Mysteries of the Monolith - Ended!

I'm confident now that I'm on the right path but now I'm caught in a vicious second guessing loop. Fun.
Dang it! Another one I can't see anything in. These are soo tough. 😣
That took entirely too long for me to find. I'm pretty sure I had an eyelash fall out and start stabbing my eye in the middle. Good Omen, right?

But I am pretty confident in my answer and (may) get sad if my answer is incorrect.
Took me a while to solidify my answer but I'm just going to have to hope it's right. Pretty sure it is. If after all my back and forth I'm wrong though, I might have to throw hands. For reasons.
I have a few good guesses, but nothing 100% solid as none of it lines up perfectly with it... I wonder if it's another obscure character again.
the fact that we have to decipher a scribble of a character and not even an official image just makes this ten times more frustrating, honestly

the migraine i've been contending with the last few hours says hard pass, i'll get my two tickets elsewhere
I'm kicking myself on my guess. I see it differently now. Oh well.
Why couldn't this one be limitless guessing via code like the last one? Lol 🙃
I submitted my guess but it's likely super wrong 😢 this will be the first monolith round I won't get tickets for so far! I wish we got consolation TBT
Ugh. I hate it when the characters are from that series. I only know them by appearance and not by name. I never got into playing it. It's just not for me.
where is it??

Love the pic though, did you take it yourself?
I've submitted an answer, I don't expect it to be correct, but if I didn't try I would be disappointed I didn't give it a go!