I think this must be something that comes down to personal opinion, I don't TT either, but I wouldn't say that I am bored with the game. I play about 1-2 hours a day (most days not all) and i just kind of chill, do some fishing, talk to some villagers, craft some stuff etc.Preach! At first, when TTers were reporting being bored after the first two weeks in the game (I don't TT), people were going on about how "they are just bored because they aren't playing normally." Yet, here I am two and a half weeks into the game in real time, and just as the TTers predicted, I am bored with this game. I thought that maybe this holiday would make things better, but that was a big NOPE. The holiday just made things (IMO) worse/more tedious and boring than it already was. I've lacked the motivation to play the game at all in the past couple of days, and until this game stops being just flat out bad (for an Animal Crossing game), I don't know if I'll ever start back up playing. Sad to say, but I think I just wasted $60 on this one.
I think this must be something that comes down to personal opinion, I don't TT either, but I wouldn't say that I am bored with the game. I play about 1-2 hours a day (most days not all) and i just kind of chill, do some fishing, talk to some villagers, craft some stuff etc.
Am i hooked on it? no- do I think it's a bad game and a waste of money? also no
no, you mean "you attract what you give out?"Have you heard the saying "you give out what you attract"? If you don't want others to be condescending towards you, then I kindly ask that you don't be condescending about others having a different opinion than you. Thanks. I don't want to start an argument, so I am just going to leave it at this.
do we know what the third looks like?I'm sure it's been said, but there are three Nook's upgrades. First one is contingent on time, second is contingent on a set amount of bells spent, and the third is unknown at this time.
Where I feel they dropped the ball is multiplayer games. It would be nice if multiplayer was expanded on from New Leaf. They might do this in the future, but I think it should have been included with the base game. Also, after getting two new species and two new personalities in New Leaf it was kinda disappointing to get just 8 new villagers In New Horizon. Will we ever get bats or snakes?
Regardless, I am finding a lot to do and so for me I am still having fun. Like currently, I am planning out a spooky forest and a ski town, and remodeling my main entryway, and completing my museum, and upgrading my house. My to do list feels endless. Lol!
We do not. The only thing we do know is that it shows up in the datamine, so it's at least there.do we know what the third looks like?
I agree with you, apart from moving in amiibo's.I don't know if it is just me, but I feel like New Horizons doesn't have the same charm as other games. You can practically get any villager you want with amibo (i know you could in new leaf but not at the beginning of the game coming out.) and with crafting i get they wanted to try something new but golden tools should never break- i mean you work hard for them
@ForgottenT 's Words
Only 1 Nooks Cranny upgrade, no brewster cafe, no resetti "hideout", no police station, no kicks shop, no Leif shop, no museum upgrades, no Katrina shop, no Retail, no club lol, no diving, no paintings, no exotic fruits, no perfect fruit, no gyroids, no bushes, no club tortimer, no minigames, no Kapn shop, no Gracie shop, no town square, no room size upgrades
(Nintendo what am I gonna do with these overpriced closet size rooms)
No Katie, no post office, letters aren't physical anymore, more convinient but I dislike the change.
8 bridges, and incline limit wtf?!
Etc etc.