Mysteries of the Monolith - Ended!

D-Did I do it? Did I find my first mirror ever? I hope I did.
dang, i kind of wish these rounds were friendly for European timezones because i got this immediately once i zoomed in :/
I agree! I've been enjoying this event so much but this is the only downside for me. Each round gets released at midnight in the UK and I'd love it if I wasn't half asleep while trying to figure them out 🥲
I agree! I've been enjoying this event so much but this is the only downside for me. Each round gets released at midnight in the UK and I'd love it if I wasn't half asleep while trying to figure them out 🥲
ditto. i've been aiming to try and keep sleeping at midnight, or just before, to try and maintain a healthy sleeping pattern, so the fact that all of these release then is a real bummer. i think it would be nice even if just every other round was dropped by a European moderator or something at a more reasonable time for people who live here.
The pain and suffering- seeing it, no clue what it is, rotate, retrace, seeing something else, no clue what it is, feeling completely stumped and kind of pathetic because so many people got it fairly quickly.

The silver lining- well, heck, a lotta people got it, there is hope! I just need to keep looking at it....
I’m not that familiar with the series so it wasn’t the easiest round, but hopefully I got the right character 🙏
The pain and suffering- seeing it, no clue what it is, rotate, retrace, seeing something else, no clue what it is, feeling completely stumped and kind of pathetic because so many people got it fairly quickly.

The silver lining- well, heck, a lotta people got it, there is hope! I just need to keep looking at it....
I am feeling this pain so much right now. I swear I see something, but what the heck is it? If I can't figure it tomorrow afternoon I'm just going to throw in a wild and crazy guess.
it's a good thing I didn't submit the first thing I saw, since now that I'm done tinkering, I'm pretty sure of what it is, and what it is is not what I first would of guessed
I am feeling this pain so much right now. I swear I see something, but what the heck is it? If I can't figure it tomorrow afternoon I'm just going to throw in a wild and crazy guess.

Lol, same. I feel like I just don't know the character, maybe, but I'm still gonna stare at it a bunch today when I can...
Win some, lose some. Maybe next week's puzzles will be easier.
I feel like I've made no progress on this outside of inventing new characters again. Nintendo should hire me at this point.

edit: ended up just submitting my best guess because it's not getting any better.
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This is so difficult, especially since idk many characters from Nintendo. I gave it a shot though, let’s see if I’m even close.
This is so difficult, especially since idk many characters from Nintendo. I gave it a shot though, let’s see if I’m even close.
Well I just did the shot, fingers crossed, least I can stop staring at it now. But I probably won't, and then suddenly it'll click, but too late! 😅
Round 6 of Mysteries of the Monolith has ended!


No, not Li'l Judd. Sorry. But yes, I did horizontally flip him. Teehee.

Congratulations to @lieryl for submitting the correct answer first to win the Enchanted Bloom Collectible!

Submissions will be accepted within the next 24 hours.
I will post once again after submissions are accepted.

Correct submissions have been accepted!
If you had the correct answer but your submissions wasn't accepted yet, please post in the Contact the Staff board and let me know.​

Round 7 will begin on Sunday at 7PM Fair time. See you then!
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