I saw a really nice kimono on someone earlier, but they're not in my friends list, so I couldn't get a closer look.
I believe p e p p e r was wearing a kimono earlier, but she's all casual now haha.
I saw a really nice kimono on someone earlier, but they're not in my friends list, so I couldn't get a closer look.
This is one of the ones I want, ah!
I saw another Kimono on someone else and I want that as well, but I'll have to wait.
I'm almost at 200 friends. What have I done.
So close, yet so far.
A lot of people made a twitter account specifically for this. Between the two, twitter is definitely the easiest option.
At this point, I don't even need twitter for friends. I end up getting suggestions based on mutual friends, lol.
So close, yet so far.
So I lined my Twitterto my Nintendo Account, but I'm not getting anything on Miitomo saying I linked my Twitter and I'm not getting the 100 Platinum Points. Is there something extra I need to do?
Based on the image from the previous page, I say they'll just show up in the shop. Everyone gets different items in that daily section so I just have to wait my turn, or spot a friend wearing one of them. ;;