I get that this would be something that would take away from the game (I definitely agree with this sentiment) but its not a feature that you have to use. I think its great that they included this ability, especially if you spent money on the amiibo cards. It allows people to have the town they want without having to restart over and over and over and over again. But for people (like me) who would prefer the randomness of the villagers, its not something that you need to use. I specifically avoided using any of my amiibo cards specifically because I don't want to know exactly who is coming to my town. I like being surprised.You can practically get any villager you want with amibo
the animal crossing series's charm has been watered down since New leaf. Although New Leaf is the one I grew up with, going back and playing the older games makes me realize what animal crossing was intended to be. Most of the original instruments in the hourly music is gone. The grass looks less polygonal and now looks realistic, which isn't that great in my opinion. The hourly music is bland and uninspired and the main theme is one of the worst in the series.What does this have to do with losing charm? Animal Crossing has ALWAYS been about making it the town you want.
What about New Leaf?
1 year since this post was made and the only thing that was added was bushes, art and diving
hope that this year nintendo actually releases more content for the game
I still refuse to believe that the villagers say "different" things according to some people. No matter how many times I talk to them on a daily bases weather its today, tomorrow, next week or whatever they all repeat the same subjects. I am sorry, but I am just so sick and tired of the repetitive talk that these villagers always say. This would not bother me so because if they were to talk about different topics everyday and not repeat the same subjects. Thats all I ever ask for.I have never gotten bored if New Horizons since there's always a lot to do and especially perfecting your Island with so much available and more updates adding things. The only bland thing I'd say are villagers which are kind of robotic and wish were more alive like the Gamecube ones. I was hoping they'd fix that from New Leaf but I guess they're almost similar but I'd say New Horizons gave them slightly more of a personality at least~
I'm replaying new leaf at the moment and it feels exactly the same as new horizons in charm.I've never felt this way about New Horizons and it makes me feel like the odd one out. I think it has a bunch of charm, in its own right, just like every other AC game. I'll be completely honest - even if New Horizons didn't receive any updates after it was first released, I still think it had enough new content that I'd be content with it as a base game (although I'd have wanted diving to be added). It added so much. Don't get me wrong, I know there are features from previous games that didn't make it. But each new AC game has lost features, e.g. New Leaf didn't contain everything that Wild World did. I understand New Horizons is missing some key characters and buildings that New Leaf had, but it's added so many different things, including QoL things, so it's charming to me in its own right. I think villager dialogue, for one, is vastly improved in New Horizons compared to New Leaf. I found it incredibly repetitive in New Leaf.
I understand not everyone feels the same way, and in no way am I saying people shouldn't feel like it has lost its charm. That's totally fine!
I totally agree. I don't think I could ever go back to New Leaf. I'd just get so bored. The only thing I could do differently in that game now is go to Tortimer's Island. But honestly I never used to go there that much anyway.I'm replaying new leaf at the moment and it feels exactly the same as new horizons in charm.
Only it has worse dialogue and there is nothing to do in it other than fish and catch bugs.
I dont want to say others are wrong when they say stuff like on this thread but... I can't see where they are coming from at all.
All the charm is here, just along with so much more stuff to do.
The only thing I think as to why people think new leaf had more content, is because it took like 2 days of farming bells to buy a bench for the town. Now we can craft one in 10 seconds.
In the near future I plan or restarting the gamecube game to see how I feel about the dialogue when played at the same time as New horizons.I totally agree. I don't think I could ever go back to New Leaf. I'd just get so bored. The only thing I could do differently in that game now is go to Tortimer's Island. But honestly I never used to go there that much anyway.
We were so limited in New Leaf - where we placed buildings, PWPs, villagers moving out without notice and placing their houses anywhere, etc.
I think New Horizons is better 1000 times over, but respect other people's negative opinions too!
Edit: I do wish New Horizons didn't have such a focus on aesthetics and decorating; I think that's a big reason why some may feel the charm is gone. But honestly, the game is what I make it - and I don't choose to get too caught up in decorating. I enjoy it, but I spend so much more time chatting to my villagers, fishing and catching bugs, etc.
Decorating my town has always been important to me in the game.Edit: I do wish New Horizons didn't have such a focus on aesthetics and decorating; I think that's a big reason why some may feel the charm is gone. But honestly, the game is what I make it - and I don't choose to get too caught up in decorating. I enjoy it, but I spend so much more time chatting to my villagers, fishing and catching bugs, etc.
I know many people get annoyed when I say this, but it is true that New Horizons is starting to feel stale considering that Nintendo hasn't really given us like a trailer to show us what updates we can look forward to in 2021. We are just left in the dark speculating and wondering when will the next update be? Most likely its going to be a 2.0 update that will contain alot of new stuff being added and maybe just fixes, but again we really don't know. Don't get me wrong New Horizons is a good game and it has a lot of great things going for it, but right now so far it just seems like we really want to see new stuff.
I don't have a problem with events repeating or anything like that, but I really would want to see new stuff being added that keeps the game refreshing and not so repetitive and boring. I know many people will disagree with me when I say this, but I've said this for the longest time and I will stand by with what I said, New Horizons is really getting stale and we really need improvements and new things added to keep the game refreshing.
Yeah I get you. Personally I'm in the "can't wait for Brewster to return" camp; I loved him in previous games and the café has always held a special place in my heart. But I do agree that he wouldn't add much in the way of actual gameplay, unless they brought back the coffee job I suppose. I did love running around my town with the little takeaway coffees though.Like I dont understand why people want brewster back so badly as getting coffee was boring, but I'd like him back if it makes those people happy.