• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Cycling Munchi's Quick Cycling Event [MO:Cherry]

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Sorry for lack of activity lately, I've been working a lot. But Pecan who I am holding for my cousin pinged to move. I'm probably going to transfer her to my sister's town so I can reset in August.
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If anything changes with fauna Or you run across her will you let me know desperate to complete my dreamies then be able to give one I have for free to someone waiting just to be kind.
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been cycling lately, I started a job this month to earn some money before going back to school, and they work me quite a bit on a late shift, so I'm at work all through the evening until late and then I sleep in until like 11. I have still been checking every day, but had been at 8 villagers for a while, and didn't want to camp reset cause it takes time, so I decided to let a random move in and as of today, Chief has placed his ropes in my town. All the wolves this town. So that's the first thing.

The second thing, some of you who have been here a while know I will be getting rid of this town soon in order to restart and do a second town to decorate and get dreamies on. I've announced that I was going to do a huge cycle blowout before I did so in order to get all the villagers people wanted out. I'm here to announce that this big cycling event will take place next week on Wednesday and Thursday. That's August 6th and 7th. It will probably start somewhere in the neighborhood of 3PM CST on Wednesday and continue until 5PM on Thursday. If I am unable to get all of the dreamies out in that time frame I will likely do another one the following Tuesday and Wednesday. The 12th and 13th, times TBA.

In this event I will be doing quick cycling that will put villagers into boxes without the need for a move ping. Because I'm doing this my raffles and giveaways will be much quicker, likely only lasting about an hour. I will need entries to be willing to come immediately to take villagers. I will wait 15 minutes from the time I message the winner before drawing a new one. It will ultimately come down to who is readily available, so keep an eye out. I will cycle this way until I get a town full of villagers no one is interested in. At this point I will be done cycling. I will keep the town for a little while longer until I can get all of the stuff I'm keeping transferred out and then I will restart. In my new town if I get populars or any villagers that someone is looking for I will still post like normal in the main villager trading forum like everyone else, just create a new thread for the raffle/auction or whatever and that'll be it. If it's an unpopular someone has requested that I've noticed I will message whomever and see if they still want that particular villager. But I won't be cycling this town. It'll just be an if I get someone sort of thing. But anyways, for those that were too lazy to read this long post I'll give you a quick summary:

Big-blow out cycling August 6th at 3PM CST-August 7th 5PM CST. 1 hour raffles, must pick up immediately if you win. 15 minutes or I redraw.

Note: If a villager decides to move before then I will probably post them on this thread like normal, but if they don't move in a quick enough time frame between now and then I will probably use whoever to start off the big event.
Hello, all! About an hour to go until the event is starting! Looks like our first mover will be Ruby. She pinged at me the other day. I haven't heard back from the people who were wanting to claim her, so if I don't hear back from them before the event starts she will be up for grabs. First come, first serve. Please wait until the even starts before asking for her as I will announce whether or not she is still available. I picked up Del from a tent the other day to begin my town of randoms. If someone wants him though, feel free. If he wants to move and no one wants him I will just void him. I've updated the first post with how things are going to work. If you have any question after you read it feel free to ask. See you guys in an hour! :)

And it is 3PM by my clock, so let's get started! I haven't heard back from either of my Ruby takers, so I am offering her up! She is first come, first serve, so whoever posts firsts and can take her right now can have her!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I will hold Ruby for another 10 minutes. I'd hate to void her because some people were looking for her.

- - - Post Merge - - -

The time has come. I am voiding Ruby. :< Sorry to anyone who comes in afterward and wants her, but we must move on!
Fauna has pinged to leave, I'm currently working out the details with my cousin for picking her up.
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