Cycling Mischief Makers Cycling Co.! - CHECK THREAD!! ❤

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Lurking for Papi and hoping he doesn't move 'til the weekend :,)
I haven't been able to get on at all because my dumb college keeps me busy AND the college wi-fi won't let my 3DS connect //loudest sigh
Novi! <3

I haven't been doing much cycling, and there's been a few looking for Papi c:. Dumb that your 3DS can't connect :/

Jerika25 hasn't replied, so Pango's going to the world of Reddit
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Novi! <3

I haven't been doing much cycling, and there's been a few looking for Papi c:. Dumb that your 3DS can't connect :/

Jerika25 hasn't replied, so Pango's going to the world of Reddit

Hi sorry >< i have the room but I am waiting for Eunice =3 sorry about that
Actually I will take her I changed my mind =3 if its still okay?
Tex the Penguin has moved in!

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