Traded a Choco Cake for 2 Spellectable Sets
I've noticed a lot of collectible for collectible trades in the TBT marketplace as well as postings here from you guys. These have never been added to my spreadsheet or SkyFall's method previously since it was hard to give it a monetary value. However, the thing with leaving them out is that many of the rare collectibles that I don't have much information on are traded this way, ie: feathers, pokeballs, letters, etc.
So as a seller/buyer when you trade a collectible for a collectible, what are you basing the values on? the max range? the average? the popularity?
I would like to incorporate these trades into my spreadsheet in some way, but I want it to be a fair and accurate pricing which makes it hard.
I guess it's down to if the traders like each others collectibles... not necessarily the value...
It would be really difficult to incorporate this into your spreadsheet :/ There's too many permutations possible to include in all one place...
I nearly have 10k, so maybe I can get a yellow house/letter soon ^^
Generally when I go for rare collectibles and I trade for collectibles, I value each collectible at the higher end of the guide. If I add TBT to my offer, it usually goes towards the rares collectible.So as a seller/buyer when you trade a collectible for a collectible, what are you basing the values on? the max range? the average? the popularity?
How much are pokeberry worth :O
That's crazy xD
They'll probably be back soon anyway.
Generally when I go for rare collectibles and I trade for collectibles, I value each collectible at the higher end of the guide. If I add TBT to my offer, it usually goes towards the rares collectible.
For example I bought I Danielkang2's Yellow House, peach, green balloon, and blue candy for a Pokeball and 5k.
I priced the peach, green balloon, and blue candy for about 4.5-6k roughly, and and yellow house for roughly 18-19k.
Sorry if that is not what you asked, maybe I read your question wrong hahah
People have been setting their rate at around 17-19k for the past couple days/weeks I believe
That's crazy.
I remember when people where gifting them around for free at the time :s
Sold a swirl for 3.5 I should add
Sold a swirl for 3.5 I should add
Swirl?? or is that a popsicle?