, so much content was cut in Wild World to fit the game onto the DS, including holidays and fairs, the lighthouse, the dump, and a smaller town. City Folk removed villager pictures and started honing in on the "big city" aesthetic. We can't give New Leaf a pass either. It had some of the driest dialogue and completely neutered the Museum with destroying Blather's personality and removing the Observatory.

For me, I find New Horizons to be a mix of old and new. While the game is by far the most modern, it reeks of older AC-style gameplay with an emphasis on doing daily tasks (spearheaded by Nook Miles + challenges) with the more simplistic town model of the "Town Hall", general store, tailor, and museum. However, the game still takes inspiration from New Leaf with Nook Miles Tours (reminiscent of the island), an emphasis on multiplayer, and more upgrades to storage and customization that take the series in a more design-oriented approach.

I'm not too crazy either about relying on updates for new content that should have been in the base game, but that's the world we live in and that's how the gaming industry operates today. With all this being said, I'm having a blast with New Horizons. Everyday, there's just so much to do that I can't even do everything. And, as someone who played New Leaf exclusively offline, the single-player experience in New Horizons easily trumps the single-player experience of New Leaf. I can't relate to having minigames cut, so I won't comment on that, but Nook Miles+ alone gives me a lot to work towards everyday.
The lack of things to do in multiplayer is a huge bummer, visiting towns if fun till you look around then you’re just standing there, that’s when mini games would be awesome!
I've been enjoying the game a lot and even though I don't exactly agree that it "lost its charm" in my eyes, I still think all the criticisms are valid. Sure, I may have high hopes in future updates, but that's just the thing: it's only hopes. We have no idea what we're getting in the future. We can't exactly say we'll never get something added to an update, but we also can't say that we will either.

I may not be happy with a lot of decisions, and especially glitches, involving the game, but I'm personally optimistic that they'll make it a fun experience in the end, even if it's not exactly mind-blowing.

(also sorry this is slightly on another topic that was only touched on but people and sources keep wording it differently and its confusing me a lot: is the cap 8 bridges and inclines total or 8 bridges and 8 inclines each??)
I don't know if it is just me, but I feel like New Horizons doesn't have the same charm as other games. You can practically get any villager you want with amibo (i know you could in new leaf but not at the beginning of the game coming out.) and with crafting i get they wanted to try something new but golden tools should never break- i mean you work hard for them

@ForgottenT 's Words
Only 1 Nooks Cranny upgrade, no brewster cafe, no resetti "hideout", no police station, no kicks shop, no Leif shop, no museum upgrades, no Katrina shop, no Retail, no club lol, no diving, no paintings, no exotic fruits, no perfect fruit, no gyroids, no bushes, no club tortimer, no minigames, no Kapn shop, no Gracie shop, no town square, no room size upgrades
(Nintendo what am I gonna do with these overpriced closet size rooms)
No Katie, no post office, letters aren't physical anymore, more convinient but I dislike the change.
8 bridges, and incline limit wtf?!
Etc etc.
I agree with you, apart from moving in amiibo's.

It's actually harder having to have them visit three times and craft them things.

It doesn't feel like AC, tbh.
If I’m being totally honest I was enjoying the game at first. But, a little over 2 weeks in I’m getting bored with it.

I haven’t really done anything with my island as I’m working towards getting the Island Designer app, so there’s that. But, I could only see myself playing when there’s events on and such.

Completing Nook Miles+ daily has gotten repetitive for me and it’s become boring unfortunately. It’s nice when I am able to get the standard Nook Miles achievement but from where I’m at, it takes time.

I’ve unlocked every building so far. Nook’s Cranny still is yet to upgrade.

I’m still being optimistic though. Definitely don’t dislike the game. Guess I’m just feeling burnt-out. As I’ve said in the past I hope there’s some “proper” updates though adding back the post office, Dream Suite, etc.
Two weeks into this game, I find it MORE charming than when I started it! It's so full of vibrant colors, small lovely details, and expressive characters. I love the way those flying giftboxes sway in the air as they stroll across the island, and with Bunny Day being here, it's like a colorful box parade! Yesterday, the 2AM music got me in the mood to take pictures on the beach, right by the moon, in my new-bought pink kimono. Isabelle's daily broadcasts are small gems: how does she make finding her lost sock sound so ... interesting?

I haven't unlocked terraforming yet, and my island and house are a mess for now, but that's fine. All these other little things are adding up so tastefully, making me smile, helping me discover myself, and making me want to keep making my island more and more beautiful. That 2AM photo session has me considering getting a camera and becoming a photographer in real life. I think a game is more than charming if it's having a tangible influence in my real life. It's enlightening.

If it's not clear, I couldn't disagree more with the thread title lol! If updates come then fine. If they don't come, that's fine as well. I'm satisfied with what we have now. I find that lots of people rely more on updates to provide them with fun in this game, rather than imagination and the adventurous energy that inspires one to spontaneously pull out their camera, go to the beach, and take pictures amid the 2AM music.
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The only thing I miss for the charm is Pelly and Phyllis <'3. I want Phyllis to roast me!

Other then that, I'm loving this game to the max. I haven't enjoyed a game this much in years, and it's becoming a part of my daily routine o check in on my animals and do my daily tasks now that the tutorial phase is over. I feel like I'm a kid playing Wild World again where everything consisted of chilling, fishing and fooling around with no purpose.

I do understand that people are dissapointed about the lack of NPC's and other stuff tho. But for me personally this haven't been a problem. ♡