Ok before I get to the reads, wanted to post an explanation of the way I see this game pretty much every time, my 'meta', if you will. And don't worry, unlike the rest of this post, it's not long winded.
Yep. Everyone is a possibility, no matter how town they seem. Always question everything, and probably still get it wrong and embarrass myself with my wrong reads and tinfoil theories.
D1 questions/etc
A bit out of order cuz mobile quoting sucks...
The heartbreak of going back and looking at d1 is knowing that my tinfoil theory of a shawo/random mafslip was wrong. Ouch. I still contend that those posts were super sus, though.
Of some interest -the chain of posts after the 'sidney is maf, discuss' post (39). Trent, tae, and myself all respond fairly neutral on sidney, and/or ask shawo to explain why sidney. He doesn't, the 'not gonna say' the reason post (shawo 43).
Trent's response to that (44) mentions tae specifically, and my response mentions random and also tae (52). But shawo townread me while tae sus read me, and trent was the one shawo targeted?
And I don't understand what he meant in this one-
I mean yeah sure, it was effective bait in the sense that it generated conversation, but I could also assert that I genuinely do/still find Sydney the most scummy. What I'm saying is that ~no one~ was really getting pushed off the Sydney read. Where it's a pretty easy opportunity to try and push anyone in lieu of calling sydney maf/town.
A lot of shawo's posts are more confusing each time I go back to them.
In later arguments (d3/sidney is sus case) tae theorizes that shawo - bringing sidney up first as possible maf and later reading as town - could be using it as a distancing strategy that he's seen in other games. But tae also said he would kill shawo early d1 then backtracked it later. Also, shawo did actually vote sidney, but then later removed it (to go after trent?). Also later removed sus of sidney.
i also wouldn’t seriously vote him d1 simply because of our previous game played outcome- that was a **** post to stir the pot on him.
Also wanted to mention - some of us received some sus for wanting to kill off low activity/ inactives and I'm curious if this opinion has changed any? I regard low activity players as a curse on the game, because they can be very frustrating to deal with, and at worst, kept alive and then later used by maf as easy targets.
It’s two parts of the same answer. I think randomly killing off someone less active is not a good idea,
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT VOTE D1 INACTIVES. Let them be replaced if they never show, i know former games some of you played did not do replacements but let’s not elim someone slotted to be replaced.
This next quote is shawo saying he would flip off trent to get elim. I did not push random or tae (not confident enough) but I wish I would have pushed one of them now, because I've been assuming shawo would have flipped onto tae, because of the omgus war.
Also, just as a warning, we should not split our votes off of a potential Elim. While I'm going to push Trent, I'll flip off if it means no elim is going to win. (Star/Random/Trent) on no Elim.
But there was this other post to both myself and tae.
tbh @BetsySundrop @tae we should just vote trent here to stop a forced no elim. I'm not entirely sure why you guys were on eachothers case still, but the alternative of getting a no elim here is the worst option I think. Trent doesn't seem super interested in keeping themselves alive in the last 30 minutes either.
Speaking of the omgus...one thing that actually irks me (even my own possible d1 town death doesn't irk me like this does, lol) and flips my omgus switch is when I believe I've been misrepresented, or I see someone misrepresenting others. I always try to explain thoroughly when I think something isn't accurate. Out of everything in this game, I think misrepresenting is super sus.
In my questions for sidney d3, I went into some detail on how I believed the d1 conversation was misrepped and then used as a sus. As sidney put it, shawo said sidney is maf, etc, I responded (did not agree), then I immediately threw out two other names. I believe (and correct me if I've got it wrong) sidney viewed this as a possible team targeting 3 people. However, this entire conversation went from post 39 all the way to 52, only a few of those from me, with other people responding with names/arguments/questions, etc.
And this is what I thought was a misrep from tae and my response to it.
I's hard for it to not show as OMGUS when your whole sus is based on inactivity at the start, when you know tunneling inactive players DOES NOT BENIFIT TOWN. so the next best option is me. the one who sussed you the hardest of anyone else here.
If you had read my early responses to this exact question, you would have the answer to this. And again, this post is inaccurate.
My earlier response was that in the last game we had inactive players, they were not replaced. It is extremely difficult on d3 when absent players have not shown up. Dan clarified that absent players would be replaced.
My sus on random was explained. Low (extremely) activity is not modkilled until later in the game, and more important (to me) is that weird got it post.
My sus on you was not based on early inactivity. That was the beginning sus. As time goes on, I see more sus and I explained those things.
If I wanted to vote the one who susses me hardest, I'd vote sidney, because sidney sussed me earlier at a time when she was being questioned. It would have been easy to push it, but as much as sidney susses me, it feels genuine, not just someone hopping on to create a wagon.
So I'll try to clarify anything I see as a misrep, and if anyone thinks I've misrepped, please correct me.
I noticed for d1 sidney, there were a lot of unsubstantial post at first, mostly about being lost and new, which was questioned and mentioned in later susses, but I also noticed this:
I worry my gut opinions would send us down rabbit holes or backfire and get us to elim a townie instead of a mafia
And it's a valid reason to be wary. Also saw explanation of being sussed in other game for posting too much, etc?
Pausing for a break, back later with more thoughts.